So if we don’t air out the bad behaviour… we just ignore it and let it continue?Fair enough. My concern of people taking their ball and going home because a few players are making it not fun for them remains. Why air it out in the thread? Seems like they want others to quit with them. Participate, or don't,. It really doesn't matter, but bringing this out for everyone seems to be trying to sour everyone on the experience. There are some great scenarios presented and I am sure there are some fantastic bids. Let it play out. No need to make this a public dispute spewing negativity.
No, I hope this helps clients reflect on how they choose to participate. I’m sorry if you don’t agree, or don’t like people shedding light on these issues. This is a pretty unique case considering it’s an auction for charity. But it’s also reflective of the poor behaviours many providers have to just “deal with” as part of the job.
We’ll still raise money for charity regardless of this auction or not.
It would just be nice to see the same respect, enthusiasm and support from members on this board. Especially considering members would be getting a pretty fantastic return out of winning one of these bids.
And if you aren’t participating by making a bid, why are you butthurt about us calling out the “bad players” here? You have no skin in the game.