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Ops PK did it again!


New member
May 18, 2005
I like to make my own opinion and I do not like to divulge private information about others which is why I rarely post. This discretion stops when I think someone has been treated unfairly. (Be it a guy or an sp) I've been using PK since their inception when they were still offering incalls and although I had many experiences I would not want to repeat, I never felt disrespected by the agency and the sp until tonight.

I went to see Casey ( a girl I had never seen before) and to make it short, after 5 minutes of a half hour session, she said I came and that the session was over. Another 5 minutes of reasoning I did not did not help my case. I called PK right away but I got the usual message "We're just a booking agency. There is nothing I can do. I will pass on your message."
Nice way to treat a loyal customer!

Maybe some people will think this is only fair! I thought I deserved better.



Only 5 min????? THAT'S got to be the record ..... sorry to hear you got the severely short end of the stick.

Jul 28, 2006
The age old battle, funny how the default claim is that the client is paying for the ladies time and not the services offered, bla bla blah.

Ladies/Indies who do this aren't doing themselves any favours or the agencies that represent them. If the lady pro-rates the time and you blow to soon, then pro-rate the money... You paid for a half hour you GET a half hour.

If she doesn't like that then stretch your time out till the end it is the time you paid for after all. Walk around the room naked for the remainder of your time, fart, belch, scratch your ass, have a piss with the door open, clip your toenails, order room service watch TV, read the newspaper until your time is up.

You made a commitment to pay her for her time, you did your part, why shouldn't she ?


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Who is PK? I have had a couple of similar incidents with O/Cs when I booked for an hour, sex over in say 35 min, she starts heading for the door when you want to do the afterglow thing and chat. I have had drivers try to argue that in this biz one hour is 45 min. Usually Asian O/C agencies. Call the boss, girl asks "please don't call and complain" by the time this is all done it is 50 min, I tell them never again. The girl and driver are in collusion to speed through calls to get more calls done in the night. Done with Asian out calls. I will stick to I/C girls I know or who are well reviewed. Agencies either believe there is an endless supply of suckers or repeat business doesn't matter.

No matter what biz I have ever been in you need to build up to about 70% repeat biz 30% new biz to replace drop offs. Asian agencies and some SP driver teams can't seem to get this.


Active member
Jan 9, 2007
Basically stay away from PK

THeir excuse we are just a booking agency blah blah blah is pure BS THey work for you PK and you have to take responsibility

AND stop lying in your spammed ads


New member
Jul 19, 2009
Ladyluvr69 said:
Basically stay away from PK

THeir excuse we are just a booking agency blah blah blah is pure BS THey work for you PK and you have to take responsibility

AND stop lying in your spammed ads
I'm not fan of agencies, but no, the escorts don't work for an agency. The agency works for them to provided "message answering and scheduling services". At least under Canadian law, that's the way it has to be or the agency would be facing Criminal Code charges for living off the avails.

This, of course, gives the agencies the perfect cop-out. Plus at least 50% of whatever the escorts make goes to the agency as a "booking fee". So, the clients get ripped off and the escorts get ripped off.

I'm kind of amazed by Fuddie's statement "although I had many experiences I would not want to repeat" with PK, he's still being going to them for years!!

Fuddie, I think you may have finally learned that you will have a far better time with high-end independent who have good reputations. And all your money will be going to them, not half to an agency. Book yourself an hour with the previously-mentioned Grasshopper for example. For $180.00 you will have a complete hour in which you can cum as many time as you can, wherever you want. And enjoy some nice after-play until your time is up. There are lots of other besides her in Ottawa with similar services.


New member
Sep 27, 2006
That was funny - I had a good chuckle about how to spend the rest of the 25 minutes - thanks CK.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
Ok I would like to clarify a few things.. First to Ladyluvr.. I think you would prefer if we would get involved with the ladies and control their behaviour? Maybe the odd backhand might suffice?? You truly dont understand the way things work, especially with our agency.. The first thing that I make clear when we are hired by the escort is that we are not their bosses. Rather they give me their schedule, their restrictions, the way in which they wish to be represented, and advertised and we work around that.

We are paid a commission based on what we do for them, which BTW is considerably less than 50% and I would suggest that if someone wants to pull numbers like that out of their ass then they should at least get their facts straight. We do a tremendous amount of work, and have expenses that often exceed 2000 a week before profit. Most ppl have no clue what it costs to run a sucessful and profitable agency, they think that the ladies do all the work and we take their money.. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact the majority of our roster have tried the Indy thing and found it was easier, safer and more profitable to work with us than being out on their own.

Another thing is that alot of Indys still have ppl working behind the scenes with them, and pay someone for security, drives and answering the phones for them. But that is hardly ever discussed.

And just to address the original situation with this client. I will use this example.. If you hire a lawyer to represent you, and you lose your case. Do you come in the office and yell at the Secretary, or do you yell at the lawyer? The lawyer is the individual who did the poor job, but often the secretary get the blast of shit.

We are not the ones that you are servicing you, the SP is. If you have a complaint about the service, you have to talk to them and work things out amongst yourselves. If you Tip an SP, we dont know about it, we are not involved in that either. The onus is on the 2 parties involved. Not the agency that scheduled the meeting. This isnt the customer service counter at wal-mart.

I had a guy who posts on here reg, saying the lady didnt do any BLS on him and this was a complaint he called us about before.. I was informed by several SPs that this guys hygiene was less that stellar. So I suggested that he may want to consider showering before, he took offense to it and threatened to write a shitty review.. I told him to SH*T in his best hat!

The point I am making here is there are two sides to every story so that really has to be taken in consideration as well when you read a review or complaint as well.

curious too

New member
Apr 5, 2004
It's pretty obvious...

That PK is an agency to stay far, far away from. I've rarely seen a positive post about them, and their responses are hysterical and ridiculous. I've never used them, and I can definitely say that I never will.


Oct 2, 2006
Well after reading PK Jessica's response it is clear that one of the things she is hired to do is be a liar. No doubt there are too sides to a story but to better your chances stay away from Pink Kitties and tell them to go shit in Jessica's mouth.


Oct 2, 2006
No not really, you have basically called customers liars and told customers to take a shit, so just giving back a little of your attitude. Don't worry I will never be calling your miserable agency for service, your reputation is terrible and PKJessica is at the front of the list for defending bad service.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
PK apparently does not understand the concept that an agency can choose to do business with whomever it wants, and does not have to work for everybody.

It is important that when we criticize the SP we criticize the agency, because after several episodes it becomes clear that the agency is only in it for short term gain. There primary motivation is not ensuring customers are provided with a fair, honest, and reliable service, factors which would reap rewards for a booking agent in the long-term Factors which could be easily controlled not by "Back Hands" but by simply ending business relationships with unreliable staff.

But obviously they are in for short term gain only. Perhaps it is not a bad approach for Jessica, as it is seems from her posts that she lacks the proper business acumen to build a successful long-term business operation.


PKJessica said:
We are not the ones that you are servicing you, the SP is. If you have a complaint about the service, you have to talk to them and work things out amongst yourselves. If you Tip an SP, we dont know about it, we are not involved in that either. The onus is on the 2 parties involved. Not the agency that scheduled the meeting. This isnt the customer service counter at wal-mart.
I hope you seriously don't consider this good advice.

Go back to the girl who ripped you off so she can laugh in your face that she got over on you. Yeah, that has a great chance of success.

Easier to avoid the agency that represents girls like this. Less hassle for sure.

I've read some of your replies and you sometimes make some valid points. This isn't one of them.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
Well once again, Maurice..I think you have it ass backwards.. we dont have unreliable staff.. we dont have staff.. A concept you dont have the mental aptitude to grasp.

Considering we have been in business for over 3 years, and do more volume of business of all of the other agencies in Ottawa I would say that you are extremely incorrect.

You are also very wrong about me not caring about clients, but understand you are only one side of the clientel, the other side and frankly the more important side is the ladies that we work for. They are the more important factor in the equation. Without ladies, we have no business, and you the client have nobody to see. So it is our best interest to care about the ladies needs first,

If I have one client whining about what a lady didnt do with him, and I have an sp complaining about a verbally abusive customer .. I am going to be siding with the sp.

These message boards are not a true representation of the hobbist market. We have a massive repeat client base that represents over 70 percent of our volume.

What I dont give a shit about is a few, small minded, follower mentality type ppl that have not even used our service. Smack talking us like that have anything intelligent to say.

If I have a regular client call, and have a valid complaint. IE cleanliness, Saftey issues, or anything really.. I will validate it, and absolutely pass on the feedback to the SP. I truly care what that person has to say.

I know alot of you wont agree with me, but regardless ... PK is not going anywhere soon.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
slurp said:
I hope you seriously don't consider this good advice.

Go back to the girl who ripped you off so she can laugh in your face that she got over on you. Yeah, that has a great chance of success.

Easier to avoid the agency that represents girls like this. Less hassle for sure.

I've read some of your replies and you sometimes make some valid points. This isn't one of them.

Actually my advice, was, and is that you should discuss the issue with the sp on the spot.. Calling the agency especially after the fact.. is not the way to go.

If you are with the SP you are aware of what the situation and much more able to resolve a problem then trying to deal with things 3rd party.

Does that make more sense?


May 18, 2006
Jessica, I have to add a comment here. You asked if your most recent comment makes sense and I have to say, no it does not. Sorry.

Once there becomes a problem during a meeting or date between a SP and a customer that is big enough to warrant real discussion, it is too late to resolve it. Once the mood is gone, it is just ..... gone. Its not coming back for that customer. Not a chance. So the discussion can not really give a satisfactory result for that customer.

The only real solution is to call the agency and make sure they know of the problem so that in the future, if the problem persists for that SP, the agency can decide to either let her go (polite for "fire her"), or can decide to no longer represent her. That does not solve the problem for the specific client, but does serve to increase the quality of the SP talent pool represented by that agency.


Oct 2, 2006
Jessica from your posts it is quite clear you don't give a shit. Nor do you understand business. IF you have no staff you have no business. Call them contractors or whatever, they are your staff and if there are complaints then you need to deal with them rather than suggest the customer is verbally abusive or not important.

You will likely still do business but will be losing potential because of your stupid statements here. I imagine you do not have the mental apptitude to understand this but maybe you can have somebody explain it to you.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
Telywho said:
Jessica, I have to add a comment here. You asked if your most recent comment makes sense and I have to say, no it does not. Sorry.

Once there becomes a problem during a meeting or date between a SP and a customer that is big enough to warrant real discussion, it is too late to resolve it. Once the mood is gone, it is just ..... gone. Its not coming back for that customer. Not a chance. So the discussion can not really give a satisfactory result for that customer.

The only real solution is to call the agency and make sure they know of the problem so that in the future, if the problem persists for that SP, the agency can decide to either let her go (polite for "fire her"), or can decide to no longer represent her. That does not solve the problem for the specific client, but does serve to increase the quality of the SP talent pool represented by that agency.
Again, if you read my previous posting you will see that I did say if I have a regular client that calls in I will address the problem.

What everyone is failing to understand is that Problems are actually very few and far between. I get like one complaint a week.. at best.. and that represents maybe 0.5% of our calls. PPL come on this board.. particularly to RANT and occasionally to RAVE. Most of these situations that you hear about on here are isolated sitations, and are the exception as opposed to the rule.

So taking that into consideration, and again the fact that we are so High volume due to the number of ladies we represent. You are bound to have the odd *bad experience*.. It comes with the territory..

Just a quick stat to put all of this in perspective. On average we recieve 350-600 phone calls a day. That said, it does translate into a tremendous amount of calls.. Hundreds of encounters over a weeks time. So if you look at it that way.. and I recieved 10 complaints in a week.. (which never happens) I would still have a 95% customer satisfaction rate..


New member
Jul 19, 2009
Hundreds of "encounters" booked every week. At today's average escort price of around $200.00 per call and with 50% going to the agency, that works out to at least $10,000.00 a week. Certainly, even after expenses, there's money available for "quality control".

Of course, I'm sure most unhappy clients don't bother to call to complain, they just grin and bear it and if they're smart, go eleswhere. So no need to spend too much in the quality control area.
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