Garrett said:
Uhhh.. we have smoking laws that effectively ensure people are not exposed to cigar smoke. This has effectively been done.
Oh, no, no - we need to BAN CIGARS. Don't misunderstand me. Cigars are a MILLION TIMES more dangerous than pit bulls.
Garrett said:
The breed causes problems out of proportion to its population. This is a mathematical fact. It is simple... pick a breed that is more manageable! I love Shepherds (though mauled by one as a child and still wear the scar) but given their behavior, I am not dumb enough to actually own one.
It's not a mathematical fact that they're even the most dangerous breed of dog, what the f*ck are you talking about?
Anyway, apparently we should just, for whatever reason, take the most "dangerous" dog breed and ban them. Despite the fact that we're talking about 0.0000004% of even that population that's responsible for the problems?
As I said, why don't you focus on things that are REALLY dangerous, and leave the things that only generate fear out of ignorance alone.
Garrett said:
I agree on tougher licensing.... though not 25. If you are old enough to go to jail.. to go to war.. you are old enough to drive As for mathematics, factor the number of pitbulls and the number of cars and the incidence of death and I am curious what the results would be. Lies, damned lies, and statistics and all that rot.
Yeah, sure - when YOU use statistics, it's okay, but when I use them, I'm trying to prove some dastardly point.
I'll tell you what the results ARE, regarding your little question: that cars are about 100000 times more dangerous.
Garrett said:
To say something is worse is not an argument that something should *not* be done.. it is deflection at best.
I'm NOT. I'm saying that there are LOTS of things, HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS, that are MANY ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE WORSE.
Why all the talk about banning pit bulls when there are so many other things people should be worried about?
Media sensationalization, and mob mentality, that's why. And you're one of them.