
New member
Sep 8, 2010
Should an SP in ottawa become independent or go through an agency?
Im curious


New member
Sep 8, 2010
What are the pros and cons of both agencies and independent from a womens or a mans perspective


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
If the woman isn't organized, agency which takes a small fee makes sense.

Will add more later but independent has its benefits, your best bet would be to ask Catherine St clair or Emily j.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Thank you too2shy

If the woman isn't organized, agency which takes a small fee makes sense.

Will add more later but independent has its benefits, your best bet would be to ask Catherine St clair or Emily j.


Oct 16, 2011
A small fee??? Escort agencies???? hmmm most of the time 50% of what ever the donation is...

If the woman isn't organized, agency which takes a small fee makes sense.

Will add more later but independent has its benefits, your best bet would be to ask Catherine St clair or Emily j.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
If escorting is a part time vocation for you, an agency is the way to go. It is very time consuming; placing ads, screening calls, a lot of work. If you decide to go with an agency make sure to ask all the right questions; Do they have a regular location or do you have to book your own hotel? Will you be working with other girls or alone? What is put in place as far as ensuring your safety? How much do they take from each call? What are their expectations of you? What kind of schedule would you be keeping with them? Do they book outcalls, incalls, or both?

Independent gives you more freedom in deciding which calls to take, what kind of a schedule to keep. And hopefully more money in your pocket.
Aug 1, 2006
Deciding to go Indie or Agency depends on your time availability, life skills and determination.

Agencies offer the opportunity to work when your schedule allows by providing the advertising, scheduling and transportation. You have your life to enjoy when you aren't working and you are not alone in the experience. It's easier to keep your work a secret if that is an issue as well. It is a wise idea to interview your agency, they work for you not vice versa. Look for one where the business practices are sound, you click with the management and feel comfortable having them represent you. I use to pick less popular agencies because there is more money being the best on call than having a line up of coworkers who can match your skill and committment. Twice I have built an agency from the ground up as their lead escort. I set the standard for the other girls to strive for. If you are new and learning, then go with an agency that has a few leading SPs so you can learn on the job. Do not fall victim to clients that encourage you to go indie "because you'll make more money". It's a myth if you do it before you understand the industry and have a more than firm grip on the legalities and realities of being a small business owner. Let the agency do the hard work for you in the beginning because trust me, it is the hardest work to master. If you are learning the people management skills and appointment necessities, taking on the business end will be overwhelming if added to your work load.

If your people skills are honed and you have a head for business then indie is an option but don't assume the pay off is higher. As an indie, the myth is that we make more money but it isn't a firm rule. The per hour take home is usually on par with a good agency girl after we pay advertising, location etc. The difference is the control we have over who we see, what type of experience we offer and the comfort of knowing we are rowing our own boat. We are more isolated, less supported and completely responsible for our failures and successes. It is not for the newly initiated or weak spirited. Being an independent can be liberating but I work 24/7/365. My brain never turns off, I can't afford to let it. Independents who are committed realize that owning your own business is gratifying but exhausting at times and I miss having a life outside the industry. Those with authority issues are usually better suited to be indie but they often lack the discipline and skill to run their own business.

My suggestion is that you don't take advice from clients, don't make decisions without weighing all the facts and invest in yourself thru some of the excellent resources that are available online. Stella, POWER and STEP all have online information for those new to the sex trade. Honeysuckle has an amazing "do indie yourself" program that is affordable and practical. The only person that can choose for you is you and this is a decision that should not be made in haste or without careful consideration...



Active member
Oct 27, 2002
As a client, I advise you to take Cat's advice. So don't?!? (just having fun, Cat :D )
Aug 1, 2006
Hmmmm, STEP is from out west I believe and I can't seem to find their information. I could have the acronym wrong. Give me a bit, us old broads suffer from CRSS at times. It will come to me...


p.s. Gntlmn, you need a spanking! :wink:
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