Parking Ticket Woe


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2005
I recently received a parking ticket at Yonge & Eglinton. I was dropping off an envelope, there less than 5 minutes, around 10 am, not blocking traffic, and there were other vehicles there too. 4 ways flashers on. Anyway, when I came out the guy was putting a 3 rd ticket on the other vehicles. It was 60 bucks. I was really pissed. What a cash grab. I understand I did park illegally and took a chance knowing I was going to be there 5 minutes or less. But 60 bucks just seems wrong to me. I am curious, is this worth fighting? Would a judge aggree that a 60 dollar charge is unjust? How much are the court costs if I lose? Any info would help me make decision. Thanks.

ps. This is my first parking ticket in over 20 years and first in Toronto.


Mr. Charming
Jan 5, 2007
It is a cash grab. If it weren't for people like you getting nailed for petty violations our taxes would go way the hell up. The judge understands this and will simply tack court costs onto everything.
These fines are designed to rape you, but not to be enough to encourage you to take it to court. Where it is a parking violation and doesn't affect your insurance, the fight isn't worth it.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
I requested a court date for a parking type ticket and the charge was finally dismissed. Had to go to the courthouse and request a court date, then had to go to first appearance and meet with someone to discuss the charge. After a year and a half, the charge was dismissed. Apparently they dismissed charges in bulk to clear out the backlog in Mississauga. Don’t know if it would be worth the time for $60 when you are guilty. In my case the ticket was $360 and I felt I had done nothing wrong.


Oct 7, 2002
you are guilty, pay the fine and dont do it again.

People like this are the reason real criminals cant get court dates, and the taxpayers end up paying them for jail time.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Since your fine is $60 I assume you were parked in a No-Stopping zone (as opposed to just a No-Parking zone). I don't imagine that a judge would accept an explanation of "I was only going to be 5 minutes" when you weren't supposed to be stopped there at all.

Suck it up, pay your fine and next time park properly.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
kooley said:
you are guilty, pay the fine and dont do it again.

People like this are the reason real criminals cant get court dates, and the taxpayers end up paying them for jail time.
...that and the stress factor of looking forward to your court date.
Is your health worth it honestly?
Just pay it, I got 2 x $30 ones for parking on my street and leaving it after 8am. One ticket was timed at 8:07...whatever, lol
Pay it, trust me, not worth the hassle.


not banned
Mar 2, 2004
Somewhere but not here.
Pay and keep getting more tickets

kooley said:
you are guilty, pay the fine and dont do it again.
Pay the fine but please do it more often. The more you pay in traffic fines the less we pay in taxes.

Parking and traffic tickets are a voluntary tax - don't want to volunteer to pay then don't break the law.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
You think that's bad? In one week I rec'd $170.00 in tickets because the site I'm working at now, doesn't allow parking ANYWHERE before 10 am.

I rec'd 2 $60.00 tickets for stopping in a no stopping zone, yet for 3 weeks prior to that, another trade was there and had HIS van parked there, no 4 way flashers, for the WHOLE day....yet I was there for an hour and got nailed.

On a side street nearby, you aren't allowed to park there until 10 am unless you have a permit. I pulled up at 9:50 am, saw the parking narc turn the corner to ticket the cars on the main street. I thought I was safe. I watched him ticket 3 cars they drive away.

That ASSHOLE recognized my truck and drove around the block to ticket me at 9:56 am.

This is a side street. Again, all the people that live there have gone to work. I ain't bothering ANYbody but yet, the parking narcs DON'T ticket Canada Post vans who block off bloor st lanes during rush hour. They DON'T ticket courier's who do the same, they DON'T ticket all the guys working on road repairs trucks parked all over the place.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: Toronto has more parking narcs per capita than any other city in north america, INCLUDING NYC.

I tell ya, I totally understand tagging and towing vehicles on the major streets during rush hour. They cause all sorts of backups/pollution etc.

Serioulsy, I totally understand where insurgents/rebels from these third world countries come from. I mean, our government fucks us at every turn and we take it can you imagine a government that unjustly arrests and tortures a family member?

I tell ya, I SO wish I had major coin. If I did? I'd put a bounty on the following:

Parking signs: $10.00
Parking signs on a pole: $50.00
Parking Enforcement vehicles: $500.00
Those green electronic parking meters: $600.00

Give all the homeless street kids a source of income.

BTW: while the ticketing practises of this city ARE a cash grab, figure it this way:
Parking officer wages: $35,000.00
Add'l employee costs/benefits: $17,000.00
Vehicle cost: $20,000.00
That's $72,000.00 that they have to make up before they start turning a profit. That's a hell of a lot of tickets and that doesn't include the infrastructure of supervisors (who don't make any profit), signs, maintenance, replacement of missing parking machines (hehehe),


New member
Apr 29, 2002
LMAO @ bold.......fuckin' MR. Twat...:p


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
Cops on bikes meter maids in cars??? *scratches head*


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
baci2004 said:
Cops on bikes meter maids in cars??? *scratches head*

You know, it makes you think what kind of a person the meter maids are? I mean, imagine living your life knowing that 99% of the population hates your guts and wish a raging case of hemoroids and every member of your family...


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
hungry said:
I recently received a parking ticket at Yonge & Eglinton. I was dropping off an envelope, there less than 5 minutes, around 10 am, not blocking traffic, and there were other vehicles there too. 4 ways flashers on. Anyway, when I came out the guy was putting a 3 rd ticket on the other vehicles. It was 60 bucks. I was really pissed. What a cash grab. I understand I did park illegally and took a chance knowing I was going to be there 5 minutes or less. But 60 bucks just seems wrong to me. I am curious, is this worth fighting? Would a judge aggree that a 60 dollar charge is unjust? How much are the court costs if I lose? Any info would help me make decision. Thanks.

ps. This is my first parking ticket in over 20 years and first in Toronto.
That area is really bad for tickets. There is a police station about a block or west of Y&E.

If $60 bucks is a lot to you fight it. It will likely never go to court.


Dec 27, 2006
Do not do it if you cannot pay for it.

Common guys, you know it is against the law, you do it anyway, you get caught and you whine like a baby because you get a fine? You ask if you can squirm your way out of it because you do not want to pay it?

Seems like the new trend of charging court cost to people plugging it up the courts makes sense after all.


Jun 3, 2002
LordLoki said:
Common guys, you know it is against the law, you do it anyway, you get caught and you whine like a baby because you get a fine? You ask if you can squirm your way out of it because you do not want to pay it?

Cash grab, arbitrary, whatever...that's the law. Don't like it? Call your politician. It won't help, but go whine to them.

And don't take it out on the person who's just doing their job. It's not their fault you were too lazy to park legally.


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2005
LordLoki said:
Common guys, you know it is against the law, you do it anyway, you get caught and you whine like a baby because you get a fine? You ask if you can squirm your way out of it because you do not want to pay it?

Seems like the new trend of charging court cost to people plugging it up the courts makes sense after all.
I am more than likely going to pay. I appreciate the feedback. I do understand, I broke the law but i feel the 60 buck charge is unreasonable. If it was 20 or 30 I would have paid it already. I do believe there has always been court costs, but I was curious what they are if one does lose. Others are right, I have heard a lot of stories where it never makes it to court. I also appreciate reading the your own stories.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
hungry said:
I am more than likely going to pay. I appreciate the feedback. I do understand, I broke the law but i feel the 60 buck charge is unreasonable. If it was 20 or 30 I would have paid it already. I do believe there has always been court costs, but I was curious what they are if one does lose. Others are right, I have heard a lot of stories where it never makes it to court. I also appreciate reading the your own stories.
That's the point exactly, the fine is exorbinant at best....

As for "its the law" that is pure Bullshit because if it IS the law, why isn't it enforced unilaterally? Why isn't EVERY vehicle parked or stopped illegally ticketed? Don't even TRY and tell me they are because I have witnessed a meter maid ticket a car stopped in a no stopping zone and walk right past a Canada Post truck parked in front of it.....

I have also witnessed weekly a transport truck stopped to make a delivery at 9 am every thursday at the corner of Spadina and College. Traffic often backs up all the way to dundas. If the meter maids REALLY were enforcing "the law" they'd hit that truck every thursday.

Oh, for you two "it's the law" guys, I guess you also won't mind paying that extra $60.00 to licence your vehicle in Toronto cuz "it's the law"????


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
LordLoki said:
...Seems like the new trend of charging court cost to people plugging it up the courts makes sense after all.
Ok, so you think anyone that IS actually guilty of a crime shouldn't be allowed their day in court? or are you saying that traffic court should only allow people with what you consider to be valid infractions?

Dude, give your head a shake...if the courts are clogged up with people fighting TICKETS then we need more courts. Or are you suggesting we do away with traffic court altogether?

Or have you gone so far to say that the police and parking enforcement officers are judge and jury and we don't have the right to question their actions or to insure all criteria are met?

I don't know about you, but I have a right to confront my accuser in court whether they be a citizen, a cop, or a parking enforcement officer....


Jun 3, 2002
tboy said:
Ok, so you think anyone that IS actually guilty of a crime shouldn't be allowed their day in court? or are you saying that traffic court should only allow people with what you consider to be valid infractions?

Dude, give your head a shake...if the courts are clogged up with people fighting TICKETS then we need more courts. Or are you suggesting we do away with traffic court altogether?

Or have you gone so far to say that the police and parking enforcement officers are judge and jury and we don't have the right to question their actions or to insure all criteria are met?

I don't know about you, but I have a right to confront my accuser in court whether they be a citizen, a cop, or a parking enforcement officer....
You have the right to go to court. Everyone does. Everyone SHOULD have that right.

But just because you HAVE the right doesn't mean you MUST do it.

Remember....more courts...more JPs...more clerks and support staff....they all cost money. Guess where it'll come from? You and me, one way or another. Shake your own head.

tboy said:
I have witnessed a meter maid ticket a car stopped in a no stopping zone and walk right past a Canada Post truck parked in front of it.....
A pco neglecting to ticket a Canada Post truck? Who do you think would pay that fine?

There are many laws and by-laws that are only enforced arbitrarily. Look at it this way - if it's arbitrary, you've at least got a chance at getting away with it.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
hungry said:
I understand I did park illegally and took a chance knowing I was going to be there 5 minutes or less. But 60 bucks just seems wrong to me. I am curious, is this worth fighting?
Ah, ah, ah. This is what you DON'T want to say when contesting a ticket. Admitting guilt means to pay the piper, whatever the law, or even if (as police like to say) "the law is written wrong".



Dec 27, 2006
tboy said:
Ok, so you think anyone that IS actually guilty of a crime shouldn't be allowed their day in court? or are you saying that traffic court should only allow people with what you consider to be valid infractions?

Dude, give your head a shake...if the courts are clogged up with people fighting TICKETS then we need more courts. Or are you suggesting we do away with traffic court altogether?

Or have you gone so far to say that the police and parking enforcement officers are judge and jury and we don't have the right to question their actions or to insure all criteria are met?

I don't know about you, but I have a right to confront my accuser in court whether they be a citizen, a cop, or a parking enforcement officer....
Nahhh just saying that if you do something stupid and you know you did it you should take the responsibility like a man. (Oh god I must be a sexist!)

Actually I agree with the crown, let the guilty buggers pay the extra few hundred they generate in court costs. No problem. But do not start whining about the costs after the fact.

Please stop misquoting and altering the stated facts, it is very annoying. Thid person said he knew it was illegal and said he did it. He is just squirming because he does not want to pay the standard fine.

If you get charged as a found in, and you say... "I was guilty and knew it was a crime", I am sorry but you made the decision.

It is the same for DUY, speeding, parking and murdering the odd idiot. If you choose to do a criminal act and you happen to get caught, you loose.

You can question and fight it all you want if you are innocent, but trying to wiggle out when you are guilty is just slimy.
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