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Problems getting it up


New member
Dec 8, 2003
Any of you guys get this with a mpa or sp?
It can really cut the session short and you still have to pay!
What do you guys do?


New member
Sep 11, 2003
Lie back, relax, and enjoy the massage.

Forget about money. Forget about performance anxiety. Forget about your work, your car repairs and that girl in high school who wouldn't look your way.

Get to know your SP or MPA. Really listen to her. Encourage conversation. Share a joke or two. Look at her. Enjoy the liberal nature of Canada's laws.

And if none of that works, then at least you'll have spent time with an engaging, naked woman.

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
I just cry


New member
Jan 31, 2003
My mini me has very short attention span. But once the sp starts breast feeding me, mini me will wake up and be all ready to go places.
You know the old saying... There's only two kinds of guys that don't occassionally suffer from the dreaded ED... 18 year olds, and liars. Personally, the firmness of Little Stooey is determined at least as much by emotional attachment as physical appeal. As Arfur points out above, it can take a while to develop any sort of "bond" with an SP and even more so in an MP situation I find. That's one of the reasons I prefer to see a couple of "regular" SPs where there is some emotional attachment (They love my money, I love their bodies...)


Member with a member
Jan 11, 2003
In my chair
I thought if you went to see a SP or MPA it was because you're horny, ie, in that state getting wood shouldn't be a problem.

If not in a horny mood, why go?


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2003
I just cry and blame myself (because she probably thinks you are such a big j**k that you probably dumb as your wood. She would probably laugh at me as she earns the keep without a sweat). Then I will try my very best to eat her out.

As far as whether you should be in horny mood, that is not THE issue. The issue is you are pretty nervous and scared since there is no way you can tell whether she really feels "good" with you. Plus, you don't want to let her down, especially when she is very beautiful as a package or this is your first time.

The big blue pill, I have tried before just in case my wood does not work, it works albeit in longer time to kick in. Maybe Crestor helps. Kind of sad since I am not in middle-aged.

BTW, if a guy has receding hair line fast and he takes propecia, there is a side effect that the guy will have sexual dysfunction. Let's face it, why would the girls like receding hair or bald head young guy? Unless he is very wealthy.

Ladies, wouldn't be nice to earn the keep that easy when occasionally you have these types of clients?


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
I agree, its good to find a lady that you are comfortable with, one you can easily talk to (and that's good to look at).

Big Blue certainly helps, as does the occasional SAM before the session (something about Mary), if you're suffering from ED. Remember those Kegels to strengthen your PC muscles, it can save a lot of embarassment.


Original..Non Original
Jul 19, 2002
In Someones Will Hopefully!
I don't have a problem getting it up , just a problem finding it

That is too funny...hope i spelt 2 write

When you start to think about what a big man you are
... enjoy the smell ...the softness...their hair...panties..thats a big one..all women are not perfect but there is some real sweethearts for sure just enjoy...... cause they are more important then men in the big schemee ....and whether you bloow you load is imaterial


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
thelonesilver said:
I like to use the ol blue pill. It gives them a run for their money, cause I don't *** as fast.
Apparently there's a new one on the market, and this place bestmojo@hotmail.com, is selling it pretty discreetly and cheaply.
Just ask em.
Could a moderator ban this person. This person also sent me an ad via PM for this "new one on the market"....

The Milk Man

Extreme Lactophyle
Aug 18, 2001
Hmmmmmm.....This is an interesting topic...

Guys, the secret to attaining a rock hard woody, that will never let you down, is breastmilk... That's it!. 3:8P

No, on a more serious note. I've found that ED is mostly a psychological thing... for me anyway. If I'm with a person I'm attached to, I perform like the porn star Ron Jeremy. I can turn my woody on like a light switch and ejaculate on command.... no matter how I'm feeling. In other words, my woody never lets me down. However, with SPs and the lot... I find it very difficult, to near impossible to bring on an erection or even cum... No matter how choice looking they are. That's why I don't bother with SPs and MPA's.

I know the following factors are major contributors as to why I'm
turned off, and woody prefers to stay sleeping.

1. The notion, of having to pay for sex... Almost an insult...
TURN OFF! 3:8(

2. The notion, of knowing that I only want sex, and she only wants my money... (The true joy of sex is, when you both really want to phuck each other like an animal). Other wise...
TURN OFF! 3:8(

3. The notion, of time limits (watching the clock) or SOG limits...
TURN OFF! 3:8(

4. The notion, that her hole has been visited by a line up of men
longer than highway 401.... TURN OFF! 3:8(

5. The notion, that she's only just role playing or pretending to
dig me, so that I'll come back and feed her more money...
TURN OFF! 3:8(

6. Some girls wreak of just bizniz... MAJOR TURN OFF! 3:8((

7. The thought or reality of catching an STD from one of these high mileage girls seems way more likely.... TURN OFF! 3:8(

8. Having to use a condom (A must with Sps etc.)... Kills most of the fun... (not real sex..virtual sex)... TURN OFF! 3:8(

9. Then, there are the obvious cold and mechanical bitches....
Not to mention, rip off artists... I smell them from 1000 feet
away... INSTANT TURN OFF! 3:8(

10. Basically, I'm not part of this matrix. I've gotta grove with a
real person, not just a thing called lollipop or a fantasy.
That's reserved for masturbation.

However, even after saying all this... There's something very
different about the girls who offer milkmaid service.... I usually
don't get all the flags popping up, and there's something very
different about the whole experience... Something more sensual
and affectionate. I get off big time, and I don't even need to phuck'em. Also, the thought of paying for the milk doesn't bug
me as much....since it is such a rare treat.... Unlike regular everyday sex.

Dudes, you gotta dig deep and realize what's keeping that switch in the off position... I've found my demons, and I don't need doctor Ruth or Big blue to help me. I just stay away from the waste of time all together. That way, woody is always happy and ready to work... It saves me money and frustration. As for the dudes with physical issues... well, I wish you luck in finding a remedy that works. This is my angle, and I make no judgments upon you all... To each their own... That's all folks.... 3:8))

Ps. Gals in the biz... If I've insulted any of you, I'm sorry..... I know you've gotta eat. However, I'm just speaking my mind.

Reward: $80,000 goes to the SP,MPA, or stripper who can make me cum within a 1 hour time slot.... What a minute??...
what am I doing?... I already know there will be no winner...
This contest is redundant.... Sorry gals... Contest cancelled 3;8P
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