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Ontario vastly expanding where booze can be sold in move to modernize alcohol retail market

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I think 30 years ago you could buy beer at the convenience store in Montreal.
I never bought a beer, but as long as I can remember beer was available at corner stores in Montreal. I remember the neon Froid Biere signs.
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
I saw a place like this in NFLD in 2006, not even gum was sold just petro and alcohol/beer.

Also up north in Ontario in small villages ( or outside Grimsby) most gas station are a cross of petro/LCBO/BEER.
So what is the big Fuzz?

Go to or stop at any small town of under 1000 people and you will probably see it.
We call it the Beervondale.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2023
I never bought a beer, but as long as I can remember beer was available at corner stores in Montreal. I remember the neon Froid Biere signs.
Quebec treat its citizens like adults unlike Ontario re alcohol and don't get me started on the western provinces where you can't fondle the strippers...oh sorry thats another stream. Hahaha
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Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I think 30 years ago you could buy beer at the convenience store in Montreal.
I have been to some Costco Stores in the USA that have liquor departments with big brands and their own house brand.
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Active member
Nov 1, 2015
I am not a fan. I never had a problem of buying beer or wine with the current retail outlets. And my understanding is that current retailers can sell from 7am to 11pm. Up north, sales have been outsourced to retailers years ago as well. Access isn't an issue.

The convience store model is pay more for convience. Don't expect cheap beer.

Retail space is tight. So, I doubt my local corner store will have anything other than bud, coors, blue or Canadian. The selection will be limited.

And when some 6 foot 2 inch punk and his buddies elect to buy beer at the store at 10pm when the sole proprietor has to decide to refuse the sale to an obvious minor. Safety

Let's not compare to the US and selectively pick which law's to hold up. If so, why not guns and open carry?

Maybe easy access means more sales and as a result increase in taxes. That is the only edge that I can think up. Keep us drunk and we will gladly pay for it.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
The LCBO price control structure it difficult for convenience stores to turn a profit by selling wine and beer as is the case in Quebec.
The stores have very limited shelf space and inventory capabiliities.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2017
Canada is necessarily a country dependent on cheap immigrant labour for many reasons.
If you think about it, Ford isn’t increasing competition, beer prices won’t be cheaper, selection won’t be better. While he continues double Ont debt, you can get beer 5mins faster.
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black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
If you need booze theat badly maybe it's time to get some help.

What does needing booze that badly have to do with anything? It's about convenience and not letting the beer store and LCBO have a monopoly on the market anymore. They've gotten away it with it for decades and it's bunch of horse shit.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
The convience store model is pay more for convience. Don't expect cheap beer.
I do not drink beer ( or wine ), I never got use to the bitter taste. When I am forced to drink beer I have to throw 7up in it so I can get it down.

Convenience stores may not make a big profit on beer and whine but they may carry it to bring in the customers for other items. Many years ago I was told that the profit on a newspaper was 10 cents and the profit for a liter of milk was 1 or 2 cents. There is a annual stipend of $1500-2000 for carrying the product.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
If you think about it, Ford isn’t increasing competition, beer prices won’t be cheaper, selection won’t be better. While he continues double Ont debt, you can get beer 5mins faster.
I agree, prices will not be better. The hours for sales will be similar to LCBO hours.
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