Psycho-bitch commuter gets probation for throwing scalding coffee in man's face.


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
From today's Globe and Mail.

Damn, no jail time. I just don't get it.

Even if she serves on weekends she's gotta do some time.

To the victim, you should be able to get a civil judgement and seize her car, house etc. if she doesn't pay.

Woman averts jail time for tossing coffee at man 'Either she's insane or she's evil,' judge says in handing commuter 12 months probation plus fines for burning victim in morning rush June 2, 2009 By ANTHONY REINHART
It was another Wednesday and another morning commute for Michael Beline, elementary school teacher, when he left his Toronto home and headed downtown to catch a GO train on April 9, 2008.

New on the job at a school in Pickering, Ont., east of Toronto, Mr. Beline, 30, dreaded the daily crush at Union Station, but was eager to get to work as he made for platform 4A.

Then, from behind, a woman's voice: "Don't you fucking cut me off."

He turned around and it hit him in the face: a scalding torrent of coffee, thrown from a near-full cup by Christine Bedford, a white-haired, 58-year-old administrative professional.

Had Ms. Bedford drunk the coffee and not thrown it, things surely would have turned out better for both of them. Instead, Mr. Beline suffered second-degree burns and Ms. Bedford wound up before a judge in Toronto yesterday, where she pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm.

In the process, she endured her own hot splash of invective from Mr. Justice Bruno Cavion of the Ontario Court of Justice.

"Either she's insane or she's evil; which one is it?" Judge Cavion shouted at Ms. Bedford's lawyer, Stephanie Heyens, who apparently was not explaining her client's actions quickly enough for the judge.

Ms. Heyens replied that Mr. Beline "jostled her and cut her off in a manner that caused her to get upset." As a result, Ms. Bedford simply lost it, and in "an impulsive act," threw her coffee at him.

Spontaneous as it was, the act came with lasting consequences for both commuters. Ms. Bedford, who had made it to late middle age without ever having a brush with the law, received a suspended sentence of 12 months probation, and was ordered to pay $1,500 in restitution and make a $500 donation to the hospital charity of her choice.

Judge Cavion acknowledged her clean prior record, but implied she was lucky not to wind up behind bars. "Believe me, 30 to 60 days in jail would not be shocking to most people."

Mr. Beline continued on his trip to work that day, but a colleague aboard the train spotted him, saw his skin blistering and said, "This is a major problem." He went to hospital within hours, was off work for two weeks, and needed three more rounds of treatment before his face healed.

"I'm a little tense now going to work in the morning," he said, adding he had difficulty being near people with coffee, and still can't stomach breakfast. He spent last summer out of the sun or under a Tilley hat due to his burns, which doctors said will boost his susceptibility to skin cancer.

"It ruined a lot for me," Mr. Beline said, explaining that he agreed to go public with his name and photograph as a kind of anti-bullying statement, similar to those he makes to the children at his school.

"I'm happy today with what happened."


New member
Nov 22, 2006
Not just a 12 month probation, but a suspended sentence, which from what I understand is that she does nothing, as long as she behaves herself and doesn't get into more legal trouble. Excuse me, but that's ridiculous! I hope the guy sues her for his pain and suffering, and that she pays for the crime financially, if not through the justice system!

It baffles the mind sometimes, as to the sentences handed down. Someone else does something like have a little weed in his possession, and gets a harsher sentence than someone who bodily harms someone in a very painful way! What happens if this guy gets skin cancer down the road because of this (as the doctor mentioned, he is highly susceptible because of the burns).

The sentence handed down is simply ridiculous, and not fair to him or to our society as an example IMHO.


New member
Apr 21, 2003
strange that there was no mention of an arrest on the spot and him refusing first aid until later. Something just seams strange that he would continue on to work after the incident.

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
Mao Tse Tongue said:
If she threw coffee in my face over something unprovoked like that, I'd knock her right the fuck out. That is just incredible.
Even if it was provoked I'd knock her out. Poor guy.. I can't believe she's not in jail though. That's a serious assault. I wonder what his face looks like now.


Mar 31, 2009
They should ban coffee from all public transit. A few years ago, a woman on the subway platform stumbled carrying a cup of coffee and spilled some of that stuff on my nice suit.

Can't the injured party also sue GO Transit?


New member
Oct 28, 2006
kevdidit said:
strange that there was no mention of an arrest on the spot and him refusing first aid until later. Something just seams strange that he would continue on to work after the incident.
He was on his way to a new job.

I'd imagine that unless he was about to croak, he felt a duty to show up for work to impress a new employer.

If he had some seniority, he would probably have some breathing room.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
anyone else 90% sure they've been in the subway with this bitch before? She sounds a lot like a psycho lady I've seen a couple times threaten guys for no reason anyone could figure out, how many crazy middle ages women are there in this city.

The answer is lots, but still!


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Once witnessed a similar incident in the Pape subway station. A 250lb young woman couldn't make change to pay her fare and others were ready to pass through. Ahead of me a man waited about 30 seconds, and then finally excused himself politely, paid, and passed through the turnstile without so much as touching or even making brushing contact with her. Shortly after, she threw her shoe at him. Hit him in the temple. A small trickle of blood down the side of his face and he released the fury. She took two fists to her face and dropped to the ground. Noone -- staff, passersby, or the assailant herself -- noone responded or even intervened. There was no security on premises. He descended the stairs and boarded a train and it was over. That was 11 years ago. I was content not to intervene that day --though not proud to admit it. I don't support assaulting women. I do support self defense. That day I believed I saw justice served swiftly.


Mar 31, 2009
gramage said:
anyone else 90% sure they've been in the subway with this bitch before?
The nutcases are migrating from the streets to the subway. One day she will run into a paroled ax murderer and they will find her dead body lying on the tracks.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
What was her past record? If this was the first time she ever broke the law and it was just a snap decision-not premeditated it sounds about right..probation isn't like fun.

We don't know how bad the guy was hurt...that is the biggie. If the coffee was in her cup a few mins it cooled off a bit.

If it happen to me and IF I felt I wasn't hurt too bad, I would be fine with what the court did...if she snaps again then she get some time.


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Too bad her victim wasn't the Greyhound bus guy, woulda decapitated her for sure.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
SkyRider said:
The nutcases are migrating from the streets to the subway. One day she will run into a paroled ax murderer and they will find her dead body lying on the tracks.
Oh you've met Mitch the gas sniffer?

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
rafterman said:
From today's Globe and Mail.

Damn, no jail time. I just don't get it.


Well the victim said...."I'm happy today with what happened."

He was the one injure and has a say in her sentence.

It is likely she will not do it again...but if so the courts will know its not the first time.

I think she should had to give him like $5,000...not $1,500.

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
S.C. Joe said:
We don't know how bad the guy was hurt...that is the biggie. If the coffee was in her cup a few mins it cooled off a bit.
uh did you even read the article posted?

"a scalding torrent of coffee"

2nd degree burns. blisters..

"This is a major problem." He went to hospital within hours, was off work for two weeks, and needed three more rounds of treatment before his face healed.

Maybe he can sue mcdonalds or whomever sold her the scalding coffee.. like that woman did who scalded her lap some years ago.


New member
Nov 22, 2006
S.C. Joe said:
What was her past record? If this was the first time she ever broke the law and it was just a snap decision-not premeditated it sounds about right..probation isn't like fun.
The sentence (I use the term loosely, because I don't think it applies this time!) was for a suspended sentence, with one year probation. From what I understand, she doesn't even have to serve the one year probation, because it was a suspended sentence.

This guy suffered far more than someone punching him in the face. Burns hurt like hell, and the pain lasts for a long time. A punch in the head's pain goes away in hours, or maybe a day if there is serious bruising, but a 2nd degree facial burn....ouch...I can't even imagine! One thing not mentioned was whether or not he received permanent facial scarring. Then this ridiculous sentence is even more of a joke!


New member
Feb 3, 2002
S.C. Joe said:
It is likely she will not do it again.
Based on what? I don't doubt she's done stuff like this before and gotten away with it (burning someone's face isn't typically a first violent action) and given the lack of punishment for this it's as likely she feels free to do whatever she wants as deterred.
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