Pope Apologizes To Muslims......


Sep 9, 2001
"And your point being what? That if Muslims do it and Christians do it, then the Christian doing it is more acceptable than the Muslim doing it?"

No, but pedophelia is not exclusive to Christian institutions.

"Have you ever checked what marriage laws and norms were during the time of Mohammed? Are you aware that some states in the USA still don't have a minimum age of marriage?"

Wonderful. State policy makers are not god last I checked. Mohammed who introduced the Quran ought of known better if he really had divine insight.

"Still not right, but then again, one would think that married Popes wouldn't be acceptable either, or there existed a Pope I wouldn't be surprized to find registerd here on TERB:"

Popes are appointed by men. Mohammed proclaims himself chosen by God. Chosen by god and then turn around and marry a nine year old. Yet the Quran supposedly has scientific evidence in it as proof. Too bad human decency and children's rights were over looked by "god" at that time.


Sep 9, 2001
"so if some Muslim country like US was running the same affairs and foreign policy in Europe for 50 years , would then a mosque would have been allowed in Rome ? I doubt."

I don't think so. Its all rhertoric. If you really don't like Europe why do you spend 20 billion dollars building a mosque and then allow your people to immigrate there?

"Name the other countries in which capital punishment is enact for converting (out of 60 or so) ?"

Afghanistan, Iran


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
smyth said:
Palestinians suspect Israeli agents behind fire-bombing of Churches
I am as unsurprised that the Palestinians don't want to take the blame (and validate what the Pope said) as I am that smyth would post this as news.


East end Hobbiest
Marco said:
"And your point being what? That if Muslims do it and Christians do it, then the Christian doing it is more acceptable than the Muslim doing it?"

No, but pedophelia is not exclusive to Christian institutions.
Never said it was. It's a problem for all religions and races. I was responding to some ridiculous claim that generalized from the specific to the general. If you read my complete post that should be clear.

"Have you ever checked what marriage laws and norms were during the time of Mohammad? Are you aware that some states in the USA still don't have a minimum age of marriage?"

Wonderful. State policy makers are not god last I checked. Mohammad who introduced the Quran ought of known better if he really had divine insight.
That assumes that there is a God, and that God disallowed 9 year olds from marrying during that time period ... My reading of Judea Christian holy books tends to suggest that fucking children and close relatives was about as controversial as pepperoni pizza is today.

St. Peter denied Jesus, he should have known better?

"Still not right, but then again, one would think that married Popes wouldn't be acceptable either, or there existed a Pope I wouldn't be surprized to find registered here on TERB:"

Popes are appointed by men. Mohammed proclaims himself chosen by God. Chosen by god and then turn around and marry a nine year old. Yet the Quran supposedly has scientific evidence in it as proof. Too bad human decency and children's rights were over looked by "god" at that time.
"Inspired by God" does not make one infallible ... the Pope is also supposedly "inspired by God", but they way they get around the fact that Popes screw up is to claim that divine inspiration only relates to their decisions on Church doctrine ... other than that they are just as fallible as anyone.

You could probably go ask the Pope himself about the "infallibility" of those inspired by God ... he will probably tell you that when God talks directly to someone, that is the part that is infallible .... humans are never infallible. Some people obtain sainthood, but not because they were defacto infallible, they obtained sainthood because they worked at living a saintly life.

Even within the Catholic church itself, only somewhere around 30 some percent of Popes obtained sainthood, but all of them supposedly were infallible when dictating church doctrine. If Godly inspired people such as Mohammad were suppose to "know better", then all Popes would be saints. Even with their own order, where they have the "inside track", they still aren't arrogant enough to pretend that just because God inspires them they are incapable of getting it wrong in their own personal lives.
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