Punish the liberals


New member
Mar 10, 2004
When the liberals from Ontario come knocking on your door asking for your support for their liberal federal cousins tell them what you think of liberal promises.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
americanson said:
Any chance of Harper, Mckay et all being elected next mnoth?
It depends whether people buy into the Liberals' attack ads. Rather than providing us with reasons to vote for them, they've opted to just demonize Harper.

I truly do enjoy them and would swap the likes of Bill And Hillary, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Noam Chomsky, And Michael Moore. But then again I love Canada so why would I wanna do that to you guys? Food for thought.
You can keep Hillary and Sharpton. How about Cheryl Gallant (wacko Conservative MP) and Peter MacKay for the rest?

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
I say we put the Liberals in burlap sacks and beat them with meat helmets that we made on arts and craft day

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
americanson said:
Never heard of gallant but anything is an improvement over O'Reilly. Yes I know he's a rightie but he's one of the few exceptions who I can't stand.
Gallant is a lovely MP best known for shouting "Where's your boyfriend" to our then Defence Minister as he gave a speech in the House of Commons. She topped that ignorance last week, though, and how!

Standing outside on Parliament Hill, she began to discuss the Nick Berg beheading. After calling it a tragedy, she then turned, pointed towards downtown Ottawa and stated (this is a paraphrase, I don't have the exact quote) of course, its no different than what happens in abortion clinics down there every day.

Yes, she compared women who get abortions (and the doctors who perform them) to the sick fucks who beheaded Nick Berg.

Nice, eh?


Active member
May 25, 2002
eyeofthedragon said:
I just wish Mike Harris would run for PM
Do you like pay a fortune for hydro executives?

Do you like secrect deals to benefit the few?
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Yes, Gallant is a sad case. She reperesents rural Eastern Ontario (the bucolic Ottwaw Valley, one of my favourite places on earth) which for years had voted Liberal and for years had been ignored by both the Federal and Provincial governments as the local economy slowly crumbled. Their solution was a protest vote for Gallant - a complete moron, as you can see from Shake's post, to which I would add that she supported Stockwell Day to the bitter end.


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
And to add insult to injury, our boy "Dalton" has stated that he did the right thing in lying to the people... or he would never have been elected... you thunk..


New member
Mar 10, 2004
americanson said:
Hey Borg. Any chance of Harper, Mckay et all being elected next mnoth? I
Unfortunately I don’t think they will be elected. Even with the sponsorship scandal where the Liberals “lost” $250 million, polls show that support for them is still high.

In fact the last poll conducted suggests that if an election were held today the Liberals would win another majority government, aka 4 year dictatorship.


Dec 22, 2001
borg007 said:
Unfortunately I don’t think they will be elected. Even with the sponsorship scandal where the Liberals “lost” $250 million, polls show that support for them is still high.

In fact the last poll conducted suggests that if an election were held today the Liberals would win another majority government, aka 4 year dictatorship.
My question to this is,why?? For the life of me I cant see why the people of this country are so in love with the godamned Liberals,theyve done NOTHING to deserve reelection,they waste our money,they are soft on crime( the so called Youth Justice Act comes to mind) the whole party is full of corruption and fraud,and this is just for starters,Steven Harper and the new Conservative party would be a much better choice,lets see people give them a chance instead of reelecting an arrogant bunch of wasteful bums!!


Active member
May 25, 2002
Dan****an said:
My question to this is,why?? For the life of me I cant see why the people of this country are so in love with the godamned Liberals,theyve done NOTHING to deserve reelection,they waste our money,they are soft on crime( the so called Youth Justice Act comes to mind) the whole party is full of corruption and fraud,and this is just for starters,Steven Harper and the new Conservative party would be a much better choice,lets see people give them a chance instead of reelecting an arrogant bunch of wasteful bums!!

As opposed to the people who would involve us in an unjust war
and would gut our social programs
make cosy deals with their friends and supporters.


New member
Mar 10, 2004
guelph said:
As opposed to the people who would involve us in an unjust war
and would gut our social programs
make cosy deals with their friends and supporters.
Cutting social programs is not always bad. Look at the number of people on welfare before Harris cut it. Currently there are less than 180,000 people on welfare thanks to him.

And please don’t reply by telling me that all the people who left the welfare are now living on the streets. I know that is one of the liberals/NDP’s favourite things to say, but come on the number of homeless did not go up by hundreds of thousand over the last few years. Where did all these people go? They got Jobs.

Don’t believe me. I know a person who graduated during the Ray days and chose to go on welfare rather then get a job as a teacher. Her rationale was between the money she made selling home made crafts (tax free she wasn’t going to be supporting any social programs) and the money she made on welfare she was better off. Did she make more than working as a teacher, no but she has a lot more free time to enjoy life. Shortly after Harris cut her “ paycheck” she got a job at a law firm.


Active member
May 25, 2002
americanson said:
With all due respect guelph, after Saddam was caught the libs were whining that they weren't being let in on reconstruction contracts in Iraq. If anyone in Canada deserved to profit on them it would have to be the alliance, former pm Brian Mulroney, Mike Harris, Ernie Eaves etc. Obvious reasons.
Liberals DID NOT whine or comment about not being let in on the reconstruction - did in fact offer foreign aid of several hundred million.

Will you tell me why that should go to American firms.

If any American did what Brian Mulroney, Ernie Eves and Steven Harper did ie publicly support a foreign government - in the US they would have labled a traitor and severely scantioned so why should Canadians look upon them as heros.


New member
Mar 10, 2004
guelph said:
As opposed to the people who would involve us in an unjust war
and would gut our social programs
make cosy deals with their friends and supporters.
As for you comment on the unjust war let me say the following. There are few people in the world that do not agree with the war in Afghanistan. After all the Americans were attached first, it was their right to defend themselves right.

Now imagine things had happened in a different order. The US government discovers the terrorist plot and stops it. In order to deter future terrorist attaches they invaded Afghanistan in a attempt to weed out terrorist activates. Would the world still call it a just war? No they wouldn’t.

This is no different from what has happened in Iraq. Had the terrorists formed an alliance with Saddam and killed a couple of thousand Americans by using chemical weapons supplied by Saddam then the world would have seen this as a just was would it not?


Active member
May 25, 2002
borg007 said:
Cutting social programs is not always bad. Look at the number of people on welfare before Harris cut it. Currently there are less than 180,000 people on welfare thanks to him.

Why do you ignore the facts. Harris spent more than 2,000,000 on an consulting study / audit to find virtually no fraud.

You assume the upswing in the economy had nothing to do with more low end jobs being available and therefore people were able to get off welfare.

Don forget - Harris tried reduce the number of nurses in hospitals calling them obsolete only to find that after his cuts, there was a shortage and hospitals were forced to hire agency nurses at double and triple the wage rate of employees!

What did Harris & Co do the schools and teachers - much the same.

Under the Harris conservatives only US Hydro electric consultants were supposed to have high paying secure jobs.


New member
Mar 10, 2004
guelph said:
Why do you ignore the facts.
You assume the upswing in the economy had nothing to do with more low end jobs being available and therefore people were able to get off welfare.

We are not talking about good paying jobs or bad paying jobs we are talking about people not wanting to work. You do the math. $600 per month on welfare or $1080 a month ($6 an hour 40 hours per week approximately 4.5 weeks in a month) which is better I’d take the 1080 a month. Problem is may people with few financial obligations would rather stay at home and watch TV them work for minimum wages.


New member
Mar 10, 2004
guelph said:
Why do you ignore the facts. Harris spent more than 2,000,000 on an consulting study / audit to find virtually no fraud.

Under the Harris conservatives only US Hydro electric consultants were supposed to have high paying secure jobs.
So I guess your saying that Harris spends good money after bad for stupid causes.

Oh and what is the issue with the hydro consultants. What about the issue with the gun registry? Why don’t you bring that up? Tell us was it within the budget? Did it reduce gun crime? Who knows maybe it did. All those law abiding citizens that register their guns are now to afraid to go out an commit crimes. I guess we are better off.

Oh and what about the sponsorship scandal? Are you in favour of that just because the Libral are behind it. Why don’t you tell us how many schools that wasted money could have built? Why don’t you tell us the kinds of social programs that could have been put in place with that money. How may children would be able to receive a free meal at school with that kind of funding? I’m not sure would you care to comment.

Do these things mean the Liberals are as bad as old man Harris? I don’t know why don’t you tell us? We love to hear your take on the matter.


New member
Mar 10, 2004
guelph said:
Liberals DID NOT whine or comment about not being let in on the reconstruction - did in fact offer foreign aid of several hundred million.

Will you tell me why that should go to American firms.

First they did wine about it.

Second why should the Americans get to do all the reconstruction? I don’t know you tell me. I’ll put this in simple terms that you can understand.

Imagine you are a contractor and so am I. Your best friend’s house has just been invaded by a bunch of drunk teens. They are vandalizing the place and trying to rape his wife and daughter. You and your friend are sitting outside when this happens. He jumps up and storms in to stop all the trashing and vandalizing that is going on. You decide to stay outside where it is safe, but I happen to be passing along realize what is happening and go in after him to help him. Once it is all said and done I offer to put in a quote to fix the place up. As for you rush up to your friends’ side and also offer to put in a quote only to hear: “don’t bother I’m not giving you any money or any contract to fix up the place. Would this surprise you? Probably not.

This is what the Americans are doing. They took the risks they have to repay the rebuilding fees so they are not willing to give the money to someone who stood by and did nothing. Is this simple enough for you to understand or do you need more help?
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