Professions for Johnny


New member
Jan 18, 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This post is self-censored. I am performing this virtual self mutilation because the gallant, educated, and always right moderator - or perhaps a minion bot - deleted a previous post. This because I dared to use the gee golly shock horror term
"b!tc#". My oh my. I do declare. Aren't we a dainty lot, offended by the most common of words. And to top it off, I meant it in a good way.

It appears that this forum, like just about all Internet h**k$r review boards has degenerated into nothing more than a marketing forum for glorified se_me_ receptacles, and by a quick sample of even the professionally shot photos, most of these women are not "fantasy girls". I know we're all God's children and all that, but considering how hard women are on men, and even on other women, I dare say, it's about time men started to call a spade a spade.

Consider the enormous amounts that women can make from pr*stitution. Is it to much to ask the average h*rnd*g to whack it so he doesn't blow his wad (of cash) on something that does not and should not come close to his expectations.

However, I am not optimistic that I can successfully alter other people's behaviour. People once inclined toward stupidity are hard to dissuade. Hence voices in their heads sound like the voices of reason. The result: delusion such as that the common voter can grasp nay change the policy matters that affect the destiny of his nation, or even richer that he is anything more, ultimately, than a transfer mechanism for genetic code in a wide context (John may never procreate but his bro Johnny might).

True rebellion has to do with rebelling against nature's design. Therefore, the concept that women could ever be worthy of renumeration even approaching that paid to a man, that's a pretty earth shaking concept. It's also twisted enough that in time it will destroy whole societies, leading to a "new" paradigm, the olde tyme religion by some new funky name. Of course, that is not how it will be presented at the time, long after we're all compost. No, there will probably be some "scientific" explanation. The simple fact is if you alter the assumptions that society has been based on for eternity, you're going to change a few other things as well. I think we see that in the divorce rate. But I digress.

If John wants to blow his cash on these "dream girls" because he can't find an honest review for all the White Knights that shout down the hint of objectivity and go off topic in every thread, because the standards for aesthetic appearance are so low that Condoleeza Rice could pass for Florence Griffith, because performance is considered an act of charity, because the mere tolerance of cash dispensing men by street women is immensely kind, if he wants to spend his rainy day cancer funds on the "hobby" perhaps harboring the fantasy that she'll fall in love with him and her children will care for him in his old age, what line of work should John be in so that he can make enough or more to satisfy his hunger. Say he wants to earn at just the rate of an average escort. That works out to $5000 to $8000 after taxes take home per month - working part time. Part time is anything less than 35 hours a week, so even at 20 hours, at a "profit" of $100 per hour dispensing with opportunity cost, cost of "supplies", self maintenance and regular non-surgical cosmetic procedures, conscientious medical supervision and testing (I am gooood!), a rigorous fitness and diet program, transportation, advertising and adminsitrative costs, $180 is too generous. In fact, I expect the margin to be greater than that stated above. But let's stick with $100 pure profit.

The question is, John wants to earn as much as his lady of the red light. The line of work cannot be outright illegal or dangerous. Escorting is neither, although there is a hint of risk, I'll grant that. Therefore, the old yobbish grunt of "become a drug dealer" is out. And whoever though that should sober up. Lawyer, Doctor, Politician, these all take time and training. So let provide this guideline. The barrier to entry should be as low or lower than escorting or massage service, and the skills should be equal to those demonstrated by providers reviewed on this board, and the effort should likewise be equivalent. What work does John do to make as much money?


New member
Nov 25, 2003
Sales, but you'd have to be more cordial and less bitchy

*This may be me as a Pot talking to a Kettle tho*

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
Start a pyramid scheme, move around a couple of times to avoid capture, and voila, yer rich.


Luck comes to those who work hard! ;)


New member
Jan 18, 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Re: 20 hours a week?

Anya said:
Who the hell works 20 hours a week in this business?? The idea, sweetie, of making more per hour is to work fewer hours. And there are male SPs out there these days, why don't you try your hand at it? Or don't you fall into that "fantasy man" category?

So sorry, by the way, about whoever broke your heart and made you so bitter towards women. The fact of the matter is, the ladies on this board are already earning a living at what they're doing - nobody had to ask for your approval, or whether or not you thought they were worthy of being paid for. Is reality such a tough pill to swallow?

No, no man is a fantasy man. But every woman today apparently is. The end is nigh. I mean it has really hit the fan.

The standards are indeed higher for men than for women. Frank confessions by more than one manager - acquaintances of mine, not supervisors - have let me know, in no uncertain words, that women in the workplace are treated with kid gloves. Kinda like Dubya Bush by the Canadian media. It seems fair, but really, they are pulling their punches. Of course, women can be as capable as men, but they usually are not despite the favoritism in the workplace.

The trouble is that that the workplace is not merely the only place where this happens. It happens everywhere. And true to habit and form, you've just taken the bait. A knee jerk sideways questioning of my manhood. Sweetie, I couldn't care less. I've been around. I know the dance. So keep that Oprah-DrPhil pop-psych to yourself: what makes you so bitter to women cr*p. What makes me so charitable to stupid people is the real question.

And "John" is everyjohn. Not me. I want all working stiffs, all little boys who never grew up enough to be sensible, I want all the sweet b*st*rds to do well. I mean call me weak for being a softie, but (sobbing) I love you guys man!


Jun 3, 2002
Don't bother folks.

He's asking the questions, but he's already rejected all the answers.

Life's unfair. Live with it or don't.


New member
Jan 18, 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Re: Too funny

Anya said:
You're too funny, countstudly my dear, you really do need help.


I'm funny how? I mean, I'm funny like a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to f**kin' amuse you? How the f%%k am I funny? What the f$$k is so funny about me? Tell me, tell me what's funny.


Lucifer's Assistant
Nov 26, 2003
Hell. Where Else?
Agreed with Anya. Sounds like Mr. Studly (cough) has been jilted. Can you say bitter? Maybe passed over for promotion because he's too much of a prick?


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Re: Re: Too funny

countstudly said:
I'm funny how? I mean, I'm funny like a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to f**kin' amuse you? How the f%%k am I funny? What the f$$k is so funny about me? Tell me, tell me what's funny.
Now, THAT'S funny! :D
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