Actually the portion i quoted was from a post dated November 2, 2020.
No you provided a link that was discussing a PREVIOUS story and had a nice hyperlink embedded in it to follow
After my pointing it out to you and you still can not comprehend what you were linking to?
Your quote clearly said "this happened because [refer to page 2]" and that page 2 was months before Covid ever existed
It doesn't change the fact that all public health stats are online and no city / county / state / province / country has ever come close to being "over run" by Covid (which ostensibly was the entire reason for a lock down in first place)
The only place in the world that had any kind of surge was some rural Italian area the majority of the world had never heard of
I mean a hospital with 10 beds gets 20 patients and its national news lol
But hardly "over run" as even the incompetent Italians simply moved people to other hospitals (spreading the virus) and sending asymptomatic people home (further spreading the virus; there is a lawsuit currently pending against government on behalf of a few early super spreaders who were told they were "ok")
But trying to argue some rural hospital equates to the worlds hospitals being over run is beyond absurd