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Pickup trucks are a plague on Canadian streets



Lol...why are pick up trucks considered a menace? it's very convenient for us tradesmen...I love my Ram and not going back to a car or even an SUV....
Because they don't work in the trades or tow anything. Lots of idoit drivers with small cars and BMW too. I work in construction and I tow a boat that weighs over 4000 pounds so it comes in handy
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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2020
This is utter bullshit.

Where do get the data that shows pickup drivers tailgate? That's nonsense.

And whether the bumpers meet or not is irrelevant. What saves your life in an accident is crumple zones increasing the delta t of the impact. Bumpers after 5 mph do nothing. You want to lengthen the time of the impact in order to decrease the negative acceleration which decreases the force of the accident.

Of all the stunt drivers I have witnessed while driving on the highways, not one has been in a pickup truck. They are usually high performance cars, sedans, tuners that go blowing by me at 200 km/hr like I was standing still. Never a pickup truck. I would wager that if you looked at collision data you'd find that pickup trucks as a whole are the least likely to get in a collision.
I've seen plenty of pickup drivers tailgate or just blow past a red light. They do plenty of stunt driving just like a young punk with a done up Honda. I almost got nailed by one this past winter who was speeding down a snowy hill road past a stop sign. Luckily I saw his truck through the trees which probably hindered his view of me spun out and took off. Turn signals are useless on those things. The reason why they're usually not in collisions is because they're easy to see from other divers and also intimidating to other drivers. Pickup truck drivers feel the most entitled on the road.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
There is nothing wrong with guns. They are just a tool that implements the will of the one who wields them. Owning a gun should be a right, but existing should be a privilege.
Existing should be a privilege? Are you studying Gnosticism or something? Gun rights advocates give me a headache lately, so I'm putting you on ignore...


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2014
Existing should be a privilege? Are you studying Gnosticism or something? Gun rights advocates give me a headache lately, so I'm putting you on ignore...
I give you a headache and you’re putting me on ignore? That is two wins for me!


Jun 6, 2013
most of my experience with pick up or suv drivers are a lot of them don't realize they're not in their fucking lane... or simply they know and are just assholes.
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