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Politically Incorrect Stuff!!

What medication are you talking about? I wouldn't mind taking some if it can increase my penis size ... by really though, I don't know why the color of my cock is so much darker then the rest of my body ... maybe because I do have a "Black cock"? hehe

BTW, just to be a little on topic, why is it that when you see a blonde girl with a Black guy, we think she only likes him for his cock, and hence label her a "slut"?

Yet, when we see a Black women with a White guy ... we think that the White guy enjoys being "abused"?

And when we see a blonde girl with an Asia guy, we think she only likes him for his money? And when we see an Asian girl with a White guy, we think that she is "liberated"?


Mar 28, 2003
submissivedave said:
What medication are you talking about? I wouldn't mind taking some if it can increase my penis size ... by really though, I don't know why the color of my cock is so much darker then the rest of my body ... maybe because I do have a "Black cock"? hehe

BTW, just to be a little on topic, why is it that when you see a blonde girl with a Black guy, we think she only likes him for his cock, and hence label her a "slut"?

Yet, when we see a Black women with a White guy ... we think that the White guy enjoys being "abused"?

And when we see a blonde girl with an Asia guy, we think she only likes him for his money? And when we see an Asian girl with a White guy, we think that she is "liberated"?
What's this "we" shit Subdave. I don't think any of those things. Does anyone else think this?


Aug 10, 2002
Politically Incorrect Observations

I have heard a lot of BS from people trying to 'disprove' my observations.. including people trying to steer away the discussion from the subject..

Look here.. people if you want to live in a delusion [esp the gals on this thread.. do]... but reality does not care.... and neither do I..

Based on what I seen, heard and experienced.... I will say that non-white women [asians, latinos and eastindians etc] have a deep seated inferiority complex.. inspite of all the BS they say like liking who they are.. their actions betray their true thoughts...

Women tend to f**k guys who can give them social status, money, acceptability [at least in their eyes]... there is a deep rooted perception that f**king white guys gives them that status... and well I don't blame white guys... f**k them all you can...I would, if I was in their shoes..

White guys think that asian women are more feminine [even if they see evidence to the contrary] and 1st, 2nd gen. asian gals do not mind playing the traditional gal role.. because unlike white gals they do not see it as demeaning... rather empowering .. because they have the guy wrapped around their finger.. so to speak..

So it is a symbiotic relationship where asian/non-white gal gets 'status'[at least in her and her peers eyes] and white guy gets a gal who treats him like a 'man' [at least superficially].

As far as black guys-white gals... the situation is reversed as black guys see white gals as status symbols.. even in countries with a black/colored majority brazil, caribbean etc.. and then there is the part about pissing off/scaring white guys [you know what I am talking about]... I have no problem... go on and f**k some more.. and yes there are certain types of white gals that go out with black guys.

Now white women do not usually date non-white/black guys because they say that they want guys bigger/taller than themselves.. but much more important is the have a deep-rooted belief that they are morally/intellectually/physically better than all other races [delusions can be very powerful esp. to the deluded].. and they do not want to seem to be f**king 'down' at least in their and their peers/families eyes.

well they do bend the rules if they are dumpy or the guy is very well off... and they feel that they can control him..
They do seem to have the attitude.. ' I am doing you a favour'.. sadly p***y is just that .. p***y.

My problem is that in most places in canada they seem to be most common kinda p***y.. and the fact that they have issues with non-white/black men leads me to an interesting and disturbing conclusion..

Would you sleep with a dog or a cat? why not.. well you are not the same species... right??.. if a white gal refuses [consider this as a group trend] then I have to conclude that she does not see me as the same species as her.. now I am totally sure that I am human.. but such behaviour makes me have strong doubts as to whether they are really human or deserve being treated like a human being.. as opposed to any other animal.. or less..

While most non-white/black guys accept this situation... I do not.. I like who I am and would not have it any other way.. even if I could.. I do not and never will accept this third rate treatment.. and Therefore I tend to go on the offensive.. metaphorically speaking

Footnote 1- what they do not seem to realise is that 'white history' before 800 AD is rather spotty.. and it was only after the 1800s that they became dominant and given the current birth rates and other changes in the world will become 'just another' group in the next 40 years.. they mistake luck, chance in THIS phase of history for superiority... never mind the conditions in canada as late as the 1950's.

Footnote 2- I have seen many dumpy white women who did not want to date me sleep with obese, hairy, homeless, abusive, unemployed, alcoholic, addicted, dumb and yes short [less than 5' 9"] white guys [and this is in the old days when I was actually and genuinally nice to them]... yes I have seen ALL the listed examples [multiple times]... and I have to say that I am not impressed by this behaviour... highly discriminatory as it is... BTW I am 5' 7".. but otherwise none of the above...

So what do you think?? Still feel like nothing is wrong... or.. ??


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
lucifer - a lot of generalizations there BUT I have to admit that a lot of what you said rings true, however, mainly for the baby boomer generation. I don't see as much evidence of this with the twenty-somethings.

I personally know some black guys (35 - 40 years old) who have hooked up with a series of fat, unemployed, lazy and otherwise undesirable white girls who treat them like sh*t. I know these guys could do better but they seem to have an inferiority complex.

I have also seen the dorky white guy/cute Asian girl couples.

BTW, I'm a 48 year old white guy (and my GF is EastIndian).
"Fucking up" and "fucking down" ... now that is a very interesting theory which is very very controvertial.

Personally, although I like non-Orientals, it does not have anything to do with the "status" thingy ...

I guess I am attracted to foreign girls and when I say foreign, it includes Hindus and Blacks ... so I guess with one sentence, I have refuted your entire thesis ... hahaha ...

And although I have a preference for non-Oriental women, I do have a special liking for girls from North East Asia such as one from Shanghai, Beijing and the Koreas. I like thier physical features alot.

Nonetheless, like I have stated in another thread, I have a tendency to lean towards "White girls" because of their attitude and non-traditional view of life. Besides, if you take my sexual preferences into perspective, as well as my fetishes, it is hard to find a girl from the same ethnicity of me to play along ...

Yes, there are many Asian Dommes and many White guys find them very very appealing (like Lucy Lui I guess because of her looks but I don't like her) but that's only based on the very superficial stuff like looks and how they dress and act. If you dig deeper, like her take on thing as well as their way of thinking, one will realize that she will do things which her gender role dictates her to do (because of tradition). And of course, I am generalizing ...


Aug 10, 2002
My take

Well latecomer said that it applied to babyboomers and not 20 somethings.. well I refute it because I am a 20 something... and this attitude is well and alive.. yes..there are exceptions.. few and far in between.. but they actually prove what I say... that this is the rule

and subdave

>>I guess I am attracted to foreign girls and when I say foreign, it includes Hindus and Blacks ... so I guess with one sentence, I have refuted your entire thesis ... hahaha ...

Whether you as a guy are attracted to women who do not belong to your race is inconsequential.. white gals are not/or will not put out to you... or they will set a much higher mark for you to spread their legs.. because you are not white

men are attracted to physically attractive women .. and can see past race/status unlike women [generalisation but largely true].. .

many blacks in the US don't look like their ancestors.. you see not even racism, social unacceptability and incorrect belief that blacks were subhumans could not stop white guys from screwing black gals.. What about the first president of the US... a slave owner himself... did not stop him.. or even strom thurmond- the 100 yrs old senator who was a segregationist/racist [who died recently].. you know he had/has a black daughter and he paid for her education/upbringing [in secret of course].. so you see.. inspite of strong racism.. both men treated their women/children [of another race] with some dignity... can you say the converse is true.....

Women f**k for different reasons than men... men f**k for the pleasure, are less stuck up and can seperate sex and love better than women [true in the majority even in this age and no.. women have not really changed]... the main reason gay men can often have hundreds and thousands of partners is because both parties involved are men.. look at the number of partners lesbians have [much less than gay men or even heteros].. why???... obviously homosexuality is not the issue.

It just boils down to a difference in attitude and mutually conflicting mating requirements for men and women

>>Nonetheless, like I have stated in another thread, I have a tendency to lean towards "White girls" because of their attitude and non-traditional view of life. Besides, if you take my sexual preferences into perspective, as well as my fetishes, it is hard to find a girl from the same ethnicity of me to play along ...

So do white gals play along with you when you don't pay [for sex] .. and if they do.. are they attractive [I know beauty is supposedly in the eye of the beholder.. but most guys know a hot gal when they see one]. Do you feel that things would be a lot easier for you if you were white [and everything else was the same]... if you do... you are being treated as a third rate creature [not a human]... do you accept it.. or are you gonna do something about it... honestly.. do you like being treated the way you are by white gals... honestly?????

DO YOU LIKE BEING TREATED AS A SUBHUMAN???? think about it... I can show you the way.. but whether you choose to follow it is something only you can decide....
Good post !!!

Lucifer, you have stated some really interesting points which are once again, controvertial. But I love controversy ... haha

Well, here is my response:

You are totally correct when you say that men are more willing to have sex, have a relationship with a women outside of their own race then women are. Many statistical studies have shown this. Nonetheless, like all stats. studies, we ought to look at the methodology on how the results came about. Nonetheless, regardless of methodology, I assume the findings to be correct because the results have been proven over and over again. So you are totally correct on that one.

Being a visible minority in a land founded by Whites/Europeans, I would have to say yes, I have to work harder then the White guy who is sitting next to me to achieve the same goals. And that of course includes dating. I mean yeah, North America is the "New World" and everyone has the right to be here because in essence we are all immigrants, even the Natives who came over from Asia. But this place was not really a "country" until the Whites came over. So in a way, it's a "White" country with a rich European, especially British and French roots. And yes, there was a time in our history that people like me were not allowed to come here unless we had money. And of course we were not allowed to vote and shit ... and got paid less then the White dude doing the same job etc. etc.

But as time passes by, the mentality of "the ruling class" has changed which are being reflected in immigration and cultural policies. I guess since the 1960's everyone was "welcomed" to come as long as they met the immigration requirements.

Immigrants were allowed to do anything the White man could do etc. etc. However, immigrants, or I should say, people of color are still very much excluded from the ruling class in both Canada and America. Yeah, we are welcomed here and are allowed to set up businessed and make money, but when it comes to governance, colored people are excluded. If you want some evidence, just look at the government and political parties. Just look at the Metro police force on who holds the highest positions.

Now, pause the above paragraphs for a sec and let me say the following:

If colored people are already excluded from the ruling class and prominant positions, these things will be reflected in the media and society. And because media is so influential, people will already have a mentality in thinking that Whites are "better" then the colored people because they just can't make it to those positions. I mean yeah, there many colored people who are increibly rich, but money does not really give you the "status" in terms of having the ability to do things, especially setting policies on how to run a country. Furthermore, like you said, many Blacks and even Chinese are ashamed of what their ancestors did such as slaves and laundrymen respectively. So as a consequence, these Blacks and Chinese who are ashamed of themselves try to be "White" and abandon their own heritage and as a result, their dating patterns will follow suite. It's like "Yeah, my great grandfather was a slave/laundrymen, but now I am fucking a White girl so I am "fucking up" (as you say) ...

But as for me, I am glad and happy to be an immigrant. When our family first came we had nothing and now we live quite a comfortable life. I am not ashamed of what the Chinese of the previous generation have done to make a living. In fact, I am proud to see that Chinese and Blacks have progrssed in North American society; from slaves and laundrymen to doctors, surgeons, teachers and profs. I don't know what they are ashamed of ...

Just to bring in a movie; Gangs of New York. The selling point about that movie was that "America was born on the streets". However, I look at it a different way. America was born/built by immigrants. And that "Bill the butcher" guy is an idiot calling himself a "Native". He hated the Irish, but guess what? John F. Kennedy was Irish. Yeah, them Irish dudes are easier for them to get ahead because of skin color and their Anglo last names compared to Asians and non-Anglo people, but they are immigrants just like everyone else. If Irish can make it, so can other immigrants make it in the New World ...

But then, sometimes, it is ourselves (immigrants) to blame because we don't involve ourselves in the decision making process which influences policies. Immigrants tend to just start up businesses and make money and hence some people don't like them. But, I can tell you that its not because immigrants are leeches or parasites who are only interested in making money, its just that they don't know how to go about it. Furthermore, many immigrants are not aware of the political issues which may or may not affect them personally.

End of part one.
Con't from above ...

As for the way I a being treated by White girls, well I have not really seen any difference in the way they treat me or the way non-White girls treat me, honestly. In fact, I find White girls to be more friendly then non-White girls. Personally, if I have interest in an Asian girl and she does not like me, she will act very hostile towards me. We can't even be friends and she won't even "pass me along" to her friends. But the White girls whom I have met, they would tell me they are not interested, remain my friend and would even "pass me along" to her friends whom she think we may have a good time together.

Actually, being non-White, I think I have a "niche" in the highly complicated dynamics of the dating game ... LOL ;)

A few of the White girls whom I have been with actually tell me that they like me because of some of my Asian characteristics. Whatever that means, I have absolutely no clue. I guess it's like White dudes liking Asian women who like them for their "Asian characteristics" ...

Lastly, do I like being treated like a subhuman?

Yes and no.

No because I believe in equality and that no one is better then anyone else because of race. But I really do thin that their really is inequality among peoples and that some are just "better" then others. But this is not based on race. It's based on their character such as those stated by Plato, Confucius and even Nietzsche. I don't mean to get philosophical, but it is a philosophical issue. But I won't go on unless you really want me to.

Yes because I like struggles and challenges ... I feed off of it. But that's just me.


Aug 10, 2002
Re: Con't from above ...

Hi subdave

A few questions

>>As for the way I a being treated by White girls, well I have not really seen any difference in the way they treat me or the way non-White girls treat me, honestly. In fact, I find White girls to be more friendly then non-White girls. Personally, if I have interest in an Asian girl and she does not like me, she will act very hostile towards me. We can't even be friends and she won't even "pass me along" to her friends. But the White girls whom I have met, they would tell me they are not interested, remain my friend and would even "pass me along" to her friends whom she think we may have a good time together.

You mean being treated like a BF without the sex or other benefits....

>>Actually, being non-White, I think I have a "niche" in the highly complicated dynamics of the dating game ... LOL ;) A few of the White girls whom I have been with actually tell me that they like me because of some of my Asian characteristics.

So how many white gals have you had sex with ?? and drunken/high sex does not count.. for this number. In short... how many sober, non-retarded, white gals [not SPs/MPAs] have you had sex with??

Were they dumpy?? dumpy is defined by me as below average [below 50-60% in looks].. . reasonable is top 20% for the given agegroup and hot is top 10 % of the given agegroup. [All %s are for looks].

And what was the yield/effort ratio??
Would it have been much better if you were white.

I will comment on some of the other stuff you wrote tommorow... I think you are still naive and optimistic about the world... like I was 7 years ago...


Sr. Member
Jun 19, 2002
Jeeezus f--k!

I told you! I warned you!!


And he is.

With a good half dozen windy posts in a single thread (what's he doing on other threads? I'll check in a a minute).

But so far, on this thread at least, no dumb one-liners.

Ha ha, as he will respond, bursting with wit.

Muddy Waters

PS: The acronyn LOL stands, I'm told, for "lots of laughs" - although, in Dave's case, it should be VWS - "very weak smile."


Aug 10, 2002
My take...

This is my take..

>>As a fellow Asian man(I assume you are of Asian decent), I think you'd probably be better off focusing your time going to bars, joining a club.....anything that'll increase your chance to meet white girls than venting on terb about not getting white women.

Meeting people is not my problem, nor is approaching, chatting up, flirting or asking out. In fact I am shameless enough to ask a gal out when her date?/fuck-buddy? was 10 feet away... and I was not drinking...

I have ended up sleeping with a woman who was visting a city [from a small town] for plastic surgery... yes... boob augmentation... the first night we met.... look here.. I have had more than a few one night stands..

I have slept with more than a couple married gals who away from their husbands and were in the city I was in taking some course..

If I drop my standards I can get laid.. but you see the problem... I have to drop my standards .. considerably.... I think I deserve better... I have to grovel, manipulate,lie for ugly booty.... it is not fair.. I deserve better... for my effort and given my profile I should get at least semi-hot gals.... not dumpy gals.....

>> And I fully agree with your observation/generalization but you can't change the color of your skin. So my advise to you is to improve yourself, looks, personality and the size of your wallet and most importantly, you gotta keep on trying.

That is why I am trying to improve my financial status.. have done well so far... will do better very soon.. [better= 6 fig. income]

>>The secret to picking up chicks of any race is actually a numbers game. The more chicks you hit on, chances are you'll find someone who'll like you.

I used to go out a lot.. like 3 times a week.. so yes.. that is true.. however the ratio sucks... far more profitable to visit a SP... at least it is a sure thing... unless the SP is a ripoff.

>>The reason I'm stressing on hitting on as many girls as you can is that I find that most Asian guys are still too shy to approach girls of any race compare to white guys.

I am rather brazen... in asking out.. in fact I have dated women I met on public transit...

>>Again, I'm assuming you are not very actively persuing gilrs. Havn't you seen white guys pretty much hit on anything with 2 legs and a heartbeat? Sorry, on offence to fellow Caucasian terbites here.

That is what I do... however the best I get often is rather.... lets put it this way... I require to close my eyes and fantasize when doing it..

You see the problem is that the gals I get are either dumpy, dumpy with kids, etc.... I want hot gals... I deserve them... and I believe that very strongly..

Before I started hobbying the best looking gals I had been with were hotel waiteress at Banff springs [was there for a week.. conference.. 3 gals in 7 days].. and had some money to spend.. and realised that unless I spend a lot of money... on pampering good looking gals.. they would not f**K me... but they had no problem f**king some white guy who was a alcoholic,stoner and did not spend money on them.. etc...

See that is my problem... I wanted long term, semi-long term relationships with hot gals... the best I got was short term ones with dumpy, f**ked up gals.. I deserve better ... I have seen guys who are in far worser situations than i am and still get fairly hot gals throwing themselves at them... and the only reason is they are white.. I do not and never will accept this status quo as my fait accompli.

And yes when I get my 6 fig. or better income... [more than half way there... ] yes I will get better looking gals.. but do I really want to have a long-term with gals who gave the best years of their lives [and their best years lookwise] to jerks and f**kwits and now have kids from them...

Do you realise what I had to endure to get what I got for free.. how much c**p I have had to hear, endure... ahh.... you know when I started hobbying it was at a particularly bad point in my life. It was just before finishing and just after my grad school.. no good job.. no one cared..had barely enough money to eat... almost a year.. and that is when I started hobbying.. I don't think I will ever forgive women in general for ignoring me then... esp. then..

I don't think I am ever gonna have a long-term with any woman.... just get what I want and move on to the next and of course keep up my hobbying.

I am not the kinda person you want to slight.... but I guess lotsa people thought they could get away with it... unfortunately they can't. You may say that I am taking it out on gals who were not the ones who slighted me... well what did I do to deserve what I got... or more properly did not get... why should I care.....


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
I have the answer!

lucifer said:
... at least in public.. it is usually good looking asian guy- dumpy white gal
The answer to your question id obvious. You are clearly attracted to Asian men. That's why you don't find their girlfriends attractive.



Aug 10, 2002
Re: I have the answer!

>>The answer to your question id obvious. You are clearly attracted to Asian men. That's why you don't find their girlfriends attractive.

LOL.. I wish I was gay.. would be much easier to get laid.. but can't help thinking about gals....
Confucius says: "If something did not turn out as desired, first look at yourself why you did not achieve your goal. Do not blame others ..."

Best example: writing a bad exam. Don't blame it on the instructor, don't blame it on the questions ... but blame it on yourself because you did not study hard enough ...


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
holy crap lucifer you have an inferiority complex so bad that it is dangerous. relax, i know plenty of guys of all races that can't get laid with hot women.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001

I don't even know where to begin, but you appear to be where I was about 15 years ago ; bitter, resentful and sceptical. I don't mean to judge your position as I'm not in your shoes. Like most people you seem to be your own worst enemy. That being said, your whole negative attitude, racial outlook toward women and translation of everything into superficial terms, such as money, you most likely will only attract what you are putting out ; attitude, and a superficial meaningless relationship, at best.

It's almost as if you are trapped inside your personal perception of your own stereotype.

No offence, because I'm only seeing what you choose to present of yourself, but based on your outlook alone, if I didn't know your race and not knowing your physical appearance, I doubt too many would find it attractive. I think there is something to be said for people being attracted to those they wish they could be like.

I wish you luck, because the way you are headed you are doomed ...
Last edited:

Lady Sarah

New member
Jun 10, 2003
Here are some generalizations I've come to hold true over the years:
1.) Women who date Asian men want to learn cantonese;
2.) Penguins are notoriously bad at blackjack;
3.) Engineers educated in Ontario who masturbate have an easier time finding work in their field of choice upon graduation;
4.) People who move their bowels immediately after breakfast may do so again before they go to bed;
5.) Most newborn girls are born with a keen eye for professional landscaping (although most lose this ability within hours of birth);
6.) Lonely, vindictive TERB members who resent having not enjoyed the company of women during their formative years are not only antisocial and usually neglect their physical/mental health, but are also exceedingly careless with campfires.

Just a few thing's I've noticed. I love learning.


New member
Feb 12, 2003
Thanks Sarah, I got lost in the beauty and accuracy of pool's post and needed your truth's to improve my more basic knowledge.

Could 7.) possibly be - personable Dancers provide good dances to nice V's who take the wrong turn and end up at the BR instead of the CB? :)



Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
It's very telling that Daveyboy is taking Luci seriously and actually trying to conduct a psuedo-intellectual discussion with it.
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