It seems to me that many people, such as yourself, are still mesmerized by Hollywood portrayals of wife beaters from the pre 1950s era when normal women might find themselves married to a violent abusive jerk but have little means of leaving (no support network, no financial independence, etc).
While the media still promotes this imagery, the truth is that those days are long gone and the battered woman of today bears no resemblance to the helpless victim of the pre-1950s era. The abysmally small number of women who actively chase violent men are the same kind that are repulsed by "stand up" guys like you who she would use as her punching bag, if given the chance. By and large, the men and women in these dysfunctional relationships are there by choice and any violent fallout should not surprise anybody, nor should it elicit a tremendous outpouring of sympathy. They will either do what's logical and normalize their behavior, or more than likely continue leading their violent drama-ghetto white-trash lives with not a care in the world for your words of kindness and support.