Mirage Escorts
Toronto Escorts

Probably inappropriate, but pouring my heart out anyway.

I have had such wonderful experiences in Canada that I am going to abandon my traditional "Business" approach, the "Everything's fine and wonderful approach, and share with you why I had to cancel my last trip.

Additionally, I would like to thank those who offered your moral/emotional support during this difficult time for me.

The Event:

Some of this will be difficult to read.

Once upon a time, before I knew what the hobby was, I met a really nice gentleman who worked a lot out of Toronto. We shall call him "Bill." I visited Bill in TO, a couple years ago in Feb., and essentially fell in love with TO then.

We dated, and still do sometimes, but due to his extensive travel for his job, we drifted into being just friends, although very close friends. I eventually discovered the hobby, he knows and is ok with it... Whatever relevance that may have. I found that necessary to state for some strange reason.

Anyway, He called me on the day I was supposed to depart and told me his brother had taken his life in Bills home. Bill's brother used a shotgun. I went to assist, and the visions/cleanup still give me nightmares.

I assisted my friend physically, emotionally and financially, and I will never regret it.

I would like to come back to TO because I have always liked it there, and I think the break would do wonders for me.

The unfortunate reality is that if/when I do come, I need to ensure it is a financial success. So, as horrible as this sounds, I need to know which area of TO will work the best for this. I always love downtown, however the expenses there are too high right now. Would I be ok visiting Missisagua?

Thank you so much for your time and assistance.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Sorry to hear you had to go through this.........my heart is with you.

As for your question, Missisauga is in DIRE need of quality SP's so I think you will do incredibly well there.
Morgan...My deepest condolences...
Life..no mater how difficult, Should be worth living..at all costs.
I have seen similar events..and was always deeply effected by the persons desire to stop living.
Quite frankly..I hope your friend's brother finds eternal happy-ness beyond
A simple Catholic Prayer..

"Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord ,
And let perpetual light shine upon them,
May their soul, and all the souls of the faithfully depated
through the Mercy of God,
Rest in Peace."
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts