considering you are in Quebec, what do you care whether Jenna has a picture for you to look at? Forgive me if I`m wrong about the location, but maybe you just require some new jerking off material? Not everyone can possibly have a website set up the minute they begin business, maybe in a perfect world. PLUS, IT`S THE HOLIDAYS, MAYBE SHE DOESN`T HAVE TIME TO DO UP A WEBSITE OR HAVE PICS TAKEN. I think your post is extremely rude and unnecessary. There are reviews and descriptions on TERB about Jenna from creditible posters. If your unwilling to take a "risk" and meet her without seeing a picture then wait until she has one up. There`s no need to "rant". Plus what`s in a picture for the most part anyways? The ladies hardly ever show their face just body shots? So in your mind does a woman have something to hide if she doesn`t show her face? maybe shes the most hideous of all ugly women out there but has a great body - you won`t know until she opens the door.
In any case, if you aren`t pleased with what you see, and are comfortable being an a$$hole (as you most certainly already seem to be) then you are free to turn around and leave - nobody is holding a gun to your head.
Jenna, if you read this, don`t let jerks like bigbooby bother you. Most of us men are quite normal and understand the complexities of setting up any business. It takes time and money.
Also, to let you know what type of guy bigbooby is, he thinks that someone on TERB thinks so highly of him, they actually pretend to be him. see the thread.
considering you are in Quebec, what do you care whether Jenna has a picture for you to look at? Forgive me if I`m wrong about the location, but maybe you just require some new jerking off material? Not everyone can possibly have a website set up the minute they begin business, maybe in a perfect world. PLUS, IT`S THE HOLIDAYS, MAYBE SHE DOESN`T HAVE TIME TO DO UP A WEBSITE OR HAVE PICS TAKEN. I think your post is extremely rude and unnecessary. There are reviews and descriptions on TERB about Jenna from creditible posters. If your unwilling to take a "risk" and meet her without seeing a picture then wait until she has one up. There`s no need to "rant". Plus what`s in a picture for the most part anyways? The ladies hardly ever show their face just body shots? So in your mind does a woman have something to hide if she doesn`t show her face? maybe shes the most hideous of all ugly women out there but has a great body - you won`t know until she opens the door.
In any case, if you aren`t pleased with what you see, and are comfortable being an a$$hole (as you most certainly already seem to be) then you are free to turn around and leave - nobody is holding a gun to your head.
Jenna, if you read this, don`t let jerks like bigbooby bother you. Most of us men are quite normal and understand the complexities of setting up any business. It takes time and money.
Also, to let you know what type of guy bigbooby is, he thinks that someone on TERB thinks so highly of him, they actually pretend to be him. see the thread.