Elmer Stud said:
Yes it was Gail Smith. Apparently she got fired due to her extra curricural activities. Her nickname was snowqueen.
Actually, she got axed, 'cause the V.P. she was boinking (and did boink to get the job) got fired and without him to protect her, she was close behind...don't ask how I know (and no, I am not the V.P.)
She also had a cleaning lady fired, after this woman (doing her menial tasks as ordered) walked in on Gail and her V.P. boss, while they were doing the horizontal mambo.
The funniest things about Gail were her vanity and insecurity (albeit the latter was well founded). She even demanded a table microphone be installed for her alone, to avoid having to wear a lapel mic, 'cause she said they ruined the look of her "outfits".
Appearance is everything after all....or in her case the only thing.