Not going to argue the criminality of it any more.
For purposes of advancing the discussion of using such "soft" (as opposed to violence) tactics, do you think that there is no role for lawbreaking in protesting laws that one opposes?
You don't have to argue it because it IS criminal, and referring to Morgentaler as an example of someone who broke the law to challenge another extreme law, means you're acknowledging that Anonymous broke the law.
If I may quote the excellent article in that link I provided (if not for your benefit, but for the benefit of the audience at large):
So, assuming a threat is actually made, what type of threat will support a conviction for extortion? R. v. Davis, discussed above, confirms that the threat need not be a threat that is otherwise unlawful. In that case the accused threatened to send nude pictures of the victims to their families if they did not perform sexual favours for him. Sending such pictures would not itself be illegal, but the accused was still convicted of extortion.
Similarly in R. v. Alexander (2005), 206 C.C.C. (3d) 233 (Ont. C.A.) the accused was convicted of extortion for a threat that was not otherwise criminal. In that case the accused’s wife was owed $7000 by another women, M.M. The accused sent M.M. a draft of a letter explaining that M.M. was involved in “highly questionable ethical and moral conduct”. The accused explained to M.M. that if she did not pay the debt, the accused would send the letter to M.M.’s employer and M.M. would likely be fired. Sending such a letter would not, in the absence of a threat, be a criminal offence (although it may found an action for defamation if the claims were false), but the court found that the accused was guilty of extortion:
A distinction between threats used to collect legitimate debts that is based exclusively on whether the conduct constituting the threat is in and of itself unlawful would undermine the rationale for the crime of extortion. The potential for a threat to overwhelm a person's free choice and compel that person to act in the manner dictated by the threat is not necessarily tied to the lawfulness of the conduct constituting the threat. Some threats, while not per se unlawful (e.g., the threat to disclose some despicable act from one's distant past), will have a much more coercive effect than a threat to do something which is in and of itself unlawful (e.g., a threat to trespass on property).
(R. v. Alexander at para. 79).
In R. v. McClure (1957), 118 C.C.C. 192 (Man. C.A.) the accused threatened to sell a story to a newspaper unless the victim paid the accused a sum of money ($200). The story would provide the details of the victim's recent criminal conviction on a charge of disorderly conduct, and publication of those details would likely harm the victim's standing in the community and his employment. In that case the threat and the demand taken together constituted powerful intimidation calculated to overcome the free choice of even the strongest person. The Manitoba Court of Appeal upheld the accused's conviction for extortion.
For Wigglee's benefit, I can even quote other examples that the thing demanded need not be money nor that the threat necessarily have to instill fear in the person being threatened. As for his example of a daughter threatening her parents, the threat must be considered in an objective manner, that is from the perspective of a reasonable ordinary person (reasonable to be considered serious by the proverbial 'man on the street test').
Now, Anonymous' tactic may have been more effective than any other method of protesting this bad law, but who's to stop them from extorting anybody else for whatever demands? Do we let these cyber hooligans run amok? Granted, this bill as is could affect the 'security of the hobby', but do we become duplicitous to protect it if that's a concern?