Your ideas haven't evolved from this, have they?Another thing that’s disappointing is western civilization trying to lick the savages ass and bite their own ass at the same time
Your ideas haven't evolved from this, have they?Another thing that’s disappointing is western civilization trying to lick the savages ass and bite their own ass at the same time
The video in the article you linked.Not sure which video you’re talking about but if you are talking about people who say that 7th of October will happen every day or that they are hamas I’d have no problem watching them getting executed, let alone arrested.
If they are 18yo or older then yes and would piss on their dead bodies too.The video in the article you linked.
Go look at the person saying that and tell me again you would be perfectly happy executing them.
OK.If they are 18yo or older then yes and would piss on their dead bodies too.
If someone declares themselves an enemy of civilization I tend to believe it and treat them as such.
Who are we? People who are willing to treat terrorists as humans?OK.
So we know to not let you anywhere near decision making of any kind.
Good to know.
Yes, even terrorists are humans.Who are we? People who are willing to treat terrorists as humans?
Your language is straight out of the KKK, white supremacists, 19th century colonialism and every group accused of genocide.If someone declares themselves an enemy of civilization
The Anti LeimonisWho are we? People who are willing to treat terrorists as humans?
Yes, we know that is a favourite zionist line.
Jewish students are more worried about Columbia calling the cops on them than they are about the protests.