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Oprah Still Promoting Sexual Anxiety

For almost twenty years, Oprah Winfrey has been promoting sexual anxiety, showcasing victimhood, exploitation, and a dark vision of sexual relationships. Sometimes she does it herself, and sometimes she hires others to do it.

Oprah's latest surrogate is "Dr. Phil" McGraw, a forensic psychologist who helped her out when she was sued by Texas beef growers three years ago for criticizing beef on the air. McGraw's now on the show every Tuesday, and has a column in her monthly magazine. His latest pronouncement is that men who look at internet porn are "addicts" who are "cheating on their partners." ALL men, regardless of circumstance? Absolutely: "This behavior is not OK, it's not even almost OK," he says. "This habit is a perverse and ridiculous intrusion into your relationship."

But don't 20 million Americans look at internet porn each month? Surely they can't all be perverts. "Addicts give lame justifications for their behavior like 'It's harmless', or 'Everybody's doing it'," says McGraw. And in a final swipe at the humanity of men, he says, "Guys just don't understand the pain, hurt and devastation they can cause with their unfaithfulness."

So Dr. Phil, with Oprah's blessing, pathologizes millions of men for looking at porn. And supports millions of women in attacking, rather than understanding, their mates.

I suppose we should expect this from the doc selected as Oprah's top guru. He perfectly reflects the messages on which Oprah has built an empire: male sexuality is a problem; female sensitivity leaves women vulnerable to male manipulation. Oprah's the one, after all, who said on a show a few years ago, "We all know that, sooner or later, all men cheat if they have the chance." Hmm, does Oprah have issues with men or sexuality?

Her recent interview with Dr. Hilda Hutcherson, author of "What your mother never told you about sex," offers more clues. On an episode broadcast last week, the middle-aged African-American psychologist was straightforward about female sexuality: use a vibrator. Love your clitoris. Talk to your mate about what you want. And to counteract media pressures about youth and beauty, walk around the house naked when alone. Yup, let those breasts breathe free, and get some air between those legs. Hardly radical stuff, and yet La Winfrey could hardly bear it: "Walk around naked? not me!" she said, obviously embarrassed about her body. And using a sex toy or a vaginal muscle exerciser was clearly out: "Hell, I ain't puttin' that thing inside me," she said, wide-eyed.

Perhaps most revealing, Oprah had terrible trouble saying the words "vagina" and "clitoris." The problem wasn't network censors, who didn't try to silence Hutcherson.

Oprah is America's most influential sex educator. With her sexual conservatism hiding as embarrassment, and her victimology disguised as compassion, Oprah is betraying the eroticism of the women she claims to empower. Too bad she's leaving part of each woman behind. And too bad so many women don't seem to notice.

You may quote anything herein, with the following attribution:
"Reprinted from Sexual Intelligence, ©Marty Klein, Ph.D. ("

Dave notes: Marty Klein has been a Licensed Marriage & Family Counselor and Sex Therapist for over 20 years. He also lectures extensively to other counselors and social worker audiences around the country. He is especially brave with his many good sexuality writings since I understand the position of most family counselors and within their professional organization is the same sex negative view of Dr Phil.

I note from his speaking schedule he often presents for example tothe Board of Examiners in Sex Therapy/Counseling for Ontario as an example of many professional groups he speaks to. It is wonderful to have such a professional with such a positive sexual attitude.


New member
May 4, 2002
Dave and his selective information

I saw that show before and I would classify that guy a sex addict too. It was not that he was looking at porn and sex internet chat rooms( in the past he had an affair with a woman he met in a chat room) . But he would often leave his waiting very hot looking wife in the bedroom and prefer to sit infront of the computer and view porn instead of making a porn with his wiling wife. The real thing versus fake , what would any hot blooded male choose?
I think you are totally wrong in your anaylsis of Oprah and Dr.Phil. I can quote 10 other show topics that disproves what you just said. I remember in one show Oprah and Phil explained to women that good sex is a part of a healthy marriage. And that when wives continualy regect their husbands sexual advances that the husband not only feels rejected sexually but as a whole person. I have seen them constantly trying to remind women/wives that sex is very important in a marriage and without it a marriage will crumble. She has also done numerous shows on examining and helping women enhance and improve their sex lives and sexuality. I recal one show when she promoted a vaginal cream that increased a womans libido/sex drive. She said that the phones ran off the hook with women asking for info on where to locate this testosterone cream. That does not sound like someone who is promoting sexual anxiety to women. The exact opposite.
And do you think that because she discusses topics that address womens issues such as rape and abuse she is promoting women as victims, and making women anxious about sex and thier sexuality, or labelling all men as sex addicts and evil? Dave these are REAL issues that affect women more than men, so of course she will be discussing it more often then some men like you may think necessary. You may not think that 'fact' is politically correct but it is statistically correct and factual. Knowledge is power and she is trying to eduacate women so they can be informed and therefore more knowledgable and in power of themselves and their sexuality. What is wrong with that?
If you are going to pass judgements on someone you should base this on more than one or two shows or comments they make. You just made a very incorrect blanket statement about these two individuals.

And BTW, in case you did not know Dave 'we women folk' do have a MIND of our own and even though a lot of women may like Oprah we still THINK for ourselves and make our own adult discisions when it comes to sex and sexuality. It is patronizing to imply little Oprah is that powerful over the minds and choices of ALL women when it comes to our sexuality and feelings towards sex. Some women have sexual hangups and anxiety not because of Oprah( her show has only been on the air for a little over a decade, so she cant take the blame for many generations of women who are uncomfortable with their sexuality) but becuse of the way they were raised and societys views on sexually liberal women.

Dave you may think you are an expert about women and female sexuality and the sex industry( because you see and review alot of escorts) , but there are still some things and womens issues that you will NEVER, ever fully understand because you are a man! And if you are single and never married then that does not help either. I am not trying to be mean but some times you come across as a bit too all knowing about women and female sexuality.
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New member
Jun 20, 2002
woohoo.....I'm pulling up and seat and getting a bag of popcorn for this one.

You're up Dave...



New member
May 4, 2002

My intent was not to start a flame war, but to correct an inaccurate statement he made and quoted. Maybe it is a man- woman difference of opinion type of thing. Since we do think differently about a lot of things.
It just seems that all too often, in society a woman who is strong, successful, powerful ,smart and wealthy, such as Oprah, is commonly 'unfairly' vilianized.

Well I am off to read my Oprah magazine. LOL
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New member
Nov 26, 2001
For my favorite troll...

A1Provider said:
Dave... there are still some things and womens issues that you will NEVER, ever fully understand because you are a man!
Well, C4Provider must have at least a little university education. This is a tired argument that I find utterly nonsensical since it proclaims that "understanding" is only possible through experience. That is a load of crap. It is the kind of crap that Harris used to justify university cuts and it is the kind of crap that justifies gutting the system. Men can indeed have understanding of women, straights can understand gays, whites can understand blacks, and so on. To suggest otherwise is... stupid. That should not be understood, necessarily, as a flame of A1Provider as much as it is a comment on the mindset s/he is providing (and those who agree with it).
Not My Article = Dr. Marty Klein's

A1Provider - Hold ON..... if you note those views were NOT MINE, I don't know Ophra that well. I thought it was a good article that might generate some thinking and discussion...from strong independent thinking did :)

You raise very good points and I agree with most. But most of them don't really contridict the article. I have seen Dr Phil a few times, and yes he is very supportive in sexuality IN FAITHFUL MONOGAMOUS MARRIAGE - nothing else.

The Viacreme thing you refer from most women that have tried it, its worthless and icky. It is based on a very expensive pyramid sales scheme. But since it was on Oprah zillions of women flocked to buy it.

As my post said the article was written by Marty Klein who has been a Licensed Marriage & Family Counselor and Sex Therapist for over 20 years.

I note from his speaking schedule he often presents for example tothe Board of Examiners in Sex Therapy/Counseling for Ontario as an example of many professional groups he speaks to.

That doesn't make him right, but at least he is one of the few the serious family and sex counselers that are isn't so sexually negative other than in monogamous marriage. I know he is supportive of responsible non-monogamy as a legitimate choice , and while I don't know for sure, he may even be sexwork supportive. I suggest you look at his site before passing judgement:
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New member
May 4, 2002
Marvin- Its been a long time, I see you can hold a grudge. Look your insults and that fact that you dont like me( or my more accurately, my opinions) is fine with me. It is ok that we dont agree, it is a democratic country. And the fact that you are male and I am female with different life experiences ,because of this fact, we will probably see things differently. We are all a sum of our experiences. Yes I do agree with you that we can all have a 'level' of understanding about each other in life, and we should all strive for more of an understanding of each other. But I for one am realistic and intelligent enough to 'understand' the fact that i dont and can never fully understand everything and everyones life experience. To suggest otherwise is what i would call STUPIDDDDDD!
For example I am a young female living in Canada, with all the advatages of living in this country in the year 2002. I would never be so arrogant as to think and say that I totally understand what it is like to be a young female in the year 2002 in Afghanistan !!!!! Yes I may have the general, obvious ,understanding that her life is much more difficult than mine, but I could never totally relate to her life and life experience and would 'never' insult her as to suggest or arrogantly imply that I totally understand everything about her life. As I have never walked a mile in her shoes, sandals or burka. I wear 5inch stilleto heels and as little clothes as possible. LOL

So marvin regardless of how many vaginas you have had your penis in you WILL NEVER TOTALLY UNDERSTAND A WOMAN AND THE A WOMANS LIFE ISSUES. How many married men will admit that after 20years of marriage they still dont understand their wives fully. We are similar but different in many ways. Different is neither good or bad , just different. So lets stop pretending that we are not different in a lot of ways.It may be politically correct to say we are the same but it is not biologically or psychologically accurate fact.
For example try this- tell a woman friend of yours that you will be bringing a bunch of your male friends over to take advantage of her sexually. I bet her response will be "much different" than if she told you she was going to be bringing a bunch of her female friends over to take advatage of her sexually. You would have drinks and snacks ready for your rape encounter. LOL.

Marvin, when you begin to bleed monthly, have had a baby or a menstral cramp, love to shop and shave your legs, or on a more serious note have been followed home by some pervert or know what is liketo have chills from standing next to a guy in an elevator or underground garage and the sense that if he could get away with it he would take advatage of you sexually, then come back and we can have this conversation.
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New member
Feb 3, 2002
I for one have always had a big problem with Oprah, not for her but for the impact she seems to have on people. The way she impacted the farming industry when she said she wouldn't eat meat anymore made it abundantly clear that there is a fairly large percentage of Oprah viewers that take every word out of her mouth as gospel. Anything Oprah advertises becomes massively popular, any book she recommends becomes a best seller, any lifestyle she suggests the people embrace and it is really unhealthy and has become rather cult-like. I don't think this was intentional, and I doubt Oprah can be very comfortable in this role, I'm just saying that what Oprah has become in North America is very unhealthy for a lot of her viewers.


New member
May 4, 2002
Dave- forgive me if I was wrong but I thought when you posted this article , especially with that thread heading you aggreed with this therapists views on Oprah. i found it kind of funny that he has been on almost every talk show, including jenny Jones, except Oprah. Hmmm maybe he is a liitle jealous of Dr phil and his popularity and $$$ from being on her show. Just a thought.

Sara- Thank you for the compliment. I have received so many PM s from other SPs who have said the same thing or agreed with me on many various posts. But are afraid to express their true opinions on certain things because of the fear that their business will be negatively affected because they will be wrongly labelled as bitter, too opionated or a bitch. Why are strong, freethinking, opinonated men labelled as assertive, and women with those same qualities a bitch?
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Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Re: Dave and his selective information

A1Provider said:
I think you are totally wrong in your analysis of Oprah and Dr.Phil.
I don't think he was analyzing them. Merely recalling accurate observations on which we can draw our own conclusions.

I can quote 10 other show topics that disproves what you just said.
I am sure you can, but that doesnt change what happened or what was said on the other shows referred to by Dave.

And do you think that because she discusses topics that address womens issues such as rape and abuse she is promoting women as victims, and making women anxious about sex and thier sexuality, or labelling all men as sex addicts and evil?
Not for those reasons no. But if she makes blanket statements to characterize all men or says they will eventually all become abusers of some kind, she most definitely is. Can you not distinguish the difference between the two topic you raise and the statement Dave raises?

You may not think that 'fact' is politically correct
I dont see where he said that at all.

Knowledge is power and she is trying to eduacate [educate] women so they can be informed and therefore more knowledgable and in power of themselves and their sexuality. What is wrong with that?
Nothing is wrong with that. But if she and her followers like you are going to chant that mantra it might be a good idea to follow it up with actions that are consistent with the words.

If you are going to pass judgements on someone you should base this on more than one or two shows or comments they make.
So can he quote them or not? If yes then how large a sample is valid?

And BTW, in case you did not know Dave 'we women folk' do have a MIND of our own and even though a lot of women may like Oprah we still THINK for ourselves and make our own adult discisions [decisions] when it comes to sex and sexuality. It is patronizing to imply little Oprah is that powerful over the minds and choices of ALL women when it comes to our sexuality and feelings towards sex.
This may shock you but BOTH men and women have minds of their own. Oprah often showcases "the beauty myth" and other media imagery that "brainwashes" men. Men are often characterized as obsessive over cookie cutter body types, or oblivious to whats on women's minds. Commonly accepted notions. Oprah is many things. "Little" is not one of them nor is she "all powerful". But men and women do share common fallabilities. We are individually influenced by what we learn and we often seek simple answers to complex problems. More often we gravitate to shows that display examples of how screwed up humanity is so we can take comfort in our less extreme problems. As long as we do, there will always be audiences for public affairs shows like Oprah and Jerry and all the others that have come and gone.


Thanks a pantload Phil Donahue...


New member
May 4, 2002
Gramage- why does Oprahs very positive influence over many women bother you? I would be more concerned with characters such as Bill Gates( please dont crash my computer Mr. Gates if you are reading this LOL) or the leaders of the free world and their corrupt powerful actions. I watch Oprah and still continued to eat beef, but was glad she informed me about the unhealthy farming practices in the cattle industry. She just gave an honest review of their wrongdoings much like what some of you men do on Terb with a bad SP LOL, what is the difference?
All she said was she would never eat beef again,a nd if you watched that show and the accurate info provided you would agree too. North American cattle farmers needed a wake up call, unless they wanted a mad cow disease epidemic to start here.

Wha Wha- I will admit I watch most of her shows and I have never gotten the impression that she ever has or does label men as evil woman abusers. Beauty myth? She does not do those type of Cosmopolitan Magazine fashion/beauty type of shows.
BTW- Oprah will be happy that so many men are tuning into her show on such a regular basis. Because her usual audience is educated, upper middle class, married white mothers.
Really guys, how many entire shows have you guys have really watched? I think you guys are lumping all talk shows together. Terb members just dont strike me as Oprahs audience type.

I wonder if Fred is going to charge Oprah for advertising space with all of this free publicity she is getting. LOL Or maybe she will pay me for all this promotion. Oprah or more likely her boyfriend Steadman call me if you are reading this LOL!
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New member
Nov 26, 2001
Read carefully!

A1Provider said:
And the fact that you are male and I am female with different life experiences ,because of this fact, we will probably see things differently.
Which is it? Gender or life experiences? In my opinion, neither is a sufficient cause for differences of perspective. If you made an honest effort to seek out females with similar life experiences to your own, you would discover that that collection of individuals would still have a range of perspectives. At best you might be able to claim that our material circumstances informs our intellectual perspectives. There is no basis for claiming a causal relationship -- that, by the way, is what you are doing.

A1Provider said:
We are all a sum of our experiences.
So what? We are what we eat, too. I know a lot of people who eat cheeseburgers who don't "see things" like me.

A1Provider said:
But I for one am realistic and intelligent enough to 'understand' the fact that i dont and can never fully understand everything and everyones life experience.
Good for you! Now, you might consider taking the little extra step of acknowledging that this is equally true whether those individuals are male or female, with similar or dissimilar life experiences to your own.

A1Provider said:
...So marvin regardless of how many vaginas you have had your penis in you WILL NEVER TOTALLY UNDERSTAND A WOMAN AND THE A WOMANS LIFE ISSUES.
After giving an example of a woman who you acknowledge you would not "totally understand," you still have the gall to claim a generalized authority on the basis of your gender?

A1Provider said:
It may be politically correct to say we are the same but it is not biologically or psychologically accurate fact.
True. This, however, has nothing to do with the philosophical position you have taken with respect to understanding. The kind of exclusionary mindset you are professing (by claiming authority based on gender) is destructive of understanding at any level. If there is a perspective you wish to dispute, try presenting some ideas, concepts and examples that may lead to understanding by all parties; don't get on a soapbox and start spewing baseless claims of gender authority.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
A1Provider said:
Gramage- why does Oprahs influence over many women bother you? I would be more concerned with characters such as Bill Gates( please dont crash my computer Mr. Gates if you are reading this LOL) or the leaders of the free world.
The blind following of anyone bothers me, Oprah's just a very well documented example, people who support everything a political party does without ananlyzing the policy are also serious problems. And I'm not talking about educated people who use Oprah as a resource, that is what they should do and what is probably the actual intent of the show, I just think a lot of people don't think through what they see and just take it as fact, which IMHO is wrong


New member
May 4, 2002
Gramage- thanks for clarifying that. I totally agree ith you. But I think a more accurate statement is that the media as a whole is so powerful, and influential over us and our daily decisions of what we buy or wear or eat or play with or listen to or take for the common cold. Most young girls in N.America are literally dying trying to looklike Britney Spears.
Maturity and intelligence should always be used when listening to anyone.

P.S. MARVIN- I did not say anything about gender authority. I dont understand what you mean by this? I just said that as man you could never possibly understand or know what it is exactly like be to be a woman, and the issues you face because you are a female. ( Sorry to all the crossdresers here on Terb LOL) To think otherwise is just ridiculous. No soapbox necessary here marvin.
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New member
Feb 3, 2002
A1Provider said:
Most young girls in N.America are literally dying to looklike Britney Spears.
what a horrifying prospect :(, I knew I hated pop music for a reason.
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