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Panhandling in Toronto - new solution - Throw more MONEY at it

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Can you spare $2.5 million?
Proposal calls for hiring 48 more street workers to help -- not eliminate -- Toronto's panhandlers


After spending nearly a year studying Toronto's pesky street begging issue, officials at Socialist Silly Hall have concluded more scarce city money must be spent to address the "needs" of people who panhandle.

In an almost absurd 50-page report to tomorrow's executive committee, the city's homeless bureaucrats propose that instead of putting in place an anti-panhandling bylaw (as they are able to do under the City of Toronto Act), $2.5 million and a new team of 48 street workers be added immediately to their Streets to Homes fiefdom to assist those who panhandle to get services, housing (if they need it) and "where possible" employment.

That amount is on top of the $8.7 million already being spent this year on the Streets to Homes program, which officials boast has been responsible for housing 1,600 homeless people since 2005. Officials propose that the funding top-up increase by $4.9 million next year.

The bulk of the money, it would seem, will be spent on two mobile teams who will provide a "social service response" seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. to legal panhandlers plying their trade both in the downtown core (from Yorkville down to Lake Ontario) and in other parts of the city.

"We are taking the successful Streets to Homes program to the next level," Phil Brown, general manager of shelter, support and housing told me last week. "We are investing more to make sure we end street homelessness and the number of people who need to panhandle."

Asked what they mean by "legal" panhandlers, he said those are people pursuing any begging actions not defined as illegal and a police matter under the Safe Streets Act -- for instance begging in front of ATMs or in the middle of the road.

I wondered if obstructing the sidewalk or blocking the doorway of a doughnut shop while panhandling was considered legal or illegal. "I think it's legal," Brown said.

In fact the report suggests at least eight managers of businesses in the downtown core described beggars who opened doors for their customers as "service providers" rather than panhandlers. "The business community is very supportive of the social service approach," Brown added.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I actually heard the figure of 5 million bucks today on the CBC news.

The sun says 2.5 mill. Either way, Chairman Miller and his merry men have come up with a new solution to panhandling - spend more taxpayers money.


Why do I see this like feeding the pigeons.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
james t kirk said:
I actually heard the figure of 5 million bucks today on the CBC news.

The sun says 2.5 mill. Either way, Chairman Miller and his merry men have come up with a new solution to panhandling - spend more taxpayers money.


Why do I see this like feeding the pigeons.
Right on! We solved the Passenger Pigeon Problem didn't we? And without spending a penny of taxpayers' money. Are you suggesting we apply the same methods to the Homeless Problem?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Nope, I'm saying that they are simply enabling the problem.

Plus, it's empire building on the part of the City. Homelessness has become a multimillion dollar industry at the City. Lots of bureaucrats livelihoods depend on it.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Dr. Know said:
If the don't want to do that then set up work camps where they work for food, shelter, and medical care.

Good and you can help run the place :p

Most street people are crazy or are on drugs, alcohol 24/7, thats why they can not work.

I don't have any answers, just if it was easy, it already be done.

Guess Canada could be like the USA and pass laws saying a person needs to have some type of $$ on them or they are breaking the law. Then they could just be thrown in jail-but that cost money too.

Seems like somethings never change, homeless people are one.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
The "Homeless Industry" already costs Toronto hundreds of millions of dollars a year. remember last year they tried to do a survey of true "homeless' and were amazed at how low the number was such that they refused to admit the total. Cost per year per homeless is staggering as it simply should not be an issue.

its just a giant industry for the do-gooders lefties.

Stop giving them money and they will go away.

jail those that break the law.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
buckwheat1 said:
JAIL THOSE, please do righty at $80000.00 per year, we need to find a solution!!!!
Know how much it costs to keep a guy in jail for a year? Guess what guys learn in jail. I'd rather he asked me for spare change than broke into my house to help himself.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
You haven't got to know some druggies too good, they don't want nutritious meals, have clean comfortable accommodation and medical attention. They just want their dope to shoot up and then everything is good in their eyes.

Thats what Vancouver has been doing, give them a place to go with clean needles, nurses and they provide the drugs if the person can prove they are on it everyday.

Not sure if thats the right answer but the people running the place claims its been working great.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
....and the Libs will win a majority in the next election.

I keep praying that a gay homeless person will get drunk, steal a car and run Miller over....apparently there isn't a God?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
baci2004 said:
....and the Libs will win a majority in the next election.

I keep praying that a gay homeless person will get drunk, steal a car and run Miller over....apparently there isn't a God?

Maybe if Dalton fires Smitherman from cabinet he may get drunk at his going away party and get it done.:D


Jan 18, 2004
Dr. Know said:
S.C. Joe said:
Good and you can help run the place :p

Most street people are crazy or are on drugs, alcohol 24/7, thats why they can not work.

S.C. Joe

For the right price I would be more than willing to run the work camp. Drug and alcohol adicts will go through mandatory detox, then be put on a supervised work program and they will work. In return they will be fed nutricious meals, have clean comfortable accomodation and medical attention. All I ask is to be able to run it my way, with no liberal bleeding heart interfearance. Your homeless problem would be solved and your tax savings would be increased. But let's be candid, there are too many bleeding hearts to ever let it happen.

Well they did have work camps during the 1930's. Before the 1980's they used lock people up in long term care hospitals, but budget cuts let those who truely needed the help of the system out on the streets.

The current crop of street riff raff just need a little "guidence", order to their lives. They need to learn that there is no such thing as a "free lunch". Nobody hands me cash for sitting on my ass, what makes them so special?

They want to do nothing and get paid for it. Let's set up a work camp/search and rescue facility in the FAR north as part of our new all weather shipping port in the high artic.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
a 1 player said:
Hell, New York was able to do it, so we should be able to do it as well. I say send them all to Oshawa.:p
NYC spent 10 billion dollars to solve their problem. They have teams of highly qualified mental health professionals to house and take care of people until they get off their feet. We're too cheap and dumb here to do half the things that NYC did to actually solve their problems.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
james t kirk said:
I actually heard the figure of 5 million bucks today on the CBC news.

The sun says 2.5 mill. Either way, Chairman Miller and his merry men have come up with a new solution to panhandling - spend more taxpayers money.


Why do I see this like feeding the pigeons.
I think they should hire the TTC toll collectors at $27 an hour to panhandle for the panhandlers. That way the panhandlers could rest and the streets would be full of people in uniform instead of anyone with unsightly stubble.

Sad part is it would probably be cheaper.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
NYC spent 10 billion dollars to solve their problem. They have teams of highly qualified mental health professionals to house and take care of people until they get off their feet. We're too cheap and dumb here to do half the things that NYC did to actually solve their problems.
Although that's more or less an accurate description of what Toronto is proposing to do.
train said:
I think they should hire the TTC toll collectors at $27 an hour to panhandle for the panhandlers. That way the panhandlers could rest and the streets would be full of people in uniform instead of anyone with unsightly stubble.

Sad part is it would probably be cheaper.
Joking aside, my bet is the social workers, mental health nurses and outreach folks the city proposes to hire likely wouldn't be making TTC wages; there certainly won't be as many of them. Fortunately at least some business people realize that's not the city they—or visitors—want. In this instance, putting the lie to the observation that the stingiest passersby are the often wealthiest, the poor and poorly employed are the most likely to give. But hey, if you want the cheapest 'solution' for the problems of your city, that's what ya got now. It's called Do Nothing.

Point is. there's no solution to poverty, and homelessness is just the most abject kind. But if you do give a poor man real money instead of spare change, he doesn't have to clutter up the landscape sitting on a scrap of corrugated w/ his hand out. And if you help him w/ his health and social problems so he can maybe hold a job, you may find he doesn't need your help after awhile. 'Course someone else always will, but the alternatives are keep walking by, or use the Moss Park Method*.

*Kick 'em to death


New member
Nov 20, 2006
Smitherman will run for mayor of Toronto. As for Train he's still uipset TTC drivers make $27.00 an hour, will be more once arbitration is done.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
buckwheat1 said:
Smitherman will run for mayor of Toronto. As for Train he's still uipset TTC drivers make $27.00 an hour, will be more once arbitration is done.

He wants to be King of all the Queens:eek:

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
Why don't we just give the homeless a job at the TTC. They already have addictions, poor hygiene, mental issues, they will probably be voted into the executive comity of the union or commision.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
buckwheat1 said:
Smitherman will run for mayor of Toronto. As for Train he's still uipset TTC drivers make $27.00 an hour, will be more once arbitration is done.
Actually I'd laugh. The City and the TTC union deserve each other.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts