You never heard of a condom?Is this a pharmaceutical gimmick to push medication like they did with Covid 19 ??
You never heard of a condom?Is this a pharmaceutical gimmick to push medication like they did with Covid 19 ??
I have heard and use condoms.You never heard of a condom?
Does tossing salad have more or less cancer risk compared to DATY?
That is extremely sad.Same. I started with the earliest Gardsil when it was only indicated for women. Then the next 7 valent version. Then 9 valent.
Same with the first Shingles (live/attenuated) and the latest Shingrix.
I knew a guy who had just retired after a long, hard working, successful business life. Tough as nails physically and disciplined. Got a terrible case of shingles within a month. Lasted a few months of excruciating pain. Recovered, then a second outbreak worse than the first. His girlfriend found him dead. Deliberate overdose of opiod pain medication with a note saying he couldn't even think of a life with the prospect of regular outbreaks.
Also knew a 23 yo girl (my gf's younger sister) who died of cervical cancer. Only had sex once when she was 16. Always said she was a virgin so never had a pap smear. By the time she was symptomatic she was too far gone.
Serious consequences that vaccines could have prevented.
While HPV does indeed cause cancers in both men and women, we can't just lock ourselves in our basements and lead a perfectly safe life. Some risk is worth it, for sure.
Having said this, getting an HPV vaccine when you are young gives you a much better chance of not contracting HPV (a lifetime virus), like so many of us did in the past.
The HPV vaccine has been around since the mid-1990s, so it has a very good track record.
Go ahead and lick that pussy, gentlemen! There's nothing else like it!
That is extremely sad.
Luckily for myself and many others growing up they made the Gardasil vaccine mandatory & our school made us roll up our sleeves for it when we were in grade 5 or 6. Whoever got it back then is protected for life ( so they say ) as you only need it 3 times ( someone correct me if im wrong ) and it protects you for life.
I have know a few girls who probably had that"Those with six or more lifetime oral-sex partners are 8.5 times more likely to develop oropharyngeal cancer..."
Which is still less than 5% chance of catching it, I think.
But that math means I've probably got a 99% chance of catching it, given my love for dining at the Y lol
Oral sex is now the leading risk factor for throat cancer
Oropharyngeal cancer has now become more common than cervical cancer in the US and the
Oral sex is now the leading risk factor for throat cancer
Oropharyngeal cancer has now become more common than cervical cancer in the US and the
I noticed the Gardasil website says it's for ages 9 - 45. WTF. This is ageism. Who says us old bastards don't eat pussy???