Royal Spa

Practical Pointers for Potential Sex Party Clients

Hugh G Rekshun

New member
Nov 20, 2014
I thought I would share something of what I have learned about sex parties/orgies, particularly to point out pitfalls mostly for potential clients and maybe for organizers too. I have always hesitated to make this post but when I read that Love Jones had increased the number of ladies to ten (10) for its next party – IMHO a good chance that may be too many – I decided to do so.

Please understand I am by no means presenting myself as an expert on sex parties/orgies, just giving one man's POV based on hard-earned experience. For the record I have never attended a LJX party.

Sex parties/orgies sound good in theory – a bucket list item, group sex with a lot of high-end ladies, other guys watching and participating, everyone's naked at some point. Clients usually pay $600 – 800/hr, with the event lasting three to six hours. There's drinking, eating and even some screwing.

What could possibly go wrong?

The more people there are – don't clients want escorts in quantity? - the greater the expenses, the more of an organizational nightmare that can ensue and consequently the greater the chance of disappointment as you watch your pooning dollars float away when you realize you got less sex and more grief than promised.

The Pitfalls

1) The Ladies

The organizer usually tries to recruit well-reviewed established ladies, which is good, but this turns into a real challenge as the numbers increase. Ladies drop out, there is last minute scrambling to find a replacement who may not have the rep, or the experience with parties, has no loyalty to the organizer nor the work ethic requisite for 3 – 6 hours of full-on entertaining of multiple gentlemen.

The more ladies there are, the more likely one, or two or three, will try to slip away/slack-off/not pull their weight/get drunk/get stoned, especially those last-minute unvetted recruits. At these parties the mindsets of the ladies and the gents are different: the gents have paid thousands of dollars and want to squeeze as much joy out of their short time as possible, whereas the ladies have been paid already, usually, and some will find they have little remaining incentive to give the event an effort of 100% - or 80% - or 50% . Which leads me into #2...

2) The Guy:Girl Ratio

Ideally you want more ladies than guys, the larger the party the greater the difference should be, at least two more women than men even at small parties. Inevitably ladies start flagging, ducking participation for whatever reason, while the guys crave even more pussy. If the numbers start off at even, at some point things may start to look like a sausage fest, as ladies plunk themselves at the bar to drink/relax or retreat to another room to smoke, share a joint, do a few lines, talk on their phone, whatever, and the guys find themselves with no lady to attach to. You don't want this.

I appreciate the ladies will want to take a break – having clients hit on them for up to 6 hours straight is too much – that's why extra staff is necessary. Not union rules (15 minutes break every two hours) but some kind of fair pacing for the ladies without short-staffing the party.

If the organizer says the numbers of ladies and gents will be a one-to-one ratio of some kind e.g; 8 ladies, 8 gents, or heaven forbid more men than women, my advice is DON'T ATTEND. You'll find yourself at times hanging around the bar with a drink in one hand and your cock in the other – and we all know what alcohol does to performance – while you watch other guys bang the girls who are still active. You can double-team/gangbang the active ladies – some of the escorts are real stars, working their asses off – but this can exhaust them, especially true for longer parties. It really isn't fair for the good girls to work twice - or three times - as hard because of the slackers.

3) The House Mom

A good full-time house mom is essential for a large party. She makes sure things are humming, people are getting what they need, are staying on track, doing what they should be doing and avoiding what they should be avoiding. She is usually a former SP; everyone is told at the beginning she is NOT participating, she will float in the background quietly and efficiently doing her job. One potential pitfall is if she is at all attractive some asshole-client will hit on her – even to the point of harassment despite being told upfront not to – trying to get her naked and join the party. She can't perform her job properly with this going on. The rest of the party feels it, things seem to slide towards mayhem without the invisible guiding hand of a strong house mom.

I've seen good house moms and bad ones, the latter sit on the balcony, suck on a fatty and occasionally poke their head in to see if the food platter needs replenishing. Think Berta from Two-and-a-half-Men

4) The Organizer/Hostess

She should either act as the house mom, or as a participant, she can't do both at once and do both well, but may try to anyway. Count this as being one lady short in the ratio, as she will be running around checking the food, the washrooms, re-stocking condoms, and so on.

She decides and controls who will be at the party, her choices are ultimately dominated by her need for cash rather than the clients' need for good company and chemistry, as much as she really cares about such. Which leads me to...

5) The Other Clients

You are with a bunch of strange guys whom you have never seen before, will never see again, who don't know squat about (you were once in Kingston for what, armed robbery ?) and they have no reason to respect you. Sure, most will have been screened by the organizer and are fine upstanding established members of the community, but if it is a large party the organizer may have trouble filling seats and will drop her standards to get paying clients. One bad apple can spoil the bunch, a falling domino effect occurs. Some examples:

i) The Jealous Client

He follows his ATF to the party, gets into a fight with her early on – he's in love – and puts her off for the rest of the evening. As a result she is poor company and does not want to play much – or at all - anymore. She won't let you fuck her because she is busy being upset. The party has moved one person closer to a sausage fest.

ii) The Stoner

This guy is out-of-place, he's young and new to this, most of the other attendees are middle-aged business men and professionals who drink fine imported wines and scotch from the top-shelf, drugs are not their thing. He doesn't mix well and tries to monopolize the ladies by drawing them over to himself, into a corner or bedroom to get high together. This fucks up the social dynamics of the party, a separate group of mature guys with the few other ladies forms around the bar. Also, these established men have much to lose if the police show up – there's a noise complaint or something – and find narcotics on the premises. Yes, I have been to a sex party where the cops appeared and there was weed there. IMHO the organizer should restrict attendees to established men well into their careers, even consider a minimum age, unless she really wants a 4/20 party. If so, I hope she is candid from the beginning with everyone about this.

It's the house mom's job to keep this shit from happening, but if she is a stoner herself look for her to be in the circle passing the joint with the others.

Please, NO DRUGS. Drug use can screw the party up. Attendees get obnoxious, ladies can't perform, pot cliques form in corners and bedrooms, away from the action, wrecking the vibe. And of course, everyone could get busted.

iii) The Greedy Client AKA the Asshole

So things are tight at the party, no ladies visibly free, however you have found a hottie and are chatting her up as you casually move towards getting laid. But you have made the mistake of not putting your hands on her, possession is 9/10ths of the law.

This guy – in the same circumstance as you - comes from behind her, does not acknowledge you or the conversation, picks her up and carries her away! You are left standing there, with no possible comeback that doesn't make you look like a violator of social norms.

I am aware of this tactic being used in nightclubs by guys dealing with competitors, but as a last resort. Never expected it as a first resort at an orgy. This guy will never see you again and does not give a shit about you, he wants to pig-out on all the pussy he can and runs over others to get it.

You shouldn't have to work at getting laid at a sex party, isn't the reason you pay so much money to be there is to have the pussy come to you? If you have to run Game to get laid at a sex party, might as well go to a nightclub, just pay the cover and run Game there.

5) Cellphones

A favourite pet peeve of mine, who needs cell phones at an orgy, of all events? Many of us have endured the great annoyance of cellphone use by an escort while in session, the problems multiply exponentially at a sex party. At one party I was at the ladies lost four cellphones! Clients are asked to help look for them, and we are not there to spend our few hours in a search party. Ladies sneak off with them to check their messages and talk, etc., easier to do at a large party too where it's harder to oversee all of them. And of course, with some ladies AWOL, the party moves towards sausage fest territory, with the gentlemen hanging around naked talking to each other.

And an additional problem, cellphones are CAMERAS, and connected to Snapchat accounts! One dumb blonde – whom many of you have banged - was taking pictures at one party. I was in abject horror, I should have confiscated her phone and thrown it off the balcony - which of course would have caused a scene

Cellphones should be turned off and locked up at the door, and returned at the end of the party.

6) The Bartender

Definition of a Canadian Sex Party Bartender: the guy the clients pay to cockblock them.

These parties do not need a bartender! We can mix our own drinks if we have to – gawd, we are not there to drink anyway – we don't need some bartender to pretend to mix a cocktail he doesn't know how to, because these guys are not professionals they are just friends of the hostess who promised to stay behind the bar and not fuck the ladies – yet they soon enough jump the bar and start fucking the ladies. Nothing will piss-off a client more than leaning by the bar, forced to pour his own drink while he watches the bartender fuck the lady he has been trying to score with all evening – the client thinks: “I paid for this!?” and time is nearly up at the party. This has happened at every party I have been to with a male bartender.

Even if the bartender is female some asshole-client will hit on her, pissing her off – because she just wants to keep bar and was told she didn't have to participate – upsetting the vibe for everyone.

If the hostess insists on having a bartender – geezus, she has her crazy reasons – DON'T GO or only attend if you can get the bartender's job. Jump on it, you will be paid to bang hot women, a pornstar dream. But if you can't get the bartender job, sit this party out!

Don't need no bartender. Don't even need no bar, people get drunk and this can lead to bad behaviour – just one drunk, male or female, can wreck things - and you only have a few hours to play.


This post is not meant to cast any aspersions at Love Jones. I actually think Miss Jada has been hitting all the right notes so far, as if she had learned from the mistakes of others. I read some reviews and messaged the reviewers: ratios of 6 women to 4 men, no bartender, smaller more intimate settings, and so on. Good stuff, so far.

Personally I am at the point where I would rather put the party fee towards just ONE superstar-high class lady for whatever length of time – or towards a trip to Pattaya – or towards a couple of days at Club Globe in Zurich - than towards a Canadian sex party. Yet I can well understand the desire to knock this off one's bucket list – been there done that.

In the case of the LJX September party - ten ladies and just three hours - no client will get to bang them all, or even half of them, it may not even be possible to talk to them all. The point where adding more ladies becomes counter-productive is quickly reached, you still have to pay for the ones you don't get to screw.


But if I was to do a sex party again I would DIY. I think this is the best way to go in Canada.

Four hot k-girls rounded-up from a local agency, say at $200/hr for four hours each, in a $600/night luxury suite with an eight-seater hot tub. Maybe $200 for food/libations, if you feel you must. Total cost: $4000. Split it with one other guy whom you know and trust. Your share: $2000.

Say you are at an orgy and want to complain about a lady's poor or non-performance or something like that, you have to go through the hostess. These young entitled Canadian millenial SPs really don't want to listen to any middle-aged man in these circumstances. You have to find the hostess - especially hard with one doing double duties – and she has to then find the offender and, you hope, fix things. This sucks.

At your own party you are the boss, the ladies answer to you and with just four of them it is easy to keep an eye on all, less chance of anyone slacking off, getting drunk and so on. Impound the cellphones until the party is over. Ideally keep the party in just one room, being in plain sight makes the ladies behave more responsibly. In my example you should be able to bang all four ladies in the time allotted, even more than once each if you have the stamina. And you have only one other guy to worry about - maybe he's a friend - and you have screened him yourself.

This would even work for you stoners, just screen the participants for 4/20 friendly.

And of course no bartender getting his dick between you and the ladies


Casual Observer
Jan 2, 2008
Thanks for sharing your opinions, HGR.

Having attended 3 of the 4 Milla Orgies (R), I would like to speak to your points to add some other perspectives.

1) The Ladies - never had any issues with any of the ladies at these events not being fully engaged. Full marks to Milla for recruiting the right ladies, which I guess becomes the takeaway here.

2) M/F Ratio - we always had more gents than gals, and that was never a problem. Guys do need time to recharge, and many of the ladies were adept at handling multiple gents simultaneously. FYI, at the first two events, the numbers were 10-5 and 13-9. I think the last one was maybe 15-10, but I didn't count.

3 & 4) House Mom / Hostess - Again, full marks to Milla for being able to wear these hats and also be an active participant. Many of the other ladies also helped out with hostessing chores, so it wasn't all just up to one person.

5) Clients - Excellent pre-screening is the key here, so that you don't get the bad apples. Sounding like a broken record here, but all our guys were true gents.

6) Cellphones - agreed. I don't remember seeing any at our events. I guess folks were savvy enough to have already figured this one out.

7) Bartender - agreed, we can pour our own, thanks.

I think the bottom line comes down to selecting the right people. If you find the right folks, gents and gals, then odds are good the event will be a success.




Active member
Jul 20, 2011
Thanks for sharing your opinions, HGR.

Having attended 3 of the 4 Milla Orgies (R), I would like to speak to your points to add some other perspectives.

1) The Ladies - never had any issues with any of the ladies at these events not being fully engaged. Full marks to Milla for recruiting the right ladies, which I guess becomes the takeaway here.

2) M/F Ratio - we always had more gents than gals, and that was never a problem. Guys do need time to recharge, and many of the ladies were adept at handling multiple gents simultaneously. FYI, at the first two events, the numbers were 10-5 and 13-9. I think the last one was maybe 15-10, but I didn't count.

3 & 4) House Mom / Hostess - Again, full marks to Milla for being able to wear these hats and also be an active participant. Many of the other ladies also helped out with hostessing chores, so it wasn't all just up to one person.

5) Clients - Excellent pre-screening is the key here, so that you don't get the bad apples. Sounding like a broken record here, but all our guys were true gents.

6) Cellphones - agreed. I don't remember seeing any at our events. I guess folks were savvy enough to have already figured this one out.

7) Bartender - agreed, we can pour our own, thanks.

I think the bottom line comes down to selecting the right people. If you find the right folks, gents and gals, then odds are good the event will be a success.


I totally agree Milla did a spectacular job of setting the stage of this event and with any hiccup she handled it like a real pro
Talk about "Bucket List" adventure!!!!!
The chemistry of the women and the members that were selected was outstanding!!!
If she has another one and I am lucky enough to be invited I will be there!!!!
Thank you Milla aka Orgy Organizer and wonderful lady!!!

lucky lucas

Oct 14, 2004
Seems very suspicious that member with only 2 prior posts/treads brings this up at same time one of Milla's events gets posted.

Yes, I've been to Milla's parties and I agree with previous comments, Milla does an amazing job organizing/hosting these erotic sessions.



Jun 20, 2012
Right on Softhands & Lucky. This guys doesn't know what he's talking about.

I've attended two events hosted by Milla and she always went above and beyond to make sure everyone was "playing together", nobody was left out.
Also, he says that no guy can be with 10 ladies in 3 hours, well at Milla's party I was with 8 out of 9 ladies in just over 2 hours. Some of them more than once. Someone even gave me the nickname "pussy slayer"! So don't tell me it cannot be done!

I don't want to knock anyone down, but if you go to an orgy with that kind of negative mentality I guarantee you won't enjoy it!

Hugh G Rekshun

New member
Nov 20, 2014
Thanks for sharing your opinions, HGR.

FYI, at the first two events, the numbers were 10-5 and 13-9. I think the last one was maybe 15-10, but I didn't count.
Kudos to the organizer who is able to make such a guy:girl ratio work. Not only would it require people of maturity who understand their roles well, and how to play them, but very good organisation and co-ordination of the parties as well.

Milla Annabella

Active member
Jul 28, 2014
Thank you everyone for the wonderful words !
Can't wait for this one ! Got lots of new tricks up our sleeves !!! : )


Mar 26, 2016
I thought I would share something of what I have learned about sex parties/orgies, particularly to point out pitfalls mostly for potential clients and maybe for organizers too. I have always hesitated to make this post but when I read that Love Jones had increased the number of ladies to ten (10) for its next party – IMHO a good chance that may be too many – I decided to do so.

Please understand I am by no means presenting myself as an expert on sex parties/orgies, just giving one man's POV based on hard-earned experience. For the record I have never attended a LJX party.

Sex parties/orgies sound good in theory – a bucket list item, group sex with a lot of high-end ladies, other guys watching and participating, everyone's naked at some point. Clients usually pay $600 – 800/hr, with the event lasting three to six hours. There's drinking, eating and even some screwing.

What could possibly go wrong?

The more people there are – don't clients want escorts in quantity? - the greater the expenses, the more of an organizational nightmare that can ensue and consequently the greater the chance of disappointment as you watch your pooning dollars float away when you realize you got less sex and more grief than promised.

The Pitfalls

1) The Ladies

The organizer usually tries to recruit well-reviewed established ladies, which is good, but this turns into a real challenge as the numbers increase. Ladies drop out, there is last minute scrambling to find a replacement who may not have the rep, or the experience with parties, has no loyalty to the organizer nor the work ethic requisite for 3 – 6 hours of full-on entertaining of multiple gentlemen.

The more ladies there are, the more likely one, or two or three, will try to slip away/slack-off/not pull their weight/get drunk/get stoned, especially those last-minute unvetted recruits. At these parties the mindsets of the ladies and the gents are different: the gents have paid thousands of dollars and want to squeeze as much joy out of their short time as possible, whereas the ladies have been paid already, usually, and some will find they have little remaining incentive to give the event an effort of 100% - or 80% - or 50% . Which leads me into #2...

2) The Guy:Girl Ratio

Ideally you want more ladies than guys, the larger the party the greater the difference should be, at least two more women than men even at small parties. Inevitably ladies start flagging, ducking participation for whatever reason, while the guys crave even more pussy. If the numbers start off at even, at some point things may start to look like a sausage fest, as ladies plunk themselves at the bar to drink/relax or retreat to another room to smoke, share a joint, do a few lines, talk on their phone, whatever, and the guys find themselves with no lady to attach to. You don't want this.

I appreciate the ladies will want to take a break – having clients hit on them for up to 6 hours straight is too much – that's why extra staff is necessary. Not union rules (15 minutes break every two hours) but some kind of fair pacing for the ladies without short-staffing the party.

If the organizer says the numbers of ladies and gents will be a one-to-one ratio of some kind e.g; 8 ladies, 8 gents, or heaven forbid more men than women, my advice is DON'T ATTEND. You'll find yourself at times hanging around the bar with a drink in one hand and your cock in the other – and we all know what alcohol does to performance – while you watch other guys bang the girls who are still active. You can double-team/gangbang the active ladies – some of the escorts are real stars, working their asses off – but this can exhaust them, especially true for longer parties. It really isn't fair for the good girls to work twice - or three times - as hard because of the slackers.

3) The House Mom

A good full-time house mom is essential for a large party. She makes sure things are humming, people are getting what they need, are staying on track, doing what they should be doing and avoiding what they should be avoiding. She is usually a former SP; everyone is told at the beginning she is NOT participating, she will float in the background quietly and efficiently doing her job. One potential pitfall is if she is at all attractive some asshole-client will hit on her – even to the point of harassment despite being told upfront not to – trying to get her naked and join the party. She can't perform her job properly with this going on. The rest of the party feels it, things seem to slide towards mayhem without the invisible guiding hand of a strong house mom.

I've seen good house moms and bad ones, the latter sit on the balcony, suck on a fatty and occasionally poke their head in to see if the food platter needs replenishing. Think Berta from Two-and-a-half-Men

4) The Organizer/Hostess

She should either act as the house mom, or as a participant, she can't do both at once and do both well, but may try to anyway. Count this as being one lady short in the ratio, as she will be running around checking the food, the washrooms, re-stocking condoms, and so on.

She decides and controls who will be at the party, her choices are ultimately dominated by her need for cash rather than the clients' need for good company and chemistry, as much as she really cares about such. Which leads me to...

5) The Other Clients

You are with a bunch of strange guys whom you have never seen before, will never see again, who don't know squat about (you were once in Kingston for what, armed robbery ?) and they have no reason to respect you. Sure, most will have been screened by the organizer and are fine upstanding established members of the community, but if it is a large party the organizer may have trouble filling seats and will drop her standards to get paying clients. One bad apple can spoil the bunch, a falling domino effect occurs. Some examples:

i) The Jealous Client

He follows his ATF to the party, gets into a fight with her early on – he's in love – and puts her off for the rest of the evening. As a result she is poor company and does not want to play much – or at all - anymore. She won't let you fuck her because she is busy being upset. The party has moved one person closer to a sausage fest.

ii) The Stoner

This guy is out-of-place, he's young and new to this, most of the other attendees are middle-aged business men and professionals who drink fine imported wines and scotch from the top-shelf, drugs are not their thing. He doesn't mix well and tries to monopolize the ladies by drawing them over to himself, into a corner or bedroom to get high together. This fucks up the social dynamics of the party, a separate group of mature guys with the few other ladies forms around the bar. Also, these established men have much to lose if the police show up – there's a noise complaint or something – and find narcotics on the premises. Yes, I have been to a sex party where the cops appeared and there was weed there. IMHO the organizer should restrict attendees to established men well into their careers, even consider a minimum age, unless she really wants a 4/20 party. If so, I hope she is candid from the beginning with everyone about this.

It's the house mom's job to keep this shit from happening, but if she is a stoner herself look for her to be in the circle passing the joint with the others.

Please, NO DRUGS. Drug use can screw the party up. Attendees get obnoxious, ladies can't perform, pot cliques form in corners and bedrooms, away from the action, wrecking the vibe. And of course, everyone could get busted.

iii) The Greedy Client AKA the Asshole

So things are tight at the party, no ladies visibly free, however you have found a hottie and are chatting her up as you casually move towards getting laid. But you have made the mistake of not putting your hands on her, possession is 9/10ths of the law.

This guy – in the same circumstance as you - comes from behind her, does not acknowledge you or the conversation, picks her up and carries her away! You are left standing there, with no possible comeback that doesn't make you look like a violator of social norms.

I am aware of this tactic being used in nightclubs by guys dealing with competitors, but as a last resort. Never expected it as a first resort at an orgy. This guy will never see you again and does not give a shit about you, he wants to pig-out on all the pussy he can and runs over others to get it.

You shouldn't have to work at getting laid at a sex party, isn't the reason you pay so much money to be there is to have the pussy come to you? If you have to run Game to get laid at a sex party, might as well go to a nightclub, just pay the cover and run Game there.

5) Cellphones

A favourite pet peeve of mine, who needs cell phones at an orgy, of all events? Many of us have endured the great annoyance of cellphone use by an escort while in session, the problems multiply exponentially at a sex party. At one party I was at the ladies lost four cellphones! Clients are asked to help look for them, and we are not there to spend our few hours in a search party. Ladies sneak off with them to check their messages and talk, etc., easier to do at a large party too where it's harder to oversee all of them. And of course, with some ladies AWOL, the party moves towards sausage fest territory, with the gentlemen hanging around naked talking to each other.

And an additional problem, cellphones are CAMERAS, and connected to Snapchat accounts! One dumb blonde – whom many of you have banged - was taking pictures at one party. I was in abject horror, I should have confiscated her phone and thrown it off the balcony - which of course would have caused a scene

Cellphones should be turned off and locked up at the door, and returned at the end of the party.

6) The Bartender

Definition of a Canadian Sex Party Bartender: the guy the clients pay to cockblock them.

These parties do not need a bartender! We can mix our own drinks if we have to – gawd, we are not there to drink anyway – we don't need some bartender to pretend to mix a cocktail he doesn't know how to, because these guys are not professionals they are just friends of the hostess who promised to stay behind the bar and not fuck the ladies – yet they soon enough jump the bar and start fucking the ladies. Nothing will piss-off a client more than leaning by the bar, forced to pour his own drink while he watches the bartender fuck the lady he has been trying to score with all evening – the client thinks: “I paid for this!?” and time is nearly up at the party. This has happened at every party I have been to with a male bartender.

Even if the bartender is female some asshole-client will hit on her, pissing her off – because she just wants to keep bar and was told she didn't have to participate – upsetting the vibe for everyone.

If the hostess insists on having a bartender – geezus, she has her crazy reasons – DON'T GO or only attend if you can get the bartender's job. Jump on it, you will be paid to bang hot women, a pornstar dream. But if you can't get the bartender job, sit this party out!

Don't need no bartender. Don't even need no bar, people get drunk and this can lead to bad behaviour – just one drunk, male or female, can wreck things - and you only have a few hours to play.


This post is not meant to cast any aspersions at Love Jones. I actually think Miss Jada has been hitting all the right notes so far, as if she had learned from the mistakes of others. I read some reviews and messaged the reviewers: ratios of 6 women to 4 men, no bartender, smaller more intimate settings, and so on. Good stuff, so far.

Personally I am at the point where I would rather put the party fee towards just ONE superstar-high class lady for whatever length of time – or towards a trip to Pattaya – or towards a couple of days at Club Globe in Zurich - than towards a Canadian sex party. Yet I can well understand the desire to knock this off one's bucket list – been there done that.

In the case of the LJX September party - ten ladies and just three hours - no client will get to bang them all, or even half of them, it may not even be possible to talk to them all. The point where adding more ladies becomes counter-productive is quickly reached, you still have to pay for the ones you don't get to screw.


But if I was to do a sex party again I would DIY. I think this is the best way to go in Canada.

Four hot k-girls rounded-up from a local agency, say at $200/hr for four hours each, in a $600/night luxury suite with an eight-seater hot tub. Maybe $200 for food/libations, if you feel you must. Total cost: $4000. Split it with one other guy whom you know and trust. Your share: $2000.

Say you are at an orgy and want to complain about a lady's poor or non-performance or something like that, you have to go through the hostess. These young entitled Canadian millenial SPs really don't want to listen to any middle-aged man in these circumstances. You have to find the hostess - especially hard with one doing double duties – and she has to then find the offender and, you hope, fix things. This sucks.

At your own party you are the boss, the ladies answer to you and with just four of them it is easy to keep an eye on all, less chance of anyone slacking off, getting drunk and so on. Impound the cellphones until the party is over. Ideally keep the party in just one room, being in plain sight makes the ladies behave more responsibly. In my example you should be able to bang all four ladies in the time allotted, even more than once each if you have the stamina. And you have only one other guy to worry about - maybe he's a friend - and you have screened him yourself.

This would even work for you stoners, just screen the participants for 4/20 friendly.

And of course no bartender getting his dick between you and the ladies

Thanks for your suggestion.

I understand some of your concerns.

I have attended 3 of Milla's Orgies party, and let me tell you, They are so much fun.

Milla did a great job with organizing the group of ladies and gents. Most people behaved and play well together.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts