Palin supports "North Korean Allies"


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Here is the transcript:

Interviewer: How would you handle a situation like the one that just developed in North Korea?

Palin: Well, North Korea, this is stemming from a greater problem, when we're all sitting around asking, 'Oh no, what are we going to do,' and we're not having a lot of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do. So this speaks to a bigger picture that certainly scares me in terms of our national security policy. But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies – we're bound to by treaty....

Interviewer: South Korean.

Palin: Yes, and we're also bound by prudence to stand with our South Korean allies, yes.

10 seconds before her flub she knew the difference between North and South Korea, so it was an obvious slip of the tongue. The moron in chief on the other hand doesn't realize that Austrians speak German.


Aug 18, 2009
0 had good take on that interview:

Glenn Beck believes in four insane things before breakfast

Missed in the brouhaha over Sarah Palin's verbal flub about our North Korean "allies," and much more telling:

According to host Glenn Beck's own transcript, Beck's very next utterance was to proclaim that the "mystery" jet contrail recently seen in California (explained weeks ago (even by Fox News online) as almost certainly an optical illusion created by still air and a jet contrail from a known UPS delivery flight) was in fact a secret two-stage missile launch by the Chinese government to assert their power over America, "sending a signal that the world has changed."

Beck then went on to state that the Chinese "control the world."

Did Sarah Palin, would-be leader of the United States, disagree with any of this? Nope.

Palin's verbatim response: "Well, that's right."

For Beck's (and apparently Palin's*) version of reality to be accurate, of course, these four logical conditions must also be true:

(a) China can launch missiles in or near U.S. waters in broad daylight without provoking any American response; (b) the Pentagon either does not know this, and therefore cannot defend our shores, or they do know, and are now engaged in a massive coverup (either one of which must be sufficient for both Beck and Palin to question their avowed support of the Pentagon); (c) for the missile to have any meaning, China must have assumed that the Pentagon would understand the source and significance, something even Americans ourselves apparently cannot assume, according to (b); and (d) China must have also either assumed that the Pentagon would be cowed and not respond, or been eager to start a hot war with massive loss of life for no explicable reason.

Beck's assertion -- with which Palin showed no disagreement whatsoever -- requires belief in no less than four different insane things -- and that's even if the contrail hadn't already been fully explained.

And this gets virtually no comment anywhere.

Eric Blair

Sep 4, 2010
The funny thing is that she is the dream candidate of both the Tea Party and the Democratic Party.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
The funny thing is that she is the dream candidate of both the Tea Party and the Democratic Party.
And the affirmative action candidate with no executive experience (BHO) was the dream candidate of both the democrat and republican parties. So be careful what you wish for.


New member
Apr 1, 2007
And the affirmative action candidate with no executive experience (BHO) was the dream candidate of both the democrat and republican parties. So be careful what you wish for.
That's a helluva charge to make as the President somehow got to where he is through affirmative action.

Got a source? Or is just another in the legion of right-wing mudslingning non-arguments?


Jun 6, 2009
That's a helluva charge to make as the President somehow got to where he is through affirmative action.

Got a source? Or is just another in the legion of right-wing mudslingning non-arguments?
When you think he's comparing a Harvard Law Society president to a Journalist Grad who went to 5 second tier to schools to get it, it's not hard to figure it out.

He also not talking about the fact that Obama was able to succeed at anything with the Republicans blocking everything and anything then brag that is exactly what they will continue to do for the near future like a 2 years old kid.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Why does Palin support North Korea:

1. It is closer to Alaska; and
2. Obama is "for" South Korea and Palin is against anything that the current Pres is supporting. That's the T-party way!!!


New member
Apr 1, 2007
When you think he's comparing a Harvard Law Society president to a Journalist Grad who went to 5 second tier to schools to get it, it's not hard to figure it out.

He also not talking about the fact that Obama was able to succeed at anything with the Republicans blocking everything and anything then brag that is exactly what they will continue to do for the near future like a 2 years old kid.
All of this is supposition and accusations. I'll repeat: Got a source?

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Hate to interupt your Liberal Palin hatefest but it was a slip of the tongue which she corrected herself. She doesn't actually confuse the two Koreas.

Al Gore thought the capital of Canada was Toronto.

I'm sorry for the factual interruption.

You can resume your Palin-bashing now. lol


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Hate to interupt your Liberal Palin hatefest but it was a slip of the tongue which she corrected herself. She doesn't actually confuse the two Koreas.

Al Gore thought the capital of Canada was Toronto.

I'm sorry for the factual interruption.

You can resume your Palin-bashing now. lol
Thank you, CF. I now realize how wrong I was about Sarah Palin. What you've just said to me changes everything.


Jun 6, 2009
Hate to interupt your Liberal Palin hatefest but it was a slip of the tongue which she corrected herself. She doesn't actually confuse the two Koreas.

Al Gore thought the capital of Canada was Toronto.

I'm sorry for the factual interruption.

You can resume your Palin-bashing now. lol
A bunch of Canadians think Toronto is also.

Can you imagine Palin making a similar slip at an important meeting with some world leaders? It's the constant flow of them that is the problem. she's a walking talking prat fall. There are already world leaders that think that any women leader isn't a good thing and they'll just gag at some of her gaff and say, 'see what I mean'.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
If the occasional slip of the tongue was the only thing la Palin did wrong, then of course it would be excusable. But coupled with the lack of experience, the lack of qualifications, the lack of diligence as Governor of Alaska, the obvious money-hunger, the eagerness with which she disses and attacks other pols, including GoP-ers and the fact that her entire career is based around 30 second sound bites, the continual gaffes are just more icing on the cake that she is incompetent and foolish.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Hate to interupt your Liberal Palin hatefest but it was a slip of the tongue which she corrected herself. She doesn't actually confuse the two Koreas.

Al Gore thought the capital of Canada was Toronto.

I'm sorry for the factual interruption.

You can resume your Palin-bashing now. lol
Palin makes it too easy for people to bash her, but as much as I don't like her, I think it was an honest mistake on her part - hence the reason I'm not bashing her for it.
However, she did think Africa was actually a country - as some from the McCain camp claim she said, that I would believe. lol
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Jun 6, 2009
She showed me a lot about her when she quit on the voters of Alaska. Why do you think they kick the teabagger to the curb in the last election? She's in it for her and her alone, riding anything that she thinks will make her money. The only real cause she believes in is herself. I tried to catch one of her latest incarnation with her reality show and it gives reality shows a bad name; what a farce. i lasted 20 minutes and that was with the help of some beer. Living with Gotti was better.
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Jun 6, 2009
Palin makes it too easy for people to bash her, but as much as I don't like her, I think it was an honest mistake on her part - hence the reason I'm not bashing her for it.
However, she did think Africa was actually a country - as some from the McCain camp claim she said, that I would belive. lol
Of course it was an honest mistake, but it's mistakes like that can cause serious problems that even she can't imagine.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
She showed me a lot about her when she quit on the voters of Alaska. Why do you think they kick the teabagger to the curb in the last election. She's in it for her and her alone, riding anything that she thinks will make her money. The only real cause she believes in is herself. I tried to catch one of her latest incarnation with her reality show and it gives reality shows a bad name; what a farce. i lasted 20 minutes and that was with the help of some beer. Living with Gotti was better.
Amen, on that brother!


New member
Dec 23, 2005
It was just a slip of the tongue, probably because you hear of North Korea far more often than you do South Korea in the news.

That being said, she's still an idiot.
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New member
Apr 29, 2002
She showed me a lot about her when she quit on the voters of Alaska. Why do you think they kick the teabagger to the curb in the last election? She's in it for her and her alone, riding anything that she thinks will make her money. The only real cause she believes in is herself. I tried to catch one of her latest incarnation with her reality show and it gives reality shows a bad name; what a farce. i lasted 20 minutes and that was with the help of some beer. Living with Gotti was better.
The ratings for the first episode were TLC's highest (ever I think?). The following week, the ratings dropped by 40% lol. Like I said, people love watching train wrecks and she's definitely one of them.
I thought I'd watch the first episode myself but I can't stomach listening to her with all her self proclaimed "Christian values" and goodness and wholesomeness and, and... ya she makes me sick.
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