
Possible fake Peterborough Amy

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Lily Divine

Short timer
Oct 14, 2013
Pay to advertise then Lily and leave then come on her and rant at us all you want, until then.....
So I am suppose to pay to be able to tell you that you do not have the right to tell women what they can charge? Darling I was offering some valuable insight for free.

I even made the choice to not reply to your more recent post.

As for being a paid advertiser on terb. When Fred checks his email and replies to the email sent to him 2 weeks ago then I will move forward with being a paid advertiser. I appreciate that you were attempting to put me in my place, but you have missed the mark here.



Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
That's fine Lily, but if I'm doling out my hard earned money, I have a right to voice my opinion about, who, where and when I spend it. If I don't like the place she's in, I'll say so. If I think she's charging too much for the services rendered in the mess she's surrounded herself in, I'll say so.
Just as you have a right to tell us it's her body. She's also making a conscious decision and this is a review board where us guys review ladies and then tell it like it is. If you don't like reading what you see, then don't read this stuff and if all you want to do is educate us, well thanks. We've been schooled. Now.....

Lily Divine

Short timer
Oct 14, 2013
If you don't like reading what you see, then don't read this stuff and if all you want to do is educate us, well thanks. We've been schooled. Now.....
Actually I treat this forum much like a mens' magazine. I could lie and say I read it for the articles but in truth I am checking out the review so I have wanking material just like the rest of you naughty pervs!

If I was a review writing type I could write reviews on at least 5 women who have been SP's in the past 2 years. I just keep that to myself and let you gentlemen share amongst yourselves.


Aug 9, 2010
How dare any of you!

We say who.

We say when.

We say how much.

If you can't justify paying for the level of service which has already been noted as justified based upon reviews then maybe all of those who think they can tell women what to charge should book their next appointment with their hand.

I am absolutely appalled by the comments above and I have chosen to avoid quoting them just in case someone re-thinks where they just stuck their head and pulls it back out of their ass.
LOL.. Someone should've worked at McDonalds to get the slightest clue on how a customer service based industry works. Think hard, if you phone company, car dealer, server in a restaurant thought like that... I'm sure I know what your response would be. Same applies to your services.

I spent my money tonight (see review to follow) but not with the SP in question because of the location. Seems your theory falls kinda flat - I got what I wanted, where I wanted, when I wanted, for a price I was agreeable with. Why? Cause I'm the guy with the cash YOU want. Stick with what you say above, and its no cash for you dear its stays in my pocket.

More importantly, as a business you might want to know why your potential customers are going to the other guy (well girl).

It seems there is a sub-set of the SP industry who is there out of what they think is entitlement. Thinking like that shows one has most likely not held a job in their life, but rather entered the SP profession for fast easy money without giving a crap about the client.

Lily Divine

Short timer
Oct 14, 2013
LOL.. Someone should've worked at McDonalds to get the slightest clue on how a customer service based industry works. Think hard, if you phone company, car dealer, server in a restaurant thought like that... I'm sure I know what your response would be. Same applies to your services.

I spent my money tonight (see review to follow) but not with the SP in question because of the location. Seems your theory falls kinda flat - I got what I wanted, where I wanted, when I wanted, for a price I was agreeable with. Why? Cause I'm the guy with the cash YOU want. Stick with what you say above, and its no cash for you dear its stays in my pocket.

More importantly, as a business you might want to know why your potential customers are going to the other guy (well girl).

It seems there is a sub-set of the SP industry who is there out of what they think is entitlement. Thinking like that shows one has most likely not held a job in their life, but rather entered the SP profession for fast easy money without giving a crap about the client.
I find you such an interesting conundrum.

You were so polite in stating your view point based on location, and never tried to negate her right to set her rates as she see's fit, and then this post directed to me is almost completely in the opposite direction. I know you have the ability to be a sweetheart and let that side shine through. Then you post something like this and it makes me grit my teeth.

You make a point of quoting me, stating that someone should have worked at McDonalds (actually I did a tour of duty there as did many of my friends in their teens), equated performing fellatio to serving you dinner in a restaurant, and then attempted to dangle the golden carrot (the cash you clearly have which I must clearly desire) that I shall never have.

I have never said being a SP is easy money. I also take issue with your implication that feeling one has the right to set their rates as they see fit is based on a sense of entitlement which means they do not give a crap about clients.

Sometimes women set their rate just a little higher so they can see less gentlemen because they want to provide such an exceptional experience that a low dollar, higher volume setup wouldn't match their standards.

Would you like to Supersize that today Sir?

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Sweet fuck, you guys. Sheesh.

When Amy first surfaced there was a big hullaballoo about the pics she used, they weren't actually of her despite being reasonably accurate. That all got settled when myself and others actually took the time to see her (and Katrina) and determine that a) they weren't bait and switching, and b) they gave excellent service.

Now some are doing the exact same thing with her new location. It's all based on conjecture and what-ifs. Downtown Peterborough isn't as mind-blowingly awful as what is being let on here. Sure there's sketchy areas. But there are non-sketchy areas too. For fuck's sake, there are sketchy motels too. Motel 6 is a dive by my opinion, and a lot of ladies go there. I'd rather not go there to see a lady because of various reasons, so I choose to avoid ladies that visit there. I do NOT disparage the lady for her choice.

I'm planning on seeing Amy in her new digs soon. Until one of you has actually made the effort to get fucking facts on where she exactly is, and the state of the location, you should all shut the fuck up. Fuck!


New member
Mar 11, 2007
Let me rephrase what it is I said then Lily.

The ladies can charge whatever they want. The sky's the limit.

But the rest of my post stands.

And because of the other parts of my post stand, I will not patronize these ladies, I'll drive into Toronto and spend my money there.

Simple enough. :p
Well said dirk. Successful ladies understand the economic concept of demand and supply. You want Toronto prices then go work in the Toronto market. Like you, if I have to pay Toronto prices then i'll go hobby in downtown Toronto. I'm not paying Toronto prices in Durham to see a middle aged overweight woman. Sorry, it's harsh but true and i'm speaking for myself here. It's my hard earned money and i'll spend it on what provides me with maximum value.


Aug 9, 2010
Downtown Peterborough isn't as mind-blowingly awful as what is being let on here. Sure there's sketchy areas. But there are non-sketchy areas too. For fuck's sake, there are sketchy motels too. Motel 6 is a dive by my opinion, and a lot of ladies go there. I'd rather not go there to see a lady because of various reasons, so I choose to avoid ladies that visit there. I do NOT disparage the lady for her choice.

I'm planning on seeing Amy in her new digs soon. Until one of you has actually made the effort to get fucking facts on where she exactly is, and the state of the location, you should all shut the fuck up. Fuck!
Here is the facts.
- I live in Peterborough and I have for many years
- I know exactly where she is she gave me the intersection, I'm not posting it for obvious reasons.
- as you know I won't go to Amy's new location, however I did go to the Motel 6 tonight.

I'm not just talking the talk, I'm walking the walk. If you want to ignore the local insight and visit her there, all the power to you. I NEVER said do not visit her, I said the location she is in is one where I won't visit her, you are a big boy and can make up your own mind.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
I, too, live in Peterborough and have for many years.
I, too, know where she is - she gave me the intersection as well. I drive by the place every morning on my way to work, and I have never been stabbed, accosted, shot at, threatened, looked at strangely, or forcibly sodomized in that time.

My point is that the alarm being raised by yourself and others simply based on the intersection quoted is unwarranted until actual facts are known. It may actually be sketchville. It may be a dump or dive. Or it may not. There are some decent places in that area, I know, I pass by there every day. And, as Amy stated, she works during the day only, so any worries about evening problem people in the downtown area is also irrelevant.

My other point is that, yes, there are inherent dangers involved with this hobby - but I would say 90% of them are based on what's behind the door, not on the journey to get to the door. In this case, Amy has been confirmed by multiple sources as a sweetheart, so there's been at least a 90% mitigation of the risks. The other 10%, while real, and while perhaps made more problematic by the sketchiness of the area she is in, are really not enough to keep me away. That's my opinion. Feel free to disagree, as I am with yours.

Personally, I am comfortable grabbing my huge brass balls, venturing in to sketchville and hopefully Amy will give them a bit of attention. YMMV.
Jan 7, 2014
It's not right to pressure ladies on how to conduct their business. You wouldn't do the same to your mechanic or barber.

It's insulting and patronizing to tell them how the market works, especially when they have several years in the industry facing realities we haven't experienced.
Jan 7, 2014
Where oh where did I ask her to lower her price? That the problem when you don't read, you get stupid ideas.

I don't care if she lowered her price, I still wouldn't go to that area!! In that area you can get $20 specials!!! Every social assistance, chemically dependent, craigslist posting, I won't even call them SP work in that area.. Oh trust me, low price isn't the problem here.

And yes, I do review my mechanic. He's very good, so I recommend him to my friends. If this was another type of forum, I'm post his name. Nice clean shop in a good location BTW.

However is she wanted to RAISE her price, providing a 5-star room and a very nice bottle of wine, then I am game.
Some people complained about the price in this thread.
Since you don't like her location, try someone else. Oops, I forgot there was a dearth of talent in your town.
I wonder why?


Active member
May 25, 2011
Holy shit Kids, give it a break! we finally get some talent in this town and your driving her into the ground. Notice how Amy has not replied to any of this, she is probably weeping in her hands thinking what a bunch of assholes you are. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Amy yet and may never get to if you keep this up. Just let her do her thing and move on!!


Nov 30, 2012
I am a bit leary of posting on this thread but it seems to me that there are two valid points and a lot of overreacting going on. I do think it is a positive thing to give members a heads up that the neighborhood in question is a bit sketchy so that they are informed going in. The other good point (and one I didn't really see disagreed with) is that SP's can charge whatever they'd like for their time and the great stuff that comes with it. I think farrmer is right though and that much of the thread seems to have a negative feel to it and that Amy may feel like she's being singled out.
Everyone can agree price vs quality/location/service rendered will determine whether or not Amy will be successful.

That said someone mentioned that we don't know what's going on in these ladies lives, and we don't. I just think that the thread feels kind of "judgey" but I don't believe that several of the guys who've posted would intend it to be. I've actually seen them argue in favor of many of Lilly's points in days past. I think we should wish Amy the best and hope that those who will patronize her have a great safe time.
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