Just wanted to thank gladheateher for posting those eye-opening links. I would surmise that many modern-day Muslims have no idea re: the origins of their religion. Just like in other religions, Christianity included, people follow traditions because they are culturally ingrained, often having no idea why they are doing something. The peer/societal pressure to follow traditions and not question thy religion is clearly stronger in the Muslim religion than in others -- what can we expect when their 'holy book' instructs them to kill the infidels? So huge kudos to the brave souls who do dare to step out and question, and even condemn certain practices. E.g. the woman in the video posted above is one brave soul. She is literally risking her life for justice.
Just want to say that the practice of arranged marriages is not unique to Muslims. It is still very strong e.g. even among various Hindu families in India. I have met guys over here who face immense pressure from their families back home to marry by a certain age and to somebody not just from India, but from their specific sub-culture/sect. In the case of one guy, whenever he hinted that he's not ready for marriage yet, etc, his mother would burst out crying and say things like: 'You'd better kill me before you say things like that!'
I can't even imagine what it may be like to be especially a woman in any of those cultures, and I count my blessings that I was born and raised by Western standards.
I'd like to send much light and love to the women, and also the men, living under religious oppression all over the world.
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