Yep, he's been arrested again, and is facing trial on other charges next year...Senator Brazeau works the afternoon shift in some capacity at the Bare Fax strip club in Ottawa -- surely he is supportive! (no joke)
You Sir are a lovely exception. Most have used need for anonymity as an excuse to not participate. Thank you aa for humoring me. XoxoMPA Squared and I disagree as to the usefulness of badgering this current, utterly useless government. I think it's a waste of time, and a waste of E-mails. Nevertheless, I have signed Elizabeth May's petition, as I have signed many others before. With my REAL name, REAL address, and REAL E-mail. So, Emily, why are you advising people to use fake or hobby names? Is Canada still a democracy? Apparently you think it is not!!! In a democracy, the government belongs to the people, not the other way around. So gentlemen, use your real info, for fuck's sake. This is still a free country, more or less. And, yes, when I go to Muse or Flirt II or Allure (my favourite spas), I use my real name. And you know what: I'm not the slightest ashamed of my behavior.
That's why it's set up to email them directly with each signatureOnline petitions are NOT accepted by the house.
It is only admissible in original hard copy.
Guidelines here:
It has already been pointed out to me that hard copies with signatures are what is required to place before the senate, and I have addressed that with a thank you from the original person who notified me of this, encouraged people to send in their letters, but we all know that in this business that anonymity for both SP's and clients is of a concern. I am merely giving people a venue to speak out regardless.Online petitions are NOT accepted by the house.
It is only admissible in original hard copy.
Guidelines here:
I spoke to someone working in a Green office today and learned that even though an online petition may not be accepted (read: won't be accepted as online petition without inked signature on physical paper) it does draw attention of those in office about an issue.I think the guidelines state that digital signatures (signed online) aren't acceptable, and neither are emails unfortunately. Hard copy means pen on paper afaik.
(PS - I am NOT RascalsHouse, and check time stamps to see who posted where, about the guidelines, first. A whole lotta misinformation floating around about me out there.)
Jody, VICTORIA, CANADA 1 day ago
Tens of thousands of Canadian workers are being denied safer workplaces and access to civil remedies such as police, courts, employment standards and human rights tribunals solely because some people don’t like their line of work. Canada is a country committed to equality and must end this terrible injustice. All the research - in Canada and around the world - points to decriminalization as the way to ensure safer workplaces and more access to all the measures of protection that other Canadians take for granted. Further criminalization will bring more harm to adult, consensual sex workers and will do nothing to help victimized and exploited workers. Bill C-36 is bad law being implemented for all the wrong reasons.
they actually had a poll that most canadian citizens couldn't care less what sex workers did. and the politicians quietly slid it underneath the rug and went ahead with the bill
This is EXACTLY my view!!! I been saying & tweeting HARPER Conservatives = Christian TALIBAN :Eek: I am surprised & dismayed the Media has not taken up this view & been against C-36 for these very reasons. Maybe because Canadian media has a lot of wimps who are afraid to be labeled Prostitution supporters & attacked by Feminazi & Religious fenaticsThanks - I've just signed it.
Anyway, it's my first post on the forum - and I wish I had a better reason for this.
As someone who grew up in the Communist Soviet Union I know what oppressive regime is - and I'm astonished with the actions of our current Canadian government. Bill C-36 looks like a nightmare come true.
I think there are stark similarities between Harper's government, Communists and Muslim fanatics like Taliban & ISIS:
-they all want to impose their "values", "morals" and ideology on other people by force,
-they hate personal freedoms,
-for them ideology prevails over common sense and freedom.
Harper & McKay are also true women haters: they hate the idea that women can make decent money by doing whatever they want with their own bodies. They believe that woman's body belongs to the government.
So now Comrade Harper and Grand Imam McKay are trying to install their version of Sharia Law in Canada...
I still hope that the voice of reason will prevail in our great country and this insanity will be stopped.