We are not likely to stop this bill at this stage in the game, but I do believe that we can continue to build momentum over the next year before the next election and throw this government out. I do believe that we can create enough public out-roar that could force the government to re-examine what they have done for fear they will lose the next election.... we have to send a message loud and clear that this is not acceptable. I will be working hard to educate Canadians on how our Charter of Rights and Freedoms is being contravened and how this bill affects them as Canadian Citizens. I am sharing this in non-sex industry forums and some are utterly shocked by what is happening... people are not aware, and I for one will work my ass off to educate them.
I actually had an offensive commercial from the Bayer Company taken down in only three weeks after I created a campaign against them.... not the same thing, but just to say that when I feel passionate about something, I go all out to do what I can. I cannot do this alone though. This movement needs all of YOU to sign the petition and share it and do all that you can to educate your fellow Canadian on how they are being robbed of their due democratic process and how ANYONE can be criminalized just for buying the other person dinner and then having sex with that person.... we need to let Canadians know that this gives the police the power to question anyone who is romantic at all... that is what people will be outraged about. And we need to educate Canadians on how this will have a negative impact on our economy and how it affects their tax dollars.