pay a speeding ticket?


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
I have no points on my record for 20 years ...just got a $95 speeding ticket worth 3 points , 20km/hr over limit.....should I just pay it and hope my insurance company doesn't jack my rates given my record? Or show up to court and hope the judge reduces or cop doesnt show up?




New member
Nov 4, 2006
You can usually do a first appearance with the prosecuter

Will probably knock it down so no points involved and reduce fine
Especially with your record


Jan 4, 2012
If you pay for the ticket now, your insurance company wont increase until your renewal date. On avg it will increase 5-15 percent. Theres no such thing as first ticket free. They WILL rate for it. You can take the chance of fighting the ticket but bare in mind if they just reduce it, youll still be convicted of it hence still an increase on your renewal and will go on your record for 3 years as of the COnVICTION date. Hope that helps

Old Milwaukee

New member
Aug 8, 2009
I thought you were allowed one minor infraction with no consequences to your insurance rate?

If not, insurance companies still count it as a blemish on your record, so regardless of points, they still deem it as an infraction.


Jul 2, 2011
LISTEN UP...As someone who has 4 tickets on their record I've been to court a few times..
All you have to do is take it to court and then when you see the cop, he will most likely (or just ask him yourself) ask you if you will plead guilty to a lesser offense with no point, then you plead guilty. If you feel that missing time from work will hurt you, hire a cheap traffic ticket paralegal to appear for you. X-Copper can't do shit for you that you don't do for yourself.


Jan 4, 2012
That's for accidents, not tickets. Theres 1 accident free if youve been licenced for a certain amount of years and if youre over 25. Tickets that insurance companys dont rate for are tickets like failure to provide insurance card/ownership/licence, failure to renew stickers, photo radar because they are not actual vehicle violations.

I thought you were allowed one minor infraction with no consequences to your insurance rate?

If not, insurance companies still count it as a blemish on your record, so regardless of points, they still deem it as an infraction.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
I agree you should go to court, or you can go for the early resolution option, they'll knock your points off and you pleat guilty to something smaller , then in front of the judge you do the cry story: work is very slow, its a burden .. I can't afford it...judge please help me.
Each and every time they have helped....


not banned
Mar 2, 2004
Somewhere but not here.
LISTEN UP...As someone who has 4 tickets on their record I've been to court a few times..
All you have to do is take it to court and then when you see the cop, he will most likely (or just ask him yourself) ask you if you will plead guilty to a lesser offense with no point, then you plead guilty. If you feel that missing time from work will hurt you, hire a cheap traffic ticket paralegal to appear for you. X-Copper can't do shit for you that you don't do for yourself.
Sure its a lesser offense and might work to keep rates in check but the insureance company does not care how many points you have - its the conviction they look at.

Personally never has a ticket affected my rates significantly. Yep got a couple through the years.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I agree you should go to court, or you can go for the early resolution option, they'll knock your points off and you pleat guilty to something smaller , then in front of the judge you do the cry story: work is very slow, its a burden .. I can't afford it...judge please help me.
Each and every time they have helped....
Which is good if you save more than you lose by going (lost wages, gas, parking ...) but it won't change the effect on the insurance.


Jul 2, 2011
Sure its a lesser offense and might work to keep rates in check but the insureance company does not care how many points you have - its the conviction they look at.

Personally never has a ticket affected my rates significantly. Yep got a couple through the years.
Its almost impossible to beat a ticket unless the cop makes a grave error while writing your ticket, or if he doesn't show up. Cops with good reps in traffic court always get the benefit of the doubt.


New member
Mar 13, 2005
Can not go wrong with Xcoppers, hired them three times got me off each time. A little pricey but well worth it in the long run. Plus you never have to go near any court room.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
If you are willing to take time off work and spend a few hours in court then I would recommend fighting it. I have family members who have fought ever ticket they ever got they haven't had to pay one yet. All of them throwen out. Maybe they just got lucky don't know but you don't know if you don't try

If you are willing to pay someone then as per above someone like Xcoppers will fight the ticket for you. Again may have the chance of either getting off or at least reduced fine and points.

Or you can check with your insurance company. When I got tickets my rates hardly went up. My rates only went up when I had a 50/50 split on an accident. Some companies may have a forgiveness or according to my company tickets are not deemed as high a "factor" as an at fault accident


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
A place like xcoppers (correct me if I'm wrong) will charge you minimum 400 bucks to help with a ticket.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Its almost impossible to beat a ticket unless the cop makes a grave error while writing your ticket, or if he doesn't show up. Cops with good reps in traffic court always get the benefit of the doubt.
There is no such thing as a grave error. Traffic court is a circus. The Provincial Offenses Act was changed a few years ago, possibly when McGuinty became Premiere. So much for being presumed innocent until proven guilty. The Crown can ammend any information and correct any error on the offense to suit their needs and to ensure a conviction against the defendant. And no paralegal can help.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
A place like xcoppers (correct me if I'm wrong) will charge you minimum 400 bucks to help with a ticket.
Whatever you do, avoid Pointts! They are a ripoff organisation that doesn't do anything for the defendant; they don't listen, assume wrongfully, provide wrong advice, and take your rights in court away so that they can try to squeeze more money out of you if you are foolish to believe in appealing a minor conviction with them. Personal experience with a family member's situation. I could have defended better, and I am not even a paralegal.


New member
May 30, 2009
Never pay a traffic ticket. Plead not guilty and ask for trial. Once you receive the date and show up there will be a justice of the peace that everybody has to check in with. He or she will cut you a deal on the spot. If your original ticket is points they will usually drop it enough that it will just be a fine and no points. It takes about 1.5 hours to go through the process. I have done this many times.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
go for a first appearance. the prosecutor will offer you no points and (maybe) a lesser dollar amount due to your clean record. without the points your insurance won't be affected. even if you get the points they are off your record in 2 years and the infraction is off in 3 years. don't even stress about it, i always have at least 1 infraction on my record at all times and i have never had my insurance go up or even change. if you have been clean for as long as you say your insurance company won't even know unless you tell them.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Purely from an insurance underwriting standpoint the demerit points are irrelevant, they are used by the MTO to decide when to talk to drivers about their driving habits. To an insurance company a speeding ticket is classed as a minor offence, now if you get hit with stunt driving for being way over the speed limit that is seen as major or criminal.
Every insurance carrier in Ontario has to file its underwriting rules with the FSCO, and those rules include how they rate people with tickets, some companies will jack your rates when you get your first minor, others (including my carrier) will do nothing (except maybe lose your conviction free discount) until 3 minor, in that case they are not raising your rates but you are loosing a discount.
If you are insured through a broker, talk to them for advice. A good broker represents you and has multiple carriers to place you with.
If you are with a direct insurer or an insurer that uses agents (State Farm etc..) Maybe best not to talk to them, an agent represents a single company though not necessarily as a direct employee. They represent the company... Basically if the person you are talking to answers the phone with the name on the top of your policy, they are not representing you.

*** Disclaimer *** I am a former insurance broker, though no longer licensed and now working in a different trade. This information should be taken as it is given, advice from a peer, and not be substituted for advice from a currently licensed insurance professional.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
if you have been clean for as long as you say your insurance company won't even know unless you tell them.
Your insurance company will definitely know, it is standard across the board for companies to pull an abstract prior to renewal. They probably didn't change your rates due to their underwriting rules.


not banned
Mar 2, 2004
Somewhere but not here.
Its almost impossible to beat a ticket unless the cop makes a grave error while writing your ticket, or if he doesn't show up. Cops with good reps in traffic court always get the benefit of the doubt.
Not common but happens - did it twice. Only fight them if they are wrong (or are assholes).
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