panhandlers are becoming aggressive


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Papi Chulo said:
The illegal latinos in the US are filling jobs that 99% of americans will not do.
Sorry, but this just isn't true. A huge number of undocumented migrants, and those with false documentation, have moved into construction. Want to try to bid against an employer who is paying part of his work force under the table, without taxes, without paying worker's compensation, and paying lower liability rates because these workers don't show up on the books? You'd be shot out of the water. To say that the over 11 million illegal immigrants are filling jobs that 99% of legal residents won't do is just BS. This is being fueled by the employers that refuse to play by the rules as much as anything else.

Hamilton Guy

May 28, 2002
Asterix said:
And then they get out with nothing changed. Two parent families are the fastest growing group of homeless in Toronto, this according to the 2001 City of Toronto report. Throw them in jail as well? The same report listed the abysmal state of affordable housing in Toronto, or any available housing at all. Only .6% of rentals were shown as available, or 6 in 1000. Add to that the number of mentally ill released from institutions because no one wants to pay for them anymore. How exactly would you expect things to have turned out any differently?
Problem solved. Move out of Toronto. Go an hour down the road to Hamilton to the west or drive 1/2 an hour to the east in Oshawa or 40 minutes North to Barrie. Jobs are the same pay and housing is 1/2 as much.

People need to think things out, not just accept fate and beg because they don't have the foresight to do for themselves.

We don't have poor in our country, we have the lazy and self-entitled. Go to a third world country they have poor. They make out 'poor' look like kings.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
Asterix said:
And then they get out with nothing changed. Two parent families are the fastest growing group of homeless in Toronto, this according to the 2001 City of Toronto report. Throw them in jail as well? The same report listed the abysmal state of affordable housing in Toronto, or any available housing at all. Only .6% of rentals were shown as available, or 6 in 1000. Add to that the number of mentally ill released from institutions because no one wants to pay for them anymore. How exactly would you expect things to have turned out any differently?
Exactly. The 220 million is still out of total spending of 7.8 billion....that works out to be only about 3%. Are we so heartless in this cold city that we can't spend 3% to assist the weak, morally or mentally, among us? And bear in mind, alot of the current budget is spend to keep cushy administrators in their jobs shuffling papers and submitting unread reports. As much as possible, most of this money should go directly to assisting these poor people.


Uncaring bastard!
Aug 28, 2006
The Centre of the Universe!
Don’t blame panhandlers for violence, advocates say

Uhh, okay, so I guess it is Ross Hammond's fault he is now dead! After all, if he had just spared a little change like he was asked, the poor, disadvantaged, marginalized panhandlers would not have attacked him, right?:rolleyes:

Existing laws against “aggressive” panhandling create an unreasonable fear of people already marginalized by society, anti-poverty activists argued.​

If you have to worry about being attacked (or worse, killed) whenever a street person approaches you for money, how are the laws creating an "unreasonable fear"? I think it is a case of some rotten apples creating a reasonable fear of all street people, since how can someone tell if the person standing in front of them is mentally ill?


Patrick Parnaby, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Guelph, said the recent attacks in Vancouver and Toronto have little to do with panhandling.

“The irony of this whole thing is that we already have laws that deal with people who assault, who assault in groups, who brandish weapons on the street,” Parnaby said.

“It has nothing to do with their occupation or status. You don’t even have to talk about panhandlers. You have one citizen assaulting another citizen, and that happens every day.”

No Patrick, the irony is that most people who do this, and end of killing someone by their actions, are charged with murder, or at least manslaughter, NOT aggressive assault! But again, these are the poor, disadvantaged, marginalized panhandlers, so we must show them tolerance!

and finally...

Still, Gaytan Heroux of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty argued that the province has responded to the social issue of panhandling and homelessness by repressing street people.​

I would settle for controlling them! Let's be honest, since David Miller and his cronies took over City Hall and McGuinty became premier, we have seen a signifant increase in these types of incidents. How exactly is the province repressing street people?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
hoser1970 said:
Okay, I'll bite.

What the heck is a CCW?:confused:
Knowing Lancs, he means a concealed carried weapon. And the boy wins a cigar.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
LancsLad said:
Winner gets to pick a prize from the top shelf.:D
I'll take the cigar, as long as it's Cuban. None of that Puerto Rican stuff. And before you try to get clever, remember sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Asterix said:
I'll take the cigar, as long as it's Cuban. None of that Puerto Rican stuff. And before you try to get clever, remember sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

You I will believe, but some of the others ( like say the Mods) , when they talk of sucking on a good Cuban you really have to wonder.:eek:
Ashley Madison
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