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"Penis Facials" Are Hollywood's Favorite New Beauty Trend, Yes Really


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
'Penis Facials' Are Hollywood's Favorite New Beauty Trend, Yes Really


16 MAR 2018, 19:49

The weird beauty practices of the Hollywood elite have become so bizarre they sound like parodies of themselves. Think bird poo and placenta facials, snake venom eye cream, and being stung by bees. Yet, the latest trend manages to take things one step further. Cate Blanchett credits her youthful glow to a treatment that uses the foreskins of Korean newborn babies. Aka, a penis facial.

"[We] saw this facialist in New York, Georgia Louise, and she gives what we call the penis facial," Blanchett told Vogue Australia. "It’s something – I don’t know what it is, or whether it’s just cause it smells a bit like sperm – there’s some enzyme in it so Sandy refers to it as the penis facial."

The Sandy she refers to here is her Ocean’s 8 co-star Sandra Bullock, a woman not new to the world of unusual anti-aging treatments. After all, she regularly applies hemorrhoid cream to her under eye area to reduce puffiness.

But back to the penis facial. What exactly does this special treatment involve?

Well, first of all, it’s not really called a “penis facial”. On the company website, it goes by a far more palatable name: the Hollywood EGF facial. It involves a cleanse, an intensive TCA peel, micro-needling, an electrifying mask, and, finally, FDA-approved Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) serum.

“EGF is derived from the progenitor cells of the human fibroblast taken from Korean newborn baby foreskin – which helps to generate collagen and elastin,” Louise explains. So the EGF used in the treatment comes from skin cells produced in a lab.

“FDA approved stem cells and peptides are penetrated deep into the skin using a special electric micro-needling wand. This process allows the active ingredients to be transported deep in the skin by creating temporary micro-channel.”

It all sounds very sciencey, but how effective is it really?

Stem cell use is fairly widespread in the cosmetic industry. However, it is usually in cream form and the cells have less icky origins – they tend to be plant-based. The theory goes that adding stem cells to the dermal layer rejuvenates skin because it is effectively introducing new tissue, thus making one's complexion appear younger. The process is also thought to release chemicals that aid aging cells, again, making them appear younger.

Studies have shown that stem cells can repair damaged tissue – for example, wounds and burns – but it is not so clear how effective they are as a radiance-boosting treatment. Blanchett's post-facial glow could have just as much, or perhaps more, to do with the chemical peel, the electrifying mask, and the peptides.

Anyway, with a two-year waiting list and each session costing $650 a pop, you probably couldn’t get an appointment even if you wanted to.



A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
Hey, one lady I did COB on after Russian rubbed my load over her chest and let it sit there for a few minutes.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
a guys ejaculate is full of sperm and full of stem cells.

they discovered a new source of stem cells other than umbilical cords...


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Another hypocrite , sick, pill popping "MeToo" member, from the most rotten city in the world. So Harvey Weinstein circumsized cock is not ok front of your face, but newborn baby's foreskin is amazing ON your face? Next time drink donkey sperm sabayon or took a whale penis foreskin you idiot. It will be fit around your neck.

Out of all the actresses, Cate Blanchett’s history with men who abuse women in the film industry is the most troubling. Blanchett once disclosed in an interview that she named her son, Roman, after sex offender, Roman Polanski. And in a later interview with an American audience, (while promoting her film TRUTH) she was asked what it was like to work with director (sex offender) Woody Allen on the film Blue Jazmine? Blanchett sarcastically SCOLDED the American audience by saying that Woody Allen “loves women, and loves telling women’s stories.” I wonder if Cate was thinking of Polanski and Allen when she recently marched through the streets of New York (wearing a symbolic pink knitted hat) professing her support for women’s rights. Cate Blanchett is a perfect example why the public should only admire the artist’s work, but not the artist. Yes, Cate Blanchett unbelievably named her son Roman after Roman Polanski, and proudly praised Woody Allen as a “man who loves women.” Cate Blanchett is obviously a great actress, but when it comes to men, she definitely has “daddy issues.” And outside of Blanchett’s talent and body of work, she should not be admired as a woman. When it comes to women’s rights, Blanchett is obviously a fake. Cate stop pretending to care about the safety of women, and just shut up and act.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Baby foreskins are fine but my sperm is good for you topically and internally!
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