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Prison Blues for Hulk Hogan Offspring


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.


Rebistrad Suer
Jan 10, 2003
Over home
I read where the Hogan divorce may just be a sham to protect their property from a lawsuit by the injured kids family.


hammertm said:
He deserves everyday he got.
"NICK Hogan....started serving eight months in California's Pinellas County Jail on May 9 for a drunken-driving accident that left his best friend, John Graziano, in a coma."
Should have gotten 18 months.

While I am not in favour of tougher drunk driving laws tougher sentencing is called for.

That young man is going to spend more than eight months recovering from a coma if he ever does.


a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Eight months for in essence taking away somebody's life. Bullshit!! He should have got 20 years, especially because drinking and driving is an avoidable occurance. Farking justice system.:mad:


New member
Jan 31, 2005
asn said:
he's a vegetable for hope of recovery.

Remember, we are talking USA here....and there is a civil suit pending that will no doubt get settled before court since Nicky boy pleaded no contest and got hopefully he will learn his lesson while getting it in the bunghole from some bigass convict. The 8 months will be good enough.

The other side of the coin is the 10 or 15 million the Hulkster will have to pay his family. And he cant hide his assets.....everything PRE incident is exposed, and even if he did hide some of them, they take future earnings. this is'nt an OJ thing where he does'nt really generate income, Hulk Hogan makes money by simply being alive.

No consolation for the victims' family, but at least they can pay for their sons' care and have some for themselves.


New member
Jan 31, 2005
On another note......

That Linda Hogan is one HOT fucking MILF!!

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
jimmyt said:
The other side of the coin is the 10 or 15 million the Hulkster will have to pay his family. And he cant hide his assets.....everything PRE incident is exposed, and even if he did hide some of them, they take future earnings. this is'nt an OJ thing where he does'nt really generate income, Hulk Hogan makes money by simply being alive.
The part that pisses me off is that Hulk should not have to pay. His son was behind the wheel, and he is of age, it is HIS responsibility, not the Big Man's. I still say the son should rot in jail for a LONG time.


New member
May 19, 2006
I would be interested in the victims family's wishes.

In many cases like this where friends are involved, the family holds no ill will to the driver. For example the Dany Heatley case. They realize that but for the luck of the draw, their son could have been the one driving as had happened many times before.

So, I will hold judgement until then.

Although either way, I don't think the parents have a liability just because they have money.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
a 1 player said:
The part that pisses me off is that Hulk should not have to pay. His son was behind the wheel, and he is of age, it is HIS responsibility, not the Big Man's. I still say the son should rot in jail for a LONG time.
The car that kid was driving belonged to Hulk and in the reality series he encourages the kid to race so I can see grounds for a lawsuit. (I don't necessarily agree with it however.)


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
jimmyt said:
hopefully he will learn his lesson while getting it in the bunghole from some bigass convict.
Think that will actually happen? I thought he might get put in protective custody where he is the son of a celebrity.


Jan 10, 2008
At My Desk
i agree with the previous poster- this two guy were party hound, the other kid could just as easily been the one driving, i just glad no one else was injuried or killed in the accident.

brook and hogans wife are definately pushing maximum density.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Apparently, Nick Hogan isn't enjoying jail....:cool:

Serves him right....I've seen plenty of clips of him bragging about street racing and there's even one clip where his mom joins in and says how she has the need for speed....

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Couple things...1st, there was no proof Nick was drunk or even drinking. Thats right, the Tampa police used a old test that was no longer used for a while-2 years-and the judge threw the test out and there was no more blood to test...don't ask why, I have no idea.

As for Nick driving record, ha ha. I posted on here before how funny the kid thought it was a few months before the big crash that he was stop 3 times in 10 mins for doing 100 mph+ before a cop wrote him a ticket--BTW thats 180 KM/H+. This is when the family had 2 muti-million dollar homes, 1 in Miami, the other in Tampa and they were moving.

3rd, in spite of Nick driving record, there was no proof he was going around 100 MPH right befor the crash, some say it was only 60 MPH and others claim 100 MPH, Tampa police said they were not sure.

4th the guy who was hurt very bad was not wearing his seat belt, yeah I know thats BS but now of days that makes a difference.

Look the family is RICH, those homes they have are worth 15 million+ each! Tamp police "took care" of them, IMO. The jugde set it up so Nick will have NO record if he keeps his nose clean.

As for the other family suing, well Hogan has been taking great care of his mother and that guy, thats why he's still alive. The mom is living in a muti-million dollar home. Her son has the "best" doctors. That family is getting on her good side.

Yep, they claim moneys not everything but thats BS.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
S.C. Joe said:
Couple things...1st, there was no proof Nick was drunk or even drinking. Thats right, the Tampa police used a old test that was no longer used for a while-2 years-and the judge threw the test out and there was no more blood to test...don't ask why, I have no idea.
He pleaded guilty. Seems like proof enough. :rolleyes:

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
hunter001 said:
He pleaded guilty. Seems like proof enough. :rolleyes:

Not to drunk driving but reckless driving cause injury. Here it is....PINELLAS COUNTY (Bay News 9) -- Nick Bollea, also known as Nick Hogan, was sentenced on Friday to eight months in jail on the charge of felony reckless driving involving serious bodily injury......

I was following this case from the Bay Water News..ch9 down there. Seems like what AP was saying and what the local news was reporting wasn't the same always. He could have got up to 5 years.

The laws different down there, here in Michigan theres no such thing as a 5 year reckless driving charge, max is 90 days but he would have been hit with a drinking offense.

His old man is on video buying 3 or 4 cases of beer early that day around 10am and Nick and his friends were with him in the supermarket but that wasn't enough. Same with the empty beer cans in the car. Nick was seen during the day only drinking out of a cup, nobody seen him holding a beer can too.

BTW, the police dept was ClearWater--thats the rich area right next to Tampa were the beach is. Sorry for the mis info.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Here the link to one of the local news stations in Tampa if anybody wants to search for past storys about him. Theres many many---too many for me to dig up.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Yep, in the USA hes a minor---still is old enough to get life in prison--that kicks in around 12 years old :eek: but the parents can get sued until the kid turns 18.

Plus the car was in his fathers name--I believe.

BTW, Nick had 2 of those cars, same color, model. He said he likes 2 of everything. He was able to drive 8 different cars. Well the kids got good taste, lol


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
S.C. Joe said:
Not to drunk driving but reckless driving cause injury..
Sure he plead "no contest" to lesser charges because they had no evidence of the more serious charges. :rolleyes:
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