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Peter Zezel


Mar 31, 2009
The fact a sports city can remember your name after many years that have gone by since you last played a game means you did something great in your life ...
I never met him in person but heard many good things about him. He proved that there are more important things in life than scoring goals in the NHL. 44 is way too young to depart this Good Earth. R.I.P.


New member
Sep 16, 2016
another galaxy
I was extremely fortunate to call Peter my friend..hell we were even in a movie together, Young Blood, He was a great soccer player as well, but most of all, he was a better human being, never turning down a request for a autograph no matter were he was or what he was doing. Here's a fold memory of Peters generosity with his time.
My wife and I, along with Peter, were at a restaurant in a private booth when a little girl about 8 or 9 spotted Peter. The girl ask her father, if in fact, that the man in the booth was Peter Zezel, her father said it was. The little girls eyes brightened up like big saucers, then, the maitre d rudely told the girl not to bother the people in the booth.( He was to busy falling over himself to kiss Peters ass) My wife was appalled at the maitre ds attitude towards the little girl and told Peter that he had a cute admirer. Peter got up and ask the maitre d what table she was sitting at, reluctantly, he told Peter were she was sitting. Peter got up, went to her table, not only spent time with her and her family but pick up there check, then, had that same arrogant maitre d take a picture of the girl, her family and Peter. Then he gave the girl a little message on the back of the check and signed it. I can't describe the look on that little girls face...PRICELESS. That's the kind of guy Peter was. He was my friend and I miss him dearly.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I knew certain things about Peter. His GF was the ex-wife of a developer (I knew someone who's mother lived next door to that developer, but there was a photo in a local newspaper of him with her at a fundraising event).

I also heard recently that he graciously showed up to play shinny ice hockey with my friend's group years ago. He said that he passed the puck and stuff, but was clearly the best player there.

I also heard that he was a nice guy.

I guess it's true that only the good die young.

Thanks to all for sharing.


Mar 31, 2009
I wasn't sure what kind of reaction this thread would get. TERB can be a mean crowd. I'm glad all the posts so far have been respectful and true.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Peter Zezel, Paul Coffey and Rob Ford all grew up in Weston.

Coffey was just starting his NHL career when Zezel was a high draft pick in the OHL. Zezel is deeply respected by both the Croatian and Italian community. Had he been born before May 8 1945 he would be Italian. He was a tireless worker when it came to charity and his hockey camp had a long waiting list.

He was one of the Leafs best players during the 1993 playoff run. Anytime a crucial face off needed to be taken, Zezel was there to win it. After the first two games Pat Burns had Zezel cover Yzerman, it stymied the Red Wings offense, Zezel had his number on face offs.


K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I played centre for almost all of my minor hockey career and Zezel was a guy I liked to model my game around. Particularly when it came to faceoffs. Like him I also excelled at soccer and that definitely helped with balance and co-ordination. He was an all around great guy and I was very sad to hear of his passing. Wow I can't believe it's been 7 years already!

One of my most vivid memories was watching him play in junior. They were playing at MLG it was a huge snowstorm out and the building was 2/3 empty. Zezel scored 4 goals that game and since that moment I became a fan for life.
Just a small correction Von, Coffey grew up in Malton.
Zezel was a popular player and really personified the lunch bucket personality of those Leaf teams in the early 90's. Guy like that deserved to play in the Stanley cup finals, but as we all remember it was not to be. Saw him a few times at an East end club. Should have thanked him for those exciting playoff runs. But he seemed a little preoccupied with the club's attractions and who can blame him. He died too soon, but it was a good life, rest in peace.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
I had a chance to meet Zezel twice when I was around 10 years old. I grew up in a small town about 4 hours from Toronto, and while still a relatively new Flyer, he was dating someone on our street that summer. It was a big deal to us that an actual NHL player that was in our town, and he did not disappoint when we were introduced to him the first time and when we ran into him another time. He didn't only sign autographs for us and leave, but both times he spent a few minutes after chatting to me and my friends. Just a really nice gesture from a guy who was around 21 at that time.
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