I'm not a huge prepper as in having every sort of survival gear I should have, but I do a lot of planning for a whole bunch of situations. I personally think its just a matter of time before something large scale happens, whether its terrorists, nature, or nukes, so I choose to be prepared. I live close to a nuclear plant, so in the case of things getting shitty, I plan on getting FAR away, just incase. I keep myself fit, the fatties will die first! And I keep on the know how of every possible mode of transportation whether its long term hiking, horseback riding, I can even drive a dump truck. I know what plants are edible in ontario, and know how to trap small game. I personally think knowledge is the BEST way to be prepared! Allthough there is some wicked ass gear I'd like to grab this year!! I think the biggest thing to be mentally prepared for is knowing that family and friends could die. I even go so far as to have a quick back up plan for my immediate family as I know they are not prepared, what so ever.