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Poor poor Cubbies....

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
An optimist sees the glass half full.
A pessimist sees the glass half empty.
A Cubbies' fan sees the glass and wonders when it will tip over.

This is so depressing!

PS- DenWa, that son of a bitch should feel terrible.


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
definitely...especially when someone recognizes him on the street and beats his ass...

then again, if the Cubs win tonight, then the anger will dissipate and he'll have quite a story to tell for the rest of his life.



Senior Moment
Oct 30, 2002
Here and there
The Billy Goat curse lives....Cubs blow 5-3 lead, lose 9-6 and the poor bugger from last night probably wants to throw himself off the Sears Tower....


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
They are indeed "losers". And losers they will stay.

Pudge Rodriguez rules!


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002


Personal Sex Therapist
Mar 6, 2003
I feel sorry for the guy. He's being hung out to dry for something that was probably instinctive. I mean, he's a little league coach and former player, he's obviously a diehard fan, a ball is coming toward him, and you don't have the luxury of instant replay to determine if the 4 inches between his hand and the wall will make the difference in the outcome of the game. And if it hadn't been his hand it would have been one of the other 10 pushing in around him. So now the media have released his full name, where he lives and where he works. If the cubs had won last night all would have been forgiven, but they lost - and that too is somehow his fault?

The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
Yep and Billy Buckner can't walk through Boston even today without an escort (police that is). I know people who work in the same company in Toronto and they hate him, and they don't even know him.

It's way too easy to blame this fan for everything that happened after he touched the ball. He is not responsible for Alex Gonzales booting the ball and giving the Marlins a 5th out in the inning...or the pitching that led to all the base runners. This was the first time all season where mark Prior and Kerry Wood both lost when pitching in consecutive games (16 times)... and that's the fan's fault?

Cub's fans need to get over themsleves (and Leaf's fans for that matter) and stop whining. I heard Ernie Banks (Mr. Cub) yesterday and he said regardless of the outcome, spring training starts in about 120 days. You can only wish to be that much of an optimist.


Nov 22, 2001
My review:

KOM - Kerry On Mound
but still
CBJ - Cubs Blow Juicy (series lead)
DATY - Denied Again This Year
BLnS - Better Luck next Season


New member
Mar 1, 2003
"they are the leafs of baseball"

sounds so very true... I hope the leafs can win one soon.... too bad they are getting hurt


Nov 22, 2001
oh yeah...

Goober Mcfly said:
*dons Physics cap, grabs calculator*


Thanks for the nightmarish flashbacks and now this image...

Goober Mcfly said:
*Takes off his Physics garb, realizes he's now naked, runs screaming from the room*
I'm scared for life (scarred too). Asshat.


New member
Feb 28, 2003
The Hammer
everyone wants to pinpoint the blame solely on headset man, how unfair is that?

Bernie Mac started the jinx by referring to the Cubs as 'Champs' during take me out to the ball game...

and more importantly, the Cubs WERE UP 3-1 in the series!!! they collectively blew it...on the other hand though, something tells me headset man is on a filght right now to some remote islands in the south pacific!


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
hehehe said:
If the Red Sox doesn't win tonight it'll be bad for the tv networks. Most people are rooting for Cubs and Red Sox series but from the ways things are going now it'll probably be Yankees and Marlins. I don't think Pedro is as good as he once was.
I agree. I think they should start Wakefield and save Pedro for the first game of the World Series. Wakefield has already given the Yankee batsmen fits this series and if it is windy like last night, then that knuckler will be doing some nasty dancing.


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
As a Chicago resident who is NOT a Cubs fan, I feel a tiny bit of sadness, not so much because I like the Cubs, but watching the games gave me another excuse to go out and drink with my friends. But it seems so inevitable in retrospect... the Cubs are simply destined to never win.

A few words about Game 6... as it has been said, the fan reaching for the ball that Alou was going to catch was not the reason the Cubs lost that game. The Cubs lost because Prior walked Castillo to put runners on 1st and 2nd, because Rodriguez, Lee, and Mordecai got big hits, because Gonazlez made an error, and because Sosa missed a cut off man. Not much has been made of this play, but when Conine hits his sac fly with the bases loaded to make the score 4-3, Sosa overthrows the cut off man and the other base runners advance to second and third. Baker orders an intentional walk which sets up Mordecai's bases clearing double. I would argue Sosa's inept throw was as big a contributing factor to the Marlin's 8 run outburst as anything else that inning.

I have never subscribed to the "single play determining the outcome of the game" theory, and the Cubs had plenty of chances to stop the Marlins, regardless of what that fan does. Since someone mentioned Bill Buckner of the 1986 Red Sox, I should also point out a few things about that game. First, many people forget that was a Game 6, and that the score was already tied when Buckner made the error which allowed the winning run to score. The Red Sox had been up by two runs, but they allowed one run on three consecutive singles by the Mets, and then Bob Stanley uncorked a wild pitch which allowed Kevin Mitchell to score with the tying run. If Buckner fielded the ball cleanly, the score would have only have been tied, the Red Sox don't just walk off and win. And. since it was a Game 6, it is not like the Red Sox didn't have the chance to still win the series with a victory in the next game. They didn't, but my point is, Buckner didn't lose that series for the Red Sox. I will also add, that what is totally forgotten about the 1986 World Series was that the Mets lost Game 1 by a score of 1-0, because Tim Teufel, their second baseman, let a groundball go through his legs, which allowed the only run of the game to score. Errors are part of the game, and so are bizarre incidents involving the fans. The key is how teams respond to these events that determines ballgames.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
wow another Chicago guy around here . i couldnt have said it any better homonger. i am not a cub fan either but have been to wrigley many times and from where bartman was in the stands he didnt even see alou coming for the ball until it was to late. the only happy people around here are white sox fans . the sun times was the first idiots to give the guys name and adress and where he worked. what a bunh of assholes i will never buy that paper again not even to wipe my ass they went to far. the billy goat curse lives on
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