Our Website

Dec 19, 2010
That's sounds like a good idea too. I am planning on adding the hits counters to home page and the provider web-space landing page also. As well in the index I am planning on showing a number underneath the city name displaying how many advertisers are currently in that section. I am a bit double minded about that though as it might make people click on the more heavily populated areas more than the sparser ones. The goal is to give the best kind of exposure to the girls as possible without their city they are in being a reason they don't get as many hits.

I also give these supplementary ads to the girls hosted off of our servers they can use on dutts. I call it a web-link ad. I have created them for the girls currently advertising on my site right now and we update them on the fly. They also update every ad they have posted with the same information and allows you to display more images and better layout content in the girls advertisements. They work perfect on the ones I have used to advertise myself. I will put a link up here to one that I made for someone. I need to get permission to do so first.

Now what I was considering to also offer is depth into the girls webspace. I could turn the picture spots into galleries of images for the girls so they can display more pictures, ad a guest book function and link space where they can share the reviews they have received from the various reviews boards out there. I do display the links to everywhere else they are currently advertising if it is a specific website centered around themselves if they have one. Backpage and Dutts ads I could do also if they are searchable by a specific key like their phone number for instance.

The point for our site is really to give a place where the reputable girls can advertise unfettered by underage, scammers, spammers and the like so the clients can more easily and quickly connect with quality providers and newer hobbiests have a good place to start their "adventures" from. :) Which is why we handle the posting to the site from our end exclusively.

We are not really looking to expand quickly, but more to expand carefully. We don't want to advertise for just anyone. Just the ones we can be reasonably certain that they are not going to scam or waste peoples time. Which is the harder path to follow but I think it would be more rewarding for everyone in the end.


Awesome !
Aug 16, 2006
I am planning on adding the hits counters to home page and the provider web-space landing page also. As well in the index I am planning on showing a number underneath the city name displaying how many advertisers are currently in that section. I am a bit double minded about that though as it might make people click on the more heavily populated areas more than the sparser ones. The goal is to give the best kind of exposure to the girls as possible without their city they are in being a reason they don't get as many hits.
Hits counters do not really work Yes it tells you if someone clicked on that page BUT hit counters can be cheated all someone has to do is keep hitting refresh and it counts as a hit. The problem with hit counters they also work with refresh

You can refresh a page 100 times the counter will go up 100 times but it doesn't mean 100 people viewed it

If you do not believe me go back the Cambridge/Guelph/Kitchener/Waterloo home page
see how many hits this thread has.. Then click on to this thread & then refresh the thread as many times as you want. Go back to the home page of Cambridge/Guelph/Kitchener/Waterloo and you will see what I mean

I have seen ads posts on Duttslist that are about 24 hrs old that have 2,600 hits ! Do you really think 2,600 different people have view that ad ? The girls do the refresh trick on Dutts so their ads are in the hottest ads area of that city..


Active member
Jan 20, 2010
I, and others on here I'm sure, are a bit confused...you seem to have some talent at webmastering, but do not know the basics of operating a business style website...you have great ideas and intentions for the operations you are planning...but that's all they seem to be, is just plans.

Also, its surprising that the mods haven't closed this thread down as you are clearly advertising your website, and therefore your business.


Jan 22, 2011
This website seems to me like a case of "biting off more than you can chew."

PlatinumFoxxx is the complete opposite of Sass and Class. They came from out of the blue, had a professionally design site and backed up everything they said (RIP). PlatinumFoxxx however has been more talk than action. Your website is a confusing mess that is taking far too long to resolve itself.

And what's with all the the fake model pictures?
Dec 19, 2010
The pictures are to make the site look nicer, and the show an option for upgrading on ads placed with us also the pictures we will display of the girls in their web-spaces will be indicative of that sort of quality if we provide photography for them. I did ask the mods before posting this thread as I do realize it can be viewed as advertising. The thread is really more geared towards feedback on the site more than anything as I do want to hear your opinions, get your feedback and make improvements to the site and our offerings.

I know when I got on to TERB initially, I think I really got off on the wrong foot with a lot of people using the site and I do apologize for that and want to make ammends. I am new to the listing service business, but I believe I got something decent to offer here. The only goal I have as far our site is concerned is to make a decent listing service that does not get cluttered with spammers and scammers. To provide some useful links to resources for people that may need to call on those services, and to provide a service where newer hobbyists can connect more easily with decent providers. That's my focus.

Workingman, I am not sure exactly what you really want to know about me as it relates to this, so I will say that I am new website design, been around the SP industry as a whole since 1998, been working in this business for about 4 years now doing other activities, have had a change of lifestyle and as a result decided to pursue a different path within the same industry and voila here I am today. If you need to know something more specific feel free to PM me.

k9jimmy, when we were attempting to be an escort agency, after reflecting on things, I do also believe we did bite off a bit more than we could chew, however, I do believe that as a listing service provider, we do have a lot we can offer to our clients. BTW, could you please elaborate as to what is a "confusing mess" about our website please? I will do my best to correct the issue. :)



Jan 22, 2011
Get rid of the model pictures. "Indicative" would be a real SP photo who is actually working for you. Not fake models. This is no different from an SP posting a fake pic of themselves on DL.

I hope the owner of those pics don't stumble on your site. They would promptly ask you to take them down. Can you imagine if you were one of those models and found out that your picture was used on an escort site?
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