Please CK, tell me this one is not a fake


Mar 11, 2012
I texted her and a day later she texted back saying that she kept her work phone off when she was not working or checking her messages. Sounded polite and cheerful.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Not reliable, avoid.

I recommended her to a friend last week. He booked one week in advance and she sent him 3 texts to ask him to confirm. He confirmed for all 3 texts, the last one being yesterday afternoon. Today he went on time to the hotel and nothing. she didn't even bother to come to the hotel. When he called, she told him that she sent him a fourh text to ask him to confirm 2 hours before the session, and when he didn't (his phone was off for personal (wife) reasons), she assumed he wasn't coming, so she didn't even bother coming to the hotel. My friend was furious as she was rude and not even apologetic (she hang up on him).
What a joke. I felt sorry for my friend and now I owe him at least 30 minutes with a reliable SP to make up for my bad recommendation.

Just avoid if you value your time (unless you are completely at her service to confirm a half dozen times before you get to see her).

After all, may be she is the one that CK warned us about.
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Active member
Jul 30, 2008
ah that sucks there is no worse feeling than waiting all week, fighting traffic, and finally getting there only to be empty handed. Happened to me a few times when booking on BP and even CERB.

i guess it's just the texting generation. i must admit, i too text obsessively so if i don't hear from someone that day i assume they forgot about me.

she is a sweet girl, but she's literally a young college kid trying to make some extra cash so this probably won't be the last time it happens. i almost cancelled on her for our first appointment because she was a half an hour late. i am glad i didn't.

it still sucks though that your friend didn't get his appointment as promised. i would be pretty pissed too if i got stood up. however, given all the garbage and scams that are on BP, I think I will stick with her since it's rare that you actually find a legit young univ. student.

Not reliable, avoid.

I recommended her to a friend last week. He booked one week in advance and she sent him 3 texts to ask him to confirm. He confirmed for all 3 texts, the last one being yesterday afternoon. Today he went on time to the hotel and nothing. she didn't even bother to come to the hotel. When he called, she told him that she sent him a fourh text to ask him to confirm 2 hours before the session, and when he didn't (his phone was off for personal (wife) reasons), she assumed he wasn't coming, so she didn't even bother coming to the hotel. My friend was furious as she was rude and not even apologetic (she hang up on him).
What a joke. I felt sorry for my friend and now I owe him at least 30 minutes with a reliable SP to make up for my bad recommendation.

Just avoid if you value your time (unless you are completely at her service to confirm a half dozen times before you get to see her).

After all, may be she is the one that CK warned us about.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Actually he showed me the texts, so I am not 'just' posting. You never texted that you will reconfirm the morning of the session.I don't know about your phone or his phone but my phone gives the exact time stamp of the text. If his phone is like mine, then he would know the time you sent the text. He specifically told me that you DID NOT offer him anything in return for his time and inconvenience. To be honest, I am almost tempted to book with you to see how you handle the booking until the time of the session (to verify your side of the story if that is what you meant above)...time will tell.

Just an advice: when a SP provides the name of the hotel (like you did with my friend), there is no re-confirmation after that. The next text or phone call happens when the hobbyist is at the hotel to ask for the room number (which is a couple of minutes before the session). This is not etched in stone, but almost is.

Actually, it is not your fault or his fault, it is my fault for recommending you.


Active member
Jul 12, 2012
LRH...I have a brand new timestamp is receipt time only, not time sent by the originator. BTW...any phones that show time sent for incoming texts is the time stamp that the text is relayed forward by the recipient's cell phone provider's sms servers. For this reason, you will find that time sent stamps are very, very rare and excessively inaccurate due to the rudimentary basics of sms protocols.

I ain't picking sides but, as an IT professional specializing in mobile communications, the lady's story makes more sense than that of your friend...her story at least supports the limitations of technology.

Sorry man...two cents of thought from someone with experience developing and deploying the technology behind text messaging...


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Curious, I have a stupid phone not a smart one. But when I turn on my phone I get the messages that were in my inbox with different previous times but NOT the time when I turn on my phone (some of them are like 4 hours ago). I don't know about the relays but I am sure it is not the time my phone is tuned on.

You may be right, but to my friend's defense, her text the previous day was like 'c u tomorrow', so technically, no additional confirmation is needed.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
I am not picking sides either as I don't know the details as what has happened but in my own case when I have to go to a hotel to see a provider (in summer time) I always send a text or call 2 hours before to re-confirm that appointment because in a couple of cases in the past I had no shows and lost $150 on hotel expenses each time, not to mention the disappointment of not being with a girl for another week. I too tell her in advance the hotel name but still needs a confirmation 2 hours before and if I don't get a response if I can I will cancel the hotel (in most cases it is a pre-book so 24 hour for cancellation is required) or will contact another SP and find myself another date. What I don't do (if I don't receive a re-confirmation 2 hours prior) is to pay for the hotel and go there waiting forever and hope she would show up and then would be too late or I will be too disappointed to find another date for the same night. I did this twice in the past and I paid the price. Now Amy is a student and $150 means a lot more to her than I, so I can understand if she didn't wish to risk a no show, if that was the case.
I understand your point CH, but as she stated, she offered him a spot that was available at 8pm, so I suppose the hotel was already booked for other clients before and/or after 8pm. In that case she wasn't even losing any $. Plus, to my knowledge, SPs do not book a hotel for only one client (expense is too high compared to income).


Active member
Jul 30, 2008
For the record, Amy is becoming one of my favorite SP's to date, so my response will be quite biased. But here are some points that I'd like to make:

1) I have an Android phone and if I turn it off I am usually bombarded with a bunch of emails and text messages when I turn it back on. The time stamp is always when I turn my phone on, and not when the message was sent. This applies to my text messaging as well as emails. Not sure how it works on iPhones and Blackberries, but this is my experience with Android.

2) I have booked ahead with the big Agencies in Toronto, and they ALWAYS require you to call and confirm the day of the appointment. If you don't call in, they will assume you are not interested and give the slot away to someone else. Not sure how it is in Ottawa, but this is my experience with the reputable Toronto agencies. In all fairness to your point though, they don't give the location until it is 100% confirmed.

3) Amy is a sweet girl, and one of the nicest providers I have met (comparable to Peachy on CERB and Effie on TERB). Please don't ruin it for the rest of us just because your friend had a miscommunication. This is exactly why all the young pretty girls get jaded and leave the industry, and we are left with only the "professional sex workers" who are willing and able to put up with rude clients.

4) You can't possibly place 100% of the blame on Amy, even if everything you said is true (that's a big if). One should always confirm the appointment the day of to make sure. Perhaps she should not have given him the location, but that doesn't place the blame solely on her. Even IF she texted him 2 hours before the meeting, I think that's a fair time frame for both parties to confirm. However, she claims that she texted him at 8:30am, so this is a point we won't be able to verify. I think your friend should accept at least some of the blame, and not place it all on Amy.

5) She was willing to offer your friend a discount for the mishap, so she took responsibility for it even though it wasn't entirely her fault. It appears to me as though she took the high road, and your friend was a jerk and yelled at her. I would have been pissed too, but really what does screaming and yelling accomplish? I probably would have tried to negotiate a nice discount for myself or something, although I know it's not always an option for people with SO's.

6) We are all grown ups here, so maybe cooler heads will prevail? Like I said, she's a super cool girl, so I am sure you can still salvage it and work out some kind of a deal with your friend. She's got a smokin hot spinner body, one of the nicest bums around, and a good head on her shoulders. Totally worth the hassle and wait.

Sorry I know I am sounding completely one sided on this, and I apologize if it reads like I am attacking you. But I have seen her a few times now since she started, and I feel that your posts have been really unfair to her. She is a total sweetheart and a beautiful girl inside and out. It was an honest mistake on both sides, and there really is no need to scream and yell and slander the poor girl on the internet.
Jul 28, 2006
wow this is getting a little heated and I know it sounds weird coming from me as I posted the cautionary warning about the possible association with the Altavista flop pad, oddly enough that ad is gone now.

Anyhow it does totally suck when appointments are missed and or scheduling errors happen, while LRH has been posting for a while around here, it might be in your interest and your friends interest for him to set up his own account and put his own story out there. This is a messy enough situation without 3rd party information getting into the mix.

By all accounts Amy sounds like she tried to fix the situation and maybe if your friend communicated here or by phone directly with her rather than through you that resolution might still be possible.

For what it's worth, I've had various brands and styles of phones over the years, all of them time stamp when the phone receives the message so if the phone is off for two hours all my missed texts that come in after I turn the phone on have the same time stamp.

I know the style of this board is to generally through people under the bus, and I'm usually the first to do so (at least when it comes to the fakers and scammers) but it seems as though Amy's only guilty of being new and inexperienced, your comments and your friends experience are dooley noted, if it happens again to others it's certainly worth raising a fuss over but right now it seems to have been assumption on both parties doing that led to some confusion.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Fair enough. I will try to book with her myself and report back from first-hand experience. I am sure others will want to see her as she has received mostly good feedback (at least service-wise) and they will voice any booking problems if they materialize.

I also use a cell phone that is not on 24/7 so I hope Amy will understand that this is the case for a large number of hobbyists (According to her statement in the previous page she also tuns off her phone when not working).


New member
Feb 1, 2007
I hate to see this arguing but I wanted everyone to know that text messaging is not a guaranteed form of communication meaning once the text leaves your phone it's not guaranteed to get to its recipient.


New member
May 22, 2008
Curious, I have a stupid phone not a smart one. But when I turn on my phone I get the messages that were in my inbox with different previous times but NOT the time when I turn on my phone (some of them are like 4 hours ago). I don't know about the relays but I am sure it is not the time my phone is tuned on.

You may be right, but to my friend's defense, her text the previous day was like 'c u tomorrow', so technically, no additional confirmation is needed.
You're wrong. If the phone is off, SMS does not have the capability of showing when the message was sent, only when received.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
I'd actually really appreciate it if you did not try to book with me, LRH. What you said about me was almost a complete fabrication (I understand that it was your friend's fabrication), and the fact that you repeatedly defended his hissy fit makes me not really want to experience your charm "first-hand".

This is actually the rudest I've ever been to anyone in my entire life, and all I'm saying is I don't wanna sleep with you because you slandered me. Don't take any offence, just please stay away from me. Thanks.
Just a reminder that you were asking me to hear your side of the story (best evidence is when you experience it). With this, I am more inclined now to believe posts number 4, 9 and 20 (and the Cowboy is very often right).


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Amy you are new on this board and you don't know your way around at all. First, Cowboy is an institution by himself so do not fuck around that. Second, you are insulting me because I believed an honest respected poster that confirmed TWICE that it was you who he saw. With your insults you are showing who you really are: the rude girl who confronted my friend. Unfortunately, I can't even wish you good luck because what you write stays and sometimes comes back to bite you.


Active member
Jul 30, 2008
Hmm maybe I am reading it wrong, but it says that you can't see the message delivery time and date when the phone is off? Reads to me like you can't see the time and date that a message was sent while your phone is off, but you can see it on the My Verizon online website?

"Hey there techfan14! If I understand correctly, you would like to know when messages are sent to your phone (esp. when the phone is off). I can tell you that the time and date that a message was sent to your phone is not available to Verizon Wireless customers. We can show you when the message is delivered, whether the phone is on or off. That is available through My Verizon online under usage details. Thanks for bringing your question to the VZW Community! "

Also, why does it matter what phone you have? I thought it was your friend that good stood up?

You are wrong: I have an LG phone. You can check this if you want (and numerous other sources on the Internet):


Active member
Jul 30, 2008
as a side note, i too saw the original photos on the phone without the face blurred out. she even has the same samsung phone you see in the photos.

you can question her reliabilty or even if she is friendly, but you can't deny that she is legit and that is her in the photos.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Hmm maybe I am reading it wrong, but it says that you can't see the message delivery time and date when the phone is off? Reads to me like you can't see the time and date that a message was sent while your phone is off, but you can see it on the My Verizon online website?

"Hey there techfan14! If I understand correctly, you would like to know when messages are sent to your phone (esp. when the phone is off). I can tell you that the time and date that a message was sent to your phone is not available to Verizon Wireless customers. We can show you when the message is delivered, whether the phone is on or off. That is available through My Verizon online under usage details. Thanks for bringing your question to the VZW Community! "

Also, why does it matter what phone you have? I thought it was your friend that good stood up?
You are right but people were questioning my statement about my LG phone that states the time the text was sent when my phone is off.

On the site the guy who had an old LG like me says: "On my old phone, the lg dare, it would say when the person actually sent it along with when I received it even if my phone was off."

But this whole thing about the phone doesn't matter anyway. The question is "should every hobbyist keep his phone open all the time, just in case some SP wanted to ask questions?" Not my friend and not me either. People have wives and SOs and have good reasons to shut down their phones.
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