

Registered Supreme User
May 21, 2003
I see a number of SP with an overnight rate. Usually over 1K. No idea how many sog that would include
but one would have to be a young buck to make it worth it. Then most young bucks cannot spend
1-2 k .
I would rather spend an hour x 5, more or less.
Anyone into overnights


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Anyone into overnights
Love 'em and have had a number of them.

Two criteria: It has to be with the right lady and it has to be for the right price.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Love 'em and have had a number of them.

Two criteria: It has to be with the right lady and it has to be for the right price.

I've done overnights with a number of SP's. It usually starts with 1-2 SOG's, then go for a nice dinner or something, then back to our hotel for another 1-2 SOG's. Sleep... then breakfast sex! :D

I usually averaged 3-4 SOG's, but had one sleepover that resulted in 6! (She was insatiable!) :D
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
It can get expensive when you think about it. You can only go at it with the girl for so long before you need to actually sleep, which you're then paying for.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
If you're looking at number of shots on goal value, it isn't for you.

If you're looking for the total experience of spending a full evening with a woman and having her wake up next to you then go for it.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Only overnights I've had (SP) was in Thailand for (known as 'long time') ~ $80. Usually ~ 3 SOG were involved so I think $1 K would be a very bad investment. I'm sure the SP would earn it in that I snore real loud and I doubt she will get any sleep.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
I'd rather take a 2 week trip to Thailand and have a overnight, every night for pennies on the dollar.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2009
A few years ago, I had an SP that I was seeing as a regular. Well, the only one that I saw for a good 8 months. Most of the encounters were the 1 to 2 hours, usually followed by dinner. Then one encounter, she suggested dinner first and then desert back at the hotel. That evening, I worked a little later than usual due to circumstances beyond my control. Plus need some extra money as this hobby gets expensive depending on your frequency. So made arrangements for a nice late dinner downtown. Dinner was at 9pm, but we had a great meal and nice bottle of wine. Conversation was great and she did not seem to be in a rush. She had said her night was slow. So after dinner and a great cheese cake for desert when for a nice stroll and walked back to the hotel. The stroll was nice, we were holding hands, arms clutched just like an actual couple.

Up to the room and some light kissing in the elevator ride. Once in the room we were had our hands all over each other. Could have been the wine and the oysters but something between us was on fire. It was well after midnight when we got back to the room. So when we were both lying with our legs wrapped around each other and knowing that she was "working" I got up to go take a shower to leave. She suggested I stay the night, it was late and I had been drinking. I really didn't think anything of it and asked if she was sure ? She said absolutely. So another round between the sheets and we fell asleep in each others arms.

Morning came quick, I had to get off to work. As we woke up, she suggested we shower and grab breakfast. How could I resist. Made a call to work that I wasn't feeling well and would not be in. In the shower with her and it was fun.

As we were getting dress and deciding were to go for breakfast she asked for the donation. I handed over the usual amount. She smiled and said, you spent the night and my rate for an overnight is alot more than this. It was like the world stopped, I said pardon ? My overnight is $1,000.00 and you only have 3 more hours so we better hurry up to go for breakfast. You could imagine what is going through my head and the look of confusion.

I told her, she suggested that I stay. I was perfectly fine leaving when I suggested and only 3 hours left for breakfast- WTF ! ! I just called in sick at work were I will be losing a hell of alot of money. If I was planning on giving her the $1K plus dinner and breakfast that was a $1,500 night. WOW, I was completely shocked.

I told her sorry, I don't have that kind of money on me. It was you that suggested I stay and you should have told me that you would be charging me. She said that she gave up all the calls that night for me and that she could have made more than what she was charging me. I reminder her of our conversation at dinner were she stated it was a slow night. While we were in the room that night, her phone only range once. It was on the whole night.

Not to be an asshole, I gave her what I had left and said that was it. She still insisted on going for breakfast. I told couldn't as I was broke now. She did even offer to pay for breakfast.

So unfortunately, that ruined a good steady income for her and taught me a lesson.

Sorry to be long winded but just wanted to share .


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
For the record, all the overnights I've ever done, we're negotiated ahead of time.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
Sorry to hear that wellhungone, looks like she pulled a fast one on you. Lesson learned I guess. I would probably never do an overnight. a 3-4 hour engagement? yes, but not an overnight. Maybe if I really got to know an sp really well and had been seeing her for a while, but everything would have to be negotiated ahead of time.


Mar 26, 2014

If you're looking for the total experience of spending a full evening with a woman and having her wake up next to you then go for it.[/QUOTE]

isn't that what we call a wife?
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