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our troops


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
Nuking entire populations for peace is like saying you raped the girl because you loved her.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
Violence is a necessary evil to bring peace in this world. In order for peace to exist, there must be a fear for greater violence.

Right now, our troops are there in Afghanistan trying to bring peace to this world by fighting these invisible and cowardly enemies. The chance of them winning is slim. The Taliban are used to these kinds of bomb and gun violence. They are not afraid and they are too stubborn to surrender and too difficult to eliminate. Our troops are basically there to die and I don't see how sacrificing our troops would bring peace.

Wiping out the population may or may not be necessary, but we must make these terrorists fear the consequences of their action by inflicting greater violence on them.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
Serpent said:
Nuking entire populations for peace is like saying you raped the girl because you loved her.
Serpent, that is a poor analogy. You need to grow up and try to understand the world better.


New member
Jun 15, 2003
having an intelligent debate without all the facts and history of what lead to this war is so so so futile. Very few people bother taking the time understanding this complex issue. You would be very naive to think that this war is all about the taliban. Sometimes decisions are made at the expense of innocent lives to achieve a bigger agenda. It's life unfortunately. And yes it's unfair.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
When I started this thread I had no Idea the conflict between us all I would start, I have read most of what you say and agree with some and disagree with others, some name calling going on also from those that oppose what we as a nation are doing, I still say, oil or no oil, money or no money, power or whatever the reasons people say this war is about there are still like I said from the beginning some nutbars who are going to get the bomb and use it. leave them alone and they will kill themselves off, BULLSHIT, they will blow up everything, maybe it would be o.k. if one went off over there then maybe China whose air will be nucked would stand up also and be counted, it's about time they realized it's their air and water that's gonna get screwed, maybe that's what's needed, If the Chinese tell them to backoff or else maybe our boys could come home and let that continent take care of itself


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Thousand said:
Violence is a necessary evil to bring peace in this world. In order for peace to exist, there must be a fear for greater violence.

Right now, our troops are there in Afghanistan trying to bring peace to this world by fighting these invisible and cowardly enemies. The chance of them winning is slim. The Taliban are used to these kinds of bomb and gun violence. They are not afraid and they are too stubborn to surrender and too difficult to eliminate. Our troops are basically there to die and I don't see how sacrificing our troops would bring peace.

Wiping out the population may or may not be necessary, but we must make these terrorists fear the consequences of their action by inflicting greater violence on them.
Oh please. :rolleyes:
You are fence sitting on the issue of mass genocide of people. Your answer to bring peace would be to wipe out the aggressor/defender? Simply do away with an entire culture. No wait, you're undecided as to whether or not it's necessary.

You're fucked up.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
and which side of the fence do you sit on, go to war or wait till they blow someone up


New member
Jun 15, 2003
Do you real believe that this war is going to prevent another terrorist attack?

rgkv said:
and which side of the fence do you sit on, go to war or wait till they blow someone up


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
no I do not believe the war in Iraq or Afghanistan or Iran for that matter will stop another terrorist attack, 'BUT' if we destroy their weapons plants, their ego's and get the nutbars out of power than we buy ourselves years of peace, the Isrealies did it in the 90's [ blew up Iraq's nuclear plant] and It's time again, maybe one day a level headed maniac will run their country and will know he can't win a nuclear war, besides if it is oil this is all about then one day it will run out too


New member
Jun 15, 2003
Dude you really need to do some homework. You are not fighting a country. It's a ideology and cells of small groups and invidividuals dispersed around the globe. The taliban has no fear of dying. Why are they doing this? Because the US government backed Osama and his pals and then fucked them over after using them.... and he is mad as hell.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
ruck said:
Oh please. :rolleyes:
You are fence sitting on the issue of mass genocide of people. Your answer to bring peace would be to wipe out the aggressor/defender? Simply do away with an entire culture. No wait, you're undecided as to whether or not it's necessary.

You're fucked up.
Ruck, you totally missed my point. As I mentioned it's the FEAR of greater violence that would bring peace, not necessary the act of greater violence itself.

Please learn to read.
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