Toronto Escorts

Oriental Massage 2009


Student of the master
Mar 20, 2006
Bluenose said:
It was my first time at Gladstone and I must say I was a surprised at how nice it was, especially that there was a frickin SHOWER IN THE ROOM - quite a rarity in Ottawa. Overall I thought the place was a step up from the typically grotty AMP environment.
This is what kills me about Colonnade. It should be great. The location is in an industrial park so you won't bother the neighbours after hours. There is no longer any signage so it's discrete even during the day. The inside is roomy and they've kept it up fairly well. No individual shower, but the one that is there is clean. There is even a couch in the central area so you can lounge around and chat with the girls if it isn't busy.

Unfortunately they can't seem to find girls that fit my taste, probably because business is slow so they have a hard time attracting top notch talent. The last time I went Amy was still there, and she is pleasant enough, but I prefer a different body type. And they always seem to close up at inconsistent hours. I guess when there is little business it is too tempting for the girls to close up shop early and just go home.


Student of the master
Mar 20, 2006
A few weeks ago when the lottery was up to fifty million dollars, I went for a test drive of the Audi TT as my little automotive fantasy. Why the TT? Because it isn't excessively flashy, most people could afford one (perhaps used) with some time and sacrifice if they wanted one badly enough. Yet it is still attractively styled on the outside and has a beautiful interior. The performance is more than adequate without being overwhelming, and it is comfortable without being soft. But even with all of these great qualities, it still left me cold; something was missing.

That's exactly the way I feel about Vivian from 868. If I wrote a want ad looking for an MPA she would nail it.

She is pretty enough, with the kind of slim and trimmed body that I like. She seems smart and well spoken, and I can tell there is a wicked sense of humour just underneath the surface. She was clear without any coyness which I really appreciate. A bit on the pricey side but not excessively expensive.

But we just didn't hit it off and we left each other cold; there was just no spark or chemistry at all. Hope you guys hit it off better.


Jan 19, 2003
The adorable Yoyo (see review above) formerly of 45/177 St. Joseph is now at 195a Bank Street. She's one of the most loveable MPs around so it's nice to see her in a more convenient location.


Jan 19, 2003
I just had a totally killer therapeutic deep tissue massage by a sensationally talented and highly trained masseuse including a great back walk and a darn fine finale and it happened at what I think is a very unlikely location: 256 Bank (that's upstairs beside the adult toy shop not downstairs in the hair salon). I don't know why I even went there since my only previous visit was mildly unpleasant. Anyway the lady's name is Cici and unfortunately she's heading back to Toronto on Friday but promised she'll return in a month's time. We're going to keep in touch and if I hear any news of her return I'll post it here. I know a few people have asked about good therapeutic massage with a happy ending and this is the real deal. A word of warning though. She does traditional Chinese massage and she's got hands of steel so it can be intense well into the kingdom of pain but she totally got inside my knotted muscles and straightened out my back. Not a young cutie but very friendly and pleasant to deal with.


Corrine at TT

I had time to kill waiting to see Jasmin Thai so I decided it would be good to get a nice massage. Since I didn't want a finish I called TingTing. I saw Corrine, she's fairly new (2 weeks) but off to a good start. I asked for hard and that's what I got. She put her elbows and forearms to good use, in fact sometimes the bony elbows got a lil too pointy but overall a very good rub. And since she's new it's most likely to get even better. She's older, I'd guess 30s but attractive and slender. English isn't so hot but she tries real hard. Nice girl, likes to laugh. I like her and will repeat. I think next time I'll try medium and see how it is. Poor girl worked so hard she was overheating ..... I opted for 90 minutes.

But the rub helped as I was in top shape for a fun time with JT :D

BTW, Ting Ting greeted me and when she walked down hallway I noticed her butt is looking a bit wide. Wonder if she found a hubby and is letting things go a bit? Maybe it was just the way her long skirt flowed LOL



Nice find re: Cici at 256. I look forward to updates. I hope you mean she's heading back AFTER tomorrow ..... if not I'll eagerly await her return.

Jiffy Pop

Active member
May 6, 2003
45 St-Joseph

Was in the mood for asian and ended up at this place. Two girls working and I chose Mimi. Probably around 30 ok looking and body was also ok with small chest(a-cup). She is friendly but her english skills are low. Massage was not to good but she tries hard just no technique really. Extra services not bad but could use some more practice and price was a little high. All in all not a bad experience but probably not a repeat for me. Any questions fire away or pm me.


508 Gladstone

Lately I've been wanting some serious massaging, the back has been bugging me. I knew I could go to 508 and see Taylor (Fang) or Julie for a great rub. They now have Monique (or Monika) who is maybe as good or better than they are.

If you're looking for some good skills and don't care about mileage this is your place. You'll get a finish and a quality one at that but don't expect more. But sometimes that's exactly what you need .... the massage is so good I don't even care about anything else.


New member
Oct 12, 2007
New MP

I was in the industrial area southwest of Clyde and Carling intersection on Boyd Street and saw a small building, apparently being renovated, with a green massage sign over the door. Anyone know anything about this one - a new asian MP??


New member
Oct 12, 2004
threemoretoonies said:
of Clyde and Carling intersection on Boyd Street and saw a small buildingQUOTE]
Dropped by today. Bumped into a great looking blond just exiting the stairs.
(good sign) I asked about the massage spa,she hesitated a moment quizzically looked up at the sign and said "OH them, they haven't been here for many years" (bad sign) and then assured me I could find some spas along Carling. I didn't enquire further. I did dial the # 724-2383 - 'no longer in service'

There, I TOFTT, no bigee.


Jan 19, 2003
Cici (see my review above) is back for another stint in Ottawa. She'll be at 256 Bank Street until Thursday August 6. Best deep therapeutic massage I've had in ages (and the most blissfully painful).

It's really too bad that 256 is such a hole. And speaking of holes, they have the world's tiniest shower with a faucet that's pulled right off the wall leaving a hole for the water to run into. I shudder to think what all that moisture is doing to the walls and floors behind. Their landlord's going to freak someday.


New member
Mar 5, 2007
Went to Gladstone a few weeks ago, to check out Taylor. Very surprised to see she's the same Taylor who worked for Lisa up near Bank and Nepean, years ago. She had gone back to China, never thought I would see her again. She still looks just as great, one of the best really, but just like back in the day, no mileage at all. Back then I thought I would end up cracking her, but no dice.


AX_matic said:
Went to Gladstone a few weeks ago, to check out Taylor. Very surprised to see she's the same Taylor who worked for Lisa up near Bank and Nepean, years ago. She had gone back to China, never thought I would see her again. She still looks just as great, one of the best really, but just like back in the day, no mileage at all. Back then I thought I would end up cracking her, but no dice.
Hahaha .... she seems to take delight that everyone wants to get in her pants ..... she always has a sweet clever remark like "you can want but you can't have" or something like that. I once said to her that she enjoys saying no way too much and she gave me that sly grin ..... but she does a great massage. BTW, if you need a pedicure I bought her a pedicure kit when she was on Palace ..... just ask her if you need a clip :cool:


New member
May 6, 2007
Great reviews and interesting comments from the Asian MP regulars on the board. I have a question. What MP location has the best mileage? A few months back it was, for me anyway, the Bank and Gloucester, which was good. As you know, it has since been closed. Point me in the right direction.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Went by 256 Bank the other day. I had heard about Cici. Yes she was "on." Not a good looking person, nor sexy, she was preoccupied with asking me, before the session, "how much I tip." I ask "what you do" with no reply other than " I need tip, I need money." To say the least I left. Alyssa seemed almost as bad although I am not sure. I am surely glad some of you guys like Cici, but in my view she gives MP's a bad name.

I think I saw a lady by the name of Mimi. Any of you been with her? She appeared to be ok.


Jan 19, 2003
You don't see Cici because she's a young cutie, you go see her because she can tear you limb from limb and put you back together again like a new man. It's well worth it if that's what you need, otherwise yeah, stay away.

Mable said:
Went by 256 Bank the other day. I had heard about Cici. Yes she was "on." Not a good looking person, nor sexy, she was preoccupied with asking me, before the session, "how much I tip." I ask "what you do" with no reply other than " I need tip, I need money." To say the least I left. Alyssa seemed almost as bad although I am not sure. I am surely glad some of you guys like Cici, but in my view she gives MP's a bad name.

I think I saw a lady by the name of Mimi. Any of you been with her? She appeared to be ok.


New member
Oct 5, 2006

Checking the Sun today, I see that Daniella is no longer listed at Linda's. It also says Now Hiring.


New member
Oct 12, 2004
Actually, she will be there for a bit longer. I just enjoyed a session. She is always worthwhile. You should see her soon.


Jan 19, 2003
Saw Amy at 664c St. Joseph which is on the second floor of a strip mall. It was my first time there and I found the place was quite nice compared to some of the scuzzier AMPs around (yeah I'm looking at you 256 Bank!)

Anyway Amy was pleasant, moderately attractive and eager to please. Massage was nothing special but nothing to complain about. There was a fair bit of teasing and the finish was nice.

Maybe not the best in town but still worth a repeat.
Toronto Escorts