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Our President Does not bow to other leaders


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
all Obama does is going around kiss everybodys ass.
In Turkey and Egypt he "apologizes" to Muslims for Americans being who we are.
he is weak.
He dithers.
Perhaps Obama really should show him and start another war, eh.....:rolleyes:


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Non Issue talk about something serious.

This is the kind of issue the dim latch onto because the other stuff involves actually thinking.
That pretty well defines our simple righties.....:D


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
The horror of it all. Michelle touches the queen, and Barack bows to
the emperor. The Humanity.

That is what you yanks get for electing a black president.
Wonder what kind of mileage Mullah Limbaugh will milk out of this.....
Bet his mindnumbed lemmings are more befuddled than usual.....:D


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
If someone was visiting my house, I would expect them to follow my customs.
In Japan, a US President is considered higher than their own Prime Minister. Much higher. You are aware how many JPMs, Japan has had in the past 20 years? Tons and not one woman. They hate them all (except Koizumi). Japan also has a pacifist constitution, therefore the US President is their protector and does not have to bow. That is the custom.

Obama bowing to the Japanese left less wiggle room for the Chinese Premier Hu Jintao, days later. Obama has to get back to the "it is shameful" style, because the US economy is tanking to double dip (albeit a less severe second dip), with zero leadership from his cabinet and the Fed.

Gyaos Baltar.


This news should have been on "The Onions"

I have seen the same news on Fox by Glenn Beck, simply ridiculous. The only reason I have even stopped and watched Fox News was because they were talking about "MY" Emperor. It said how embarrassing for President Obama to bow 90degrees to once again, "MY" 125th Emperor from 2600 years of history, which is older then..ehm, Jesus Christ.

Unlike my grandparents, I do not have prior WWII mentality or forced education to believe Emperor is/was/always has been a God, and never been forced to remember every single one of the 120-something names of the previous Emperors. However ever since I was a toddler, I have always been taught to give the highest respect to Emperor and Empress if I ever meet them in person as one human being can give to another human being. I'm glad President has given Imperial couple a great respect, and also bow the traditional way.

Seriously this news should have been part of "The Onions" rather than actual self claimed news station.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
No, thay also have that he is not born in the USA.

Frankly, as a somewhat conservative person, I am saddened by the bad
name the republicans give conservatives.
Putting aside the question of how you could be “a somewhat conservative person”:D, I am surprised. Given your anti monarch tendencies, I thought you would have been against Obama bowing.
The President of the United States does not bow to the Emperor of Japan any more than does the Queen.
Are you sure about this? I recall the Queen wearing black when she meant the pope (who must be the head of state for the Vatican) which is would normally never be done otherwise. I think the protocol with the Queen has been becoming more enlightened when it comes to other cultures, etc.
Yes it is a significant diplomatic faux pas, yes it is causing a fair amount of mainstrean flap in the U.S.
Which makes Americans look extremely childish and immature in the eyes of the rest of the world.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Putting aside the question of how you could be “a somewhat conservative person”:D, I am surprised. Given your anti monarch tendencies, I thought you would have been against Obama bowing.
I am fiscally very conservative.

You are right, I am anti-monarchy. However, I have nothing personally
against the emeror of Japan. In the world outside of the USA, it is customary to
show resopect to someone older than yourself, and I can assure you that I
did not insult the danish Queen when I met her.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
Somehow I don't think of The Los Angeles Times as a bastion of conservatism.

Such an action is unheard of in U.S. History and Diplomatic Precedent.
Wrong ! Richard Nixon bowed to the same Emperor. Check
on the internet and you will find proof. Did the Republicans say anything then ? No !
And while you are at it check the State Dept guidelines also !
Anyway, he is the President and as such he can change the rules of the game.
He is the first President to keep his Blackberry, that's also unheard of in US History.

Former President Richard Nixon, a Republican, can be seen in a Life magazine photo from 1971 bowing to Akihito's father, Emperor Hirohito.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
According to GOP dogma the President should never admit that the US has ever made a mistake, should never apologize for any conduct on the part of the US regardless how egregious and of course he should never bow to a foreign leader or monarch even if as a matter of courtsesy. Heaven forfend that some other leader should fail to extend a courtesy to the President. Notwithstanding the non-stop chatter among conservatives about bringing countries into the community of nations the conservatives have never thought of the US as being part of the community but rather above the community.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Wrong ! Richard Nixon bowed to the same Emperor.
Actually it would have been his father the Showa Emperor. Although I find several article stating the same thing none of them reprints the photograph. Hence, I for one cannot tell was the "bow" a Commonwealth nod of the head or was it a President Obama 85 degree angle bow from the waist.

Do you have a link to the photograph?
while you are at it check the State Dept guidelines also!
To which section of the Foreign Service Manual, or other Department of State manual do you refer?

Anyway, he is the President and as such he can change the rules of the game.
That needless to say is true. I suppose he could jump up onto the dinner table and sing "Ladies of Spain." That doesn't mean that it would be a particularly wise idea, in conformity with past practice, or well recived.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Seriously this news should have been part of "The Onions" rather than actual self claimed news station.
FAUX is becoming no different than The Onion lately!....:D

With Aardie being one of their main contributers....


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I guess there are no real problems facing America right now.
Needless to say this is not on the level of amassing federal debt on a level never before seen. Or of deciding to close the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp before considering the ramifications.

However, neither is it without national consequence such as what paintings are hung in the White House Private Quarters.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
What's going to happen? Are the Japanese going to attack us because we have revealed ourselves to be cowardly and servile? Will the rest of the world suddenly become emboldened? My God, maybe someone will launch a terrorist attack because Obama made a protocol error! Least it'll keep Sean H and the rest of those lunatics occupied for a couple of weeks, what's next perhaps they will complain about Michelle Obama wearing shorts! (Oh yeah, they already did that)


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
I am fiscally very conservative.
At the political level, I don’t think fiscal conservatives exist anymore in the U.S.
What's going to happen? Are the Japanese going to attack us because we have revealed ourselves to be cowardly and servile? Will the rest of the world suddenly become emboldened? My God, maybe someone will launch a terrorist attack because Obama made a protocol error! Least it'll keep Sean H and the rest of those lunatics occupied for a couple of weeks, what's next perhaps they will complain about Michelle Obama wearing shorts! (Oh yeah, they already did that)
Lol. It is funny when you think about it. It reminds me of all the fuse over Harper and that wafer.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
What's going to happen? Are the Japanese going to attack us because we have revealed ourselves to be cowardly and servile?
Let me see. GM and Chrysler filed for bankruptcy. Toyota, Nissan and Honda benefitted from "cash for clunkers". Hmmmm.....if you are Japanese, you can work in Japan, but if you are a "foreigner" you pay 75,000 yen for a 2 hr. soapland fuck. And at 89 yen to the buck, that is expensive.

Things do happen. China is about to overtake Japan and I'm shorting Japan, no pun intended.

Gyaos Baltar.


Jan 31, 2005
Needless to say this is not on the level of amassing federal debt on a level never before seen.
Aside from Clinton every administration has amassed federal debt on a level never before seen. This goes right along with Americans spending beyond their means. It's a national disease, hardly one you can pin on Obama.

Maybe the US could have saved a few bucks by not invading Iraq for bogus reasons. How much has that cost so far?

At any rate, I think it's appropriate for civilian leaders ot pay proper respect to religious leaders.
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