Physicists Show Both Russia And Turkey Were Lying About The Downed Russian Plane


Mar 8, 2014
Physicists Show Both Russia And Turkey Were Lying About The Downed Russian Plane

December 1, 2015 | by Robin Andrews

Following the recent downing of a Russian military jet by Turkish forces somewhere along the border of Syria and Turkey, both nations offered.very different accounts of what happened. Two astrophysicists at the Belgian university KU Leuven have used simple Newtonian mechanics to show why both countries’ accounts cannot possibly be correct.

Last week, a Russian military jet was shot down by Turkey, who claims that it violated their airspace for 17 seconds, and ignored 10 warnings in the space of five minutes. Russia claims that it was shot down over Syrian airspace, and that it never violated Turkish territory. Two Belgian researchers decided to review the video footage of the incident to try and ascertain which account is more accurate.

When the first jet is hit, it begins tumbling to the ground, falling for 30 seconds before it impacts the hillside. Assuming the pilot lost control of the plane immediately, the downwards movement is only dependent on gravitational acceleration. Backtracking this acceleration downwards, they calculated that the plane was traveling at a height of 4,500 meters (14,800 feet) when it was hit – roughly consistent with Turkish accounts at this point.

Turkey claimed a specific crash site, 8 kilometers (5 miles) from where it was hit. This means that it must have been traveling at an initial speed of 980 kilometers per hour (610 miles per hour). Turkish officials say that the jet was traveling through 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) of Turkish airspace for 17 seconds.

At this speed, however, it would have only taken seven seconds. In addition to this, if the jet was traveling at that speed, it would cover a distance of 80 kilometers (50 miles) in five minutes – making the Turkish military’s statement of “ten warnings in five minutes” seem highly implausible; the warnings could not have all fitted into just seven seconds. The warnings made would therefore have been based on mere speculation as to whether or not the plane was crossing the border.

Although this makes the Turkish claims fairly suspicious, the Russian claims are also quite dubious, according to the researchers. The Russian map that apparently shows the jet not violating Turkish airspace at all shows that it changed course by 90 degrees when it was hit by the missile. “A change of course of 90 degrees can only be achieved with an object that’s many times heavier or faster than the jet,” the physicists note on their blog.

A surface-to-air missile would not have caused this to happen, implying the 90-degree turn was caused by the pilot’s own maneuvering. Therefore, despite Russia’s claims to the contrary, the jet was likely not actively avoiding Turkish territory.

So, according to science, both Turkey and Russia are, to some degree, contriving falsehoods.


Jan 31, 2005
The ten minutes of warnings were likely BEFORE the jet entered Turkish space, when it entered the area near the Turkish border that Turkey considers a no go zone. They then waited for it to be actually over Turkey to fire.

That is clearly trigger happy but likely legal.

The bigger blunder here by Russia was in antagonizing Turkey until it got to this point. Russia can't succeed in Syria without Turkey on their side.

They are totally fucked now. They will make a lot of noise but Turkey can continue funneling arms to insurgents which will ultimately send lots of Russians home in boxes.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
The ten minutes of warnings were likely BEFORE the jet entered Turkish space, when it entered the area near the Turkish border that Turkey considers a no go zone. They then waited for it to be actually over Turkey to fire.

That is clearly trigger happy but likely legal.

The bigger blunder here by Russia was in antagonizing Turkey until it got to this point. Russia can't succeed in Syria without Turkey on their side.

They are totally fucked now. They will make a lot of noise but Turkey can continue funneling arms to insurgents which will ultimately send lots of Russians home in boxes.
Turkey's claim they gave a warning, then presented some tape, is bogus IMHO.

The SU-24 is a bomber, which means it will not carry air to air missile for a dogfight. Turkey had fighters in the air at that very moment. How did they know that the Russians were coming? It was an ambush. In an ambush, you do not warn anybody.

After that, Putin says he will fly fighters with the bombers when making the next bombing runs. So if Turkey "takes 10 seconds to issue warning" again, then shoots, the Russians will shoot back. Since Turkey is NATO which has that article 5, this surely is World War 3 time.

Putin's end game was very simple, prop up Assad, restore the Syrian state.

Now his end game has changed. There will be brinkmanship, there will be diplomacy.

There is a real chance for Putin to crack NATO. Unless NATO commits itself to World War 3, then how is it still relevant?

Suppose the French joins the Russians in bombing targets in Syria, and they already working together at sea, and Russia attacks a Turkish military asset, what exactly is NATO suppose to do?

There will be some furious diplomacy before the next major offensive.

A side note, damn, said it once and will say it again, Trudeau taking his planes home is brilliant. If this was Harper, he'll be the guy who's fly is down, zip it up man.

Putin is smart. According to Chinese news reports, he's bombing and liquidating Uyghurs who were training in ISIS territory. China will back Russia completely with what happens next.

It would seem World War 3, is all up to Obama. Russia will continue what it is doing. Turkey will continue what it is doing. They will clash. It is up to Obama to decide if this is enough for World War 3.

American decline is real. When the American President says don't do this, people won't do this. However, they stopped listening to W Bush, and they don't listen to Obama either.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
The ten minutes of warnings were likely BEFORE the jet entered Turkish space, when it entered the area near the Turkish border that Turkey considers a no go zone. They then waited for it to be actually over Turkey to fire.

That is clearly trigger happy but likely legal.

The bigger blunder here by Russia was in antagonizing Turkey until it got to this point. Russia can't succeed in Syria without Turkey on their side.

They are totally fucked now. They will make a lot of noise but Turkey can continue funneling arms to insurgents which will ultimately send lots of Russians home in boxes.
So far looks like only Turks going home in boxes:

10 warnings on an emergency open frequency...that only the USA heard? lol. If it was true there would be many, many others that heard it. So Fuji, do you still believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy lmao.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Physicists Show Both Russia And Turkey Were Lying About The Downed Russian Plane

December 1, 2015 | by Robin Andrews

Following the recent downing of a Russian military jet by Turkish forces somewhere along the border of Syria and Turkey, both nations offered.very different accounts of what happened. Two astrophysicists at the Belgian university KU Leuven have used simple Newtonian mechanics to show why both countries’ accounts cannot possibly be correct.

Last week, a Russian military jet was shot down by Turkey, who claims that it violated their airspace for 17 seconds, and ignored 10 warnings in the space of five minutes. Russia claims that it was shot down over Syrian airspace, and that it never violated Turkish territory. Two Belgian researchers decided to review the video footage of the incident to try and ascertain which account is more accurate.

When the first jet is hit, it begins tumbling to the ground, falling for 30 seconds before it impacts the hillside. Assuming the pilot lost control of the plane immediately, the downwards movement is only dependent on gravitational acceleration. Backtracking this acceleration downwards, they calculated that the plane was traveling at a height of 4,500 meters (14,800 feet) when it was hit – roughly consistent with Turkish accounts at this point.

Turkey claimed a specific crash site, 8 kilometers (5 miles) from where it was hit. This means that it must have been traveling at an initial speed of 980 kilometers per hour (610 miles per hour). Turkish officials say that the jet was traveling through 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) of Turkish airspace for 17 seconds.

At this speed, however, it would have only taken seven seconds. In addition to this, if the jet was traveling at that speed, it would cover a distance of 80 kilometers (50 miles) in five minutes – making the Turkish military’s statement of “ten warnings in five minutes” seem highly implausible; the warnings could not have all fitted into just seven seconds. The warnings made would therefore have been based on mere speculation as to whether or not the plane was crossing the border.

Although this makes the Turkish claims fairly suspicious, the Russian claims are also quite dubious, according to the researchers. The Russian map that apparently shows the jet not violating Turkish airspace at all shows that it changed course by 90 degrees when it was hit by the missile. “A change of course of 90 degrees can only be achieved with an object that’s many times heavier or faster than the jet,” the physicists note on their blog.

A surface-to-air missile would not have caused this to happen, implying the 90-degree turn was caused by the pilot’s own maneuvering. Therefore, despite Russia’s claims to the contrary, the jet was likely not actively avoiding Turkish territory.

So, according to science, both Turkey and Russia are, to some degree, contriving falsehoods.

This article is idiotic. The 90 degree turn of the plane was not caused by the missile explosion, it may have either been initiated before of shortly after the missile strike as the pilots either lost control of the plane or tried to turn towards base. In either case, the plane did not disintegrate. On the map the turn could have occurred over several km. Also from the video EVERYONE has seen, the plane continues to fly after it is hit, trailing fire. It did not lose control immediately.


Jan 31, 2005
So far looks like only Turks going home in boxes:

10 warnings on an emergency open frequency...that only the USA heard? lol. If it was true there would be many, many others that heard it. So Fuji, do you still believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy lmao.
Digging a little deeper into that link you are promoting here, "veterans today", I see stories denying the holocaust, 911 was a Jewish conspiracy, and the US government is an Israeli puppet... One recent article is titled: "Holocaust: A Jew-on-Jew False Flag Operation".

At first I thought it was an Onion type site, but it is not so funny. Just blatant antisemitic garbage. You are pretty sick, linking hate speech like that.

Anyway thanks for revealing to the board what sorts of websites you frequent. Not like that link would show up on any non hate site. So we know where you are browsing...


Jan 31, 2005
By the way, if you are going to believe that article things are going to get interesting REAL FAST when we go back and pull up some of your posts about the Gaza Flotilla.

That was the same IHH that your hate website article is accusing of being terrorists shipping sarin gas to ISIS. Yet previously you claimed they were peace activists just trying to deliver aid to Gaza.

So now you are caught in a bind. Which of your propaganda claims do you abandon? Do you agree that IHH are terrorists and exonerate Israel for the flotilla incident? Or do you maintain that IHH are humanitarians and that Russia is in the wrong here, that weren't actually shipping weapons and sarin gas?

Decisions, decisions. What is a hateful antisemite like you to do when your holocaust denial website undermines your own prior claim that IHH is a humanitarian organization?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Digging a little deeper into that link you are promoting here, "veterans today", I see stories denying the holocaust, 911 was a Jewish conspiracy, and the US government is an Israeli puppet... One recent article is titled: "Holocaust: A Jew-on-Jew False Flag Operation".

At first I thought it was an Onion type site, but it is not so funny. Just blatant antisemitic garbage. You are pretty sick, linking hate speech like that.

Anyway thanks for revealing to the board what sorts of websites you frequent. Not like that link would show up on any non hate site. So we know where you are browsing...
I don't frequent that website, I found that article on GOOGLE...ever hear of GOOGLE? Geez what a twit. That news is available on several links.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
By the way, if you are going to believe that article things are going to get interesting REAL FAST when we go back and pull up some of your posts about the Gaza Flotilla.

That was the same IHH that your hate website article is accusing of being terrorists shipping sarin gas to ISIS. Yet previously you claimed they were peace activists just trying to deliver aid to Gaza.

So now you are caught in a bind. Which of your propaganda claims do you abandon? Do you agree that IHH are terrorists and exonerate Israel for the flotilla incident? Or do you maintain that IHH are humanitarians and that Russia is in the wrong here, that weren't actually shipping weapons and sarin gas?

Decisions, decisions. What is a hateful antisemite like you to do when your holocaust denial website undermines your own prior claim that IHH is a humanitarian organization?
Did any other news media say there was Sarin in the convoy? Did Israel say it? You have already spent more time on that site then I have. But here is another source for the convoy attack :

You keep saying I am a hateful anti-semite, yet you express disdain for Israels approval of Assad staying in power for its security. So why do you prefer an outcome that will threaten Israel?


Jan 31, 2005
I don't frequent that website, I found that article on GOOGLE...ever hear of GOOGLE? Geez what a twit. That news is available on several links.
So you admit that what you do is Google for anything that confirms your ludicrous beliefs and then post it without regard to the credibility of the source? To what extent did you verify the credibility of veterans today before posting the link? It took me about ten seconds to find out it was an antisemitic holocaust denial hate website.

I think you lose all credibility here either way.


Jan 31, 2005
Did any other news media say there was Sarin in the convoy? Did Israel say it? You have already spent more time on that site then I have. But here is another source for the convoy attack :

You keep saying I am a hateful anti-semite, yet you express disdain for Israels approval of Assad staying in power for its security. So why do you prefer an outcome that will threaten Israel?
So far the only place I have seen that sarin claim made is in the article from holocaust denial websites that you provided. Your holocaust denial site claimed that IHH, same IHH whose fighters were killed on the flotilla, was shipping weapons to terrorists including sarin.

I think at this point you need to tell us whether you are continuing to view the holocaust denial website as a trustworthy source.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
So far the only place I have seen that sarin claim made is in the article from holocaust denial websites that you provided. Your holocaust denial site claimed that IHH, same IHH whose fighters were killed on the flotilla, was shipping weapons to terrorists including sarin.

I think at this point you need to tell us whether you are continuing to view the holocaust denial website as a trustworthy source.
If news is corroborated on several credible sites then I deem it to be likely that it has some basis in fact, but there is really no such thing as the "truth" in complex situations. Someday when you grow up you will realize this. The more complex the situation, the more elusive the truth becomes. This is especially true with history. And at some point the historical truth is nothing but a burden on the future.


Jan 31, 2005
If news is corroborated on several credible sites then I deem it to be likely that it has some basis in fact, but there is really no such thing as the "truth" in complex situations. Someday when you grow up you will realize this. The more complex the situation, the more elusive the truth becomes. This is especially true with history. And at some point the historical truth is nothing but a burden on the future.
Do you consider that holocaust denial site credible?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Do you consider that holocaust denial site credible?
You call them a holocaust denial site, yet the article you quote CLEARLY acknowledges the holocaust happened. So how can it be a denial AND acknowledgement site? :confused:

If a website promoted the idea that the holocaust did not happen, then I would not consider it credible. If it was just an information portal to generate discussion based on editorial content then I would consider each editorial on its own merits and seek multiple sources if was interested in the subject matter.


Apr 23, 2014


Jan 31, 2005


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You're talking about the site that called the holocaust a Jew-on-Jew false flag operation???

This is the site you're staking your credibility on?
One of the contributors wrote the article, and false flag does not mean it did not occur. All he is doing is proposing an alternative theory about who instigated it. Geez. And no I don't stake my credibility on any site, it is just one version of the article and it is reported on many sites. I think you should use google, unless you do and maybe use the "feeling stupid" button.


Jan 31, 2005
One of the contributors wrote the article, and false flag does not mean it did not occur. All he is doing is proposing an alternative theory about who instigated it. Geez. And no I don't stake my credibility on any site, it is just one version of the article and it is reported on many sites. I think you should use google, unless you do and maybe use the "feeling stupid" button.
Proposing an "alternative theory" in which Jews were behind the holocaust. You are one sick fuck.

Now you are doubling down and claiming the holocaust denial website is credible and you are even defending that article.

And you claim not to be an antisemite...


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Proposing an "alternative theory" in which Jews were behind the holocaust. You are one sick fuck.

Now you are doubling down and claiming the holocaust denial website is credible and you are even defending that article.

And you claim not to be an antisemite...
I didn't say I agreed with the theory. But of course you also blamed the Pasha instead of the Germans, so has Netanyahu. So lots of people with alternative theories on the roots of the holocaust. And for sure there were some jews in the Nazi party, and there are even theories that Hitler had Jewish roots. (even the Jewish virtual library cannot exclude this possibility) And since YOU YOURSELF said Jews are an ethnicity THERE YOU HAVE IT!!!!


But none of this takes away from the tragedy of the jews, gypsies, slavs and broad range of victims of the holocaust.
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