We are talking about different things. It is not about measurement the costs and benefits in a specific situation but about if it is OK to measure costs and benefits in the absence of imminent danger?I don’t have time for Libertarians who believe selfishness is a virtue.
Losing some freedoms during war in order to win is often necessary. This is a temporary measure to stop a contagious disease and save lives.
There isn’t an absence of imminent danger.We are talking about different things. It is not about measurement the costs and benefits in a specific situation but about if it is OK to measure costs and benefits in the absence of imminent danger?
Then you need to look up the definition of imminent danger.There isn’t an absence of imminent danger.
In other simple words,. Pontifications from libertarians are inconsequential drivel.
that article has enough straw men to impact global birds migration
I don't believe you are vaxxed. Your arguments are from looney tune anti-vax mantra.It is funny to see how people say that libertarians are against science but, instead of using logical arguments, just do name-calling and make general degrading statements. Standard tactic of left-wingers as they are not capable to stick to strictly logical argumentation.
Sure you're not a vaxhole?Guys, I am not an asshole, I am a libertarian.
HEY, I am a certified Vaxhole and would love to cannon powerwash anti vaxxers and then dry them in a big massive human tumble dryer.Sure you're not a vaxhole?
I never argued against vaccination - I am pro vaccine. I think people refusing vaccination are idiots and their arguments are wrong. However, I am against FORCED vaccination and I support the right of these anti-vax people (again, in my opinion, they are idiots) to do what they want to do. I am astonished by how many people who call themselves liberals are so much against liberty. So, if you tell me how vaccine save lives reduce spread of the virus, reduce complications - I will completely agree with you,. What we are different is that I believe it is not enough to take away the personal freedom of not get vaccinated.I don't believe you are vaxxed. Your arguments are from looney tune anti-vax mantra.