Penis enlargement exercises and pills


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
See the difference between a bicep (which can be made to grow) and penis (which can’t) is that voluntary muscles can be controlled and made to increase in size while involuntary can't. If the penis muscles could be controlled voluntarily, Viagra never would have needed to be invented as we could make our cocks get hard simply by wishing it so, like picking up a bottle is controlled by our arm muscles... but while on this topic, do you ever notice a guy or girl with a thick tongue and say "hey that person must train by eating a lot of pussy" lol


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Re: correct cupid

dylansbob said:
the penis IS a muscle and thats part of what the pills help with- blood circulation and to increase bloodflow which helps in conjunction with the exercises performed specifically to thicken the penis
OK....first mistake ....the penis is not a muscle . This sort of reduces the credibility of your whole post .

The only muscles are at the base .It is mostly spongy tissue that gets hard by filling with blood . Increased circulation would obviously have some effect and that is one of the principals behind viagra . Perhaps the spongy tissue can be stretched slightly , but there is no evidence of this being permanent .

Put all this BS into the same category as that cream to increase your bust size . All this stuff does is prey on peoples insecurities .


New member
Sep 16, 2003
Re: correct cupid

dylansbob said:
the penis IS a muscle and thats part of what the pills help with- blood circulation and to increase bloodflow which helps in conjunction with the exercises performed specifically to thicken the penis
It is amazing the myths that get perpetuated. The penis itself contains NO MUSCLES and can not be enlarged by exercise. The internal section of the penis is surrounded by muscles but these have nothing to do with the size. The penis is largely made up of spongy, erectile tissue that swells when filled with blood.

With these "exercises" the only muscles you are going to be strenthening are the ones in your arm.

If you are going to make a claim at least have that claim be based in fact. Posting a blatant falsehood that the penis is a muscle insults the intelligence of the well respected Terbites.

Gord's Bro

Berkley Wellness Letter

Extracted from the health and wellness newslett at University of California Berkley . . .

Big on the Internet
To feel anxious about, or dissatisfied with, some part of your body is a common human experience. Marketers have always played on such anxieties. These days there’s an Internet boom on penis enlargement products—pills, pumps, exercises, weights, and other schemes that promise a larger penis, harder erections, and more powerful orgasms. Some 200,000 websites offer promises and products. Unwanted emails about these products arrive like plagues of locusts. There could hardly be a more cynical scam, and though some of the stuff is only a waste of money, some could be harmful.



El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
you need to leave things well enough alone regarding your penis. if it ain't broke don't even think about fixing it. just be glad you have a penis, and that it works, and leave it alone.



Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
The only things that get bigger are the bank accounts of the scam artists who promote these pills.

P.S. Jenn, I think you're right. MuffinMuncher's post seems to have gone over almost everyone's head, except yours and mine! However, I assumed dylansbob's original post was a joke, too!


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
Avery said:
P.S. Jenn, I think you're right. MuffinMuncher's post seems to have gone over almost everyone's head, except yours and mine!
Yeah, no one but you and Jenn saw how MM's post could, equally, have been applied to jerking. I was kinda clever but I don't think we should stroke MM too much or he might get a swelled head.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
I see Dylansbob has gone back to sending out his millions of emails.

Aphrodite is right, MM's post was brilliant.

At first I was a bit surprised when I read this thread, then it occurred to me that someone must be buying that shit.


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
Aphrodite said:
I've been missing that buzzing noise when you post behind me! Reminds me of a fly... BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...
You're too kind.
Aphrodite said:
Try and pretend all you want but I know you missed it!
Is that so? Well, I'm going to let you in on a little secret Jenn. I don't miss anything.
Aphrodite said:
Oh and Seven I doubt anything about you would ever make MM's head swell as your not his type!
I'll get over it.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Re: whatever you say folks

dylansbob said:
you all obviously know more about the topic than i do
I don't think you are going to count this as your finest hour .

How are sales ?


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
All you have to do is go to your favorite SP or MPA and watch that little thing grow, works every time!!!!!!!!


New member
Jul 12, 2003
A black man and a white man are standing next to each other at the public urinal. The white guy looks over, and sees that the black man is particularly well endowed. The white guy says "Excuse me, bro, but I always wondered, why are you guys so much bigger that we are...down there?". The black guy says "It's excercise...yeah, that's it. You see, we get a ten pound lead weight, tie it to the end of our dick, three times a day, three days a week. It stretches things out, yaknowwhati'msayin'?". The white guy thanks him, and goes to a hardware store, where he buys a ten pound lead weight, and follows the excercise regimen as prescribed. Two weeks later, he runs into the black guy on the street, and says "Hey, blood, thanks for the advice! I've been doing those exercises you told me about. It's already a half inch longer, and it's starting to turn black!".
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