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Proud Boys Canada ‘officially dissolved,’ group says, after Ottawa labelled it a terrorist organization


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
Those are the warning signs of the blood clot reaction. I thought you had 5 new side effects or something.

No, not really. Do you want a list of symptoms of severe COVID-19?
I can put them in 24-point type if you like.

You're the one preaching, dude. I'm just explaining the reality.

Probably very few, since the nurses have been clearly explaining these side effects and their warning signs since the beginning.
Fuck, they put them on the vaccination sheet they give you as a reminder. They've been doing that for months now, probably since the very beginning.

They did.
It's why they paused the trial last November, remember?
This has never been hidden.
Is this what DENIAL looks like?? 🤣 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Severe covid......yea sure. HOw many people get the SEVERE covid vs those that dont?? CAn you please show me your evidence and stats on that??? I bet you cant!

Sir, those are the NEW side effects listed. Thats why they PAUSED the AZ dose. They NEVER once came out in the past months telling you about them. Heck, they were hesitant on letting the people know about the clots till other countries started talking about it!! I only wish they reported the true death numbers after the jab but just like these new symptoms that you need to go to the emergency room for, not your family docotr if you have any one of them, it will be covered up till other countries cant contain the death numbers via vaccine.

Even when the facts are literally listed in front of you, it seems those who git the AZ shot still think the risks outweigh the benefits??? Tsk tsk.

Please remind me how the sniffles for a few days is more dangerous than a blood clot, the side effects listed above or even DEATH????


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
I give you an A for effort but an F for comprehension and execution.

Possible side effects from taking any type of medication is not the same thing as symptoms of taking the medication. Better yet, tell us what you take and one of your friendly fellow terbies will be happy to break the bad news to you that you are taking all kinds of serious risks by popping those pills.

Find me any medication that doesn't have potential side effects. Here's what could happen if you take Flintstone vitamins: Constipation, diarrhea, or upset stomach may occur. These effects are usually temporary and may disappear as your body adjusts to this medication. If any of these effects persist or worsen, contact your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

You knew the potential side effects of AZ????? I am over fucking whelmed! It's amazing that you knew about the potential blood clots that have been reported for months! Amazing! Who are your sources? :rolleyes:

Many members have told you walking bio-hazards of the risks involved with a vaccine developed in less than 6 months. We posted sources and were either banned, had the post removed or simply laughed at.

Would you buy a new model vehicle produced in less than 6 months WITHOUT a warranty?


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021
Many members have told you walking bio-hazards of the risks involved with a vaccine developed in less than 6 months. We posted sources and were either banned, had the post removed or simply laughed at.

Would you buy a new model vehicle produced in less than 6 months WITHOUT a warranty?
The vaccines didn't come from scratch, the foundation of the vaccines were already in development.

"Dr. Eric J. Yager, an associate professor of microbiology at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Albany, NY, told MNT that scientists have been studying coronaviruses for over 50 years. This meant scientists had existing data on the structure, genome, and life cycle of this type of virus."

If buying a new car built yesterday would likely save me from a killer pandemic then I would buy one for me and each of my loved ones. Keep the warranty and keep the change.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Is this what DENIAL looks like?? 🤣 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Severe covid......yea sure. HOw many people get the SEVERE covid vs those that dont?? CAn you please show me your evidence and stats on that??? I bet you cant!
Why would you think that?

Case fatality by country ranges from well below 1% to almost 10%.

The CDC has a shade under 5% of COVID cases ending up in hospital, which is as good a measure as any for severity. So basically 1 in 20 get severe disease.

Sir, those are the NEW side effects listed.
Those are the side effects listed on the sheet of everyone I know who got the AZ shot over a month ago.

They NEVER once came out in the past months telling you about them. Heck, they were hesitant on letting the people know about the clots till other countries started talking about it!!
Do you not remember that they stopped the entire trial back in November due to the clotting?
This was always known.

I only wish they reported the true death numbers after the jab but just like these new symptoms that you need to go to the emergency room for, not your family docotr if you have any one of them, it will be covered up till other countries cant contain the death numbers via vaccine.
I like that you already have an answer for why you won't see the numbers you want.
If AZ actually results in a spike of deaths, it will be fucking EVERYWHERE.

Even when the facts are literally listed in front of you, it seems those who git the AZ shot still think the risks outweigh the benefits??? Tsk tsk.
Depending on the situation, it may or may not.

Please remind me how the sniffles for a few days is more dangerous than a blood clot, the side effects listed above or even DEATH????
It isn't. That's would be silly.
But that's not the risk benefit calculation, is it?
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Why would you think that?

Case fatality by country ranges from well below 1% to almost 10%.

The CDC has a shade under 5% of COVID cases ending up in hospital, which is as good a measure as any for severity. So basically 1 in 20 get severe disease.

Those are the side effects listed on the sheet of everyone I know who got the AZ shot over a month ago.

Do you not remember that they stopped the entire trial back in November due to the clotting?
This was always known.

I like that you already have an answer for why you won't see the numbers you want.
If AZ actually results in a spike of deaths, it will be fucking EVERYWHERE.

Depending on the situation, it may or may not.

It isn't. That's would be silly.
But that's not the risk benefit calculation, is it?
Stop being such a Sheep! 🐑

Learn t think for yourself.

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