then they do not need access to restrooms which are not aligned with their physical gender/ sexOf course trans people are normal people.
then they do not need access to restrooms which are not aligned with their physical gender/ sexOf course trans people are normal people.
Oh please, for someone who claims to have blocked me, you seem to eager to follow my posts a lot....typical can claim member can be women and bise versa but we all know you would take a swinging dick from an attractive shemale....Looks like all the righties here are actually on to something. I figured it out! They LOVE transwomen and they want them in the MEN's locker rooms and bathrooms. That is why they keep talking about "swinging dicks"
PS: For the record I am okay with sharing my locker room or bathrooms with transwomen or transmen or whoever else. I don't care. It is a change room/bathroom and it does not bother me either way.
Given being a woman is basically an exercise in self-identification, they can very well be a woman. Sex =/= Gender Identity.
That's rapey. So just another creepy rightie. I see your opposition to transwomen using women's changing rooms, as a cry for help. Yes, you need to see a shrink bro. See? I am always right about righties and their creepy and closeted behaviours.
Hey Johnny boy, you still rambling. How is that adhering to the laws of the nation by not discriminating against LGBTQ folks and not engaging in hate speech coming along?
I know. I am always right about righties.
And you'd know that man or transwoman, no normal person is swinging dick in front of another, unless you are a dick, or a closeted creepy rightie dick, tryna check out dicks in the locker room.
You are describing sex. The biological definition is - Female, which denotes sex, the associated organs etc., However the designation of "man" and "woman" - is an exercise in self-identification, and nothing else. So a male can identify as either a man or woman. Similarly, a female can identify as either a man or as a woman.
Dumbest post in this thread so far....I know you don't believe what you preaching...youndont have receipts to prove you do...just basically mouth piecing to feel better being dont have proof other than claiming "that's what I believe in"... discredit doctors that oppose your "views"Transitioning is not cross dressing. It is many things including gender affirming surgeries, hormonal treatments etc.,
I am completely cool with it because transwomen are not "perverts" just because they have a different gender identity.
I have never seen someone actually think, worry, sweat, pant, fret and talk about dicks so much. I am convinced you like to gag and drool on dicks. Infact you love dicks so much, you want ALL the dicks, including tranny dicks in the men's locker room. Just come out of the closet bub. Here is the right forum for you to vent your frustrations.
no they are notThey ARE using restrooms aligned with their gender.
sure it isSo should not be of any concern to you then, right?
Now you're just speaking Chinese my friend. Either they have a dick and dress like a woman or they don't. You see them a lot in Thailand so you always have to check under the hood before taking them home.For someone who says it isn't his thing, you sure focus all your arguments on the fact that a transwoman has a dick. Now not all transwomen have dicks.
Let me ask you, what if a transwoman, got bottom surgery, and did not have a dick? You'd be okay then?
We all know what you really stand're prepared to discredit any degree holder that oppose trans're hungry to be know why you're always hungry? Because you're wrong all the don't have any sources other than some twitter link, you were presented with an evidence a research done by an actual professional, qualified she was invited to speak in the US congress, united nation's and somehow here Kautliya, a terb woke spokesperson thinking she's not good enough LOL....your logic isn't the cure, it's the problem...LOLWhat is with righties and "swinging dicks"? Here is Rich and the rest of our righties, dreaming in their sleep.
Oh look the alpha successful male of TERB, with an amazing dating life, has made his presence known on an escort review board.![]()
but that's not what it's aboutpeople who are different are allowed to live in peace
I'm a man baby and do not pretend to be anything elseWait is that Juana Goodman?!![]()
Lol that's how you call them now? You're making shit up now...this is noblonger a debate.. game set're argument has no legs to stand on..LoLI discredit culture warriors, whose sole mission is to put on a dog and pony show about civilization ending if people who are different are allowed to live in peace, just to wallet rinse dumb, outraged, righties.![]()
now it's a guy without a dickWhat if a transwoman got bottom surgery? No dick. You cool with that?
wow, you are so confused sweetieWell righties usually are.
I am not here to argue. Am here to tell righties, how they are full of shit, and how they now want to be full of dick!
Tommy boy was okay with that. Its all about the dick for him. He even spoke about his experiences fucking lady boys in Thailand.
When I go into a bathroom, or a locker room, I do not look at people's genitals. The question you need to be asking yourself, is why are YOU LOOKING?! That is the problem with righties. They are creepy.
Women don't care about transwomen in their bathroom because every woman who has ever been raped in a bathroom, is by a cis man. Not a transwoman.
for someone who is obsessed about transgender or lady boysTommy boy was okay with that. Its all about the dick for him. He even spoke about his experiences fucking lady boys in Thailand.
how would you know that?every woman who has ever been raped in a bathroom, is by a cis man. Not a transwoman.