Ashley Madison

Only Three Months Left For Planet Earth( and other false doomsday predictions)


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

“Data collected on nine nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines indicate an average CO2 concentration of 3,500 ppm with a range of 0-10,600 ppm, and data collected on 10 nuclear-powered attack submarines indicate an average CO2 concentration of 4,100 ppm with a range of 300-11,300 ppm,” according to a 2007 National Research Council report on exposure issues facing submarine crews.

Interestingly enough, the NRC noted that a “number of studies suggest that CO2 exposures in the range of 15,000-40,000 ppm do not impair neurobehavioral performance.”

A study from 1961 exposed “23 crewmen exposed to CO2 at 15,000 ppm for 42 days in a submarine” and the men “showed no psychomotor testing effects but showed moderate increases in anxiety, apathy, uncooperativeness, desire to leave, and sexual desire.”

Another study from 1967 exposed seven men to CO2 concentration of 30,000 ppm. The men “reported no effects on hand steadiness, vigilance, auditory monitoring, memory, or arithmetic and problem solving performance.”

The NRC study goes on to highlight more studies finding to loss of cognitive abilities at CO2 levels many times higher than the Harvard study examined. NRC did link exposures to such high levels to headaches, tremors, slight increases in blood pressure and some other relatively minor effects.

A more recent 1998 study by Craig Idso, the founder of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, found that people living in urban Phoenix, Arizona lived with CO2 levels as high as 555 ppm, and those lin more rural parts saw levels as high as 370 ppm.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
still refusing to talk about High CO2 levels in sumbarines. cult members refuse to look at stuff that disagree with them.

Evaluation of submarine atmospheres: effects of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen on general toxicology, neurobehavioral performance, reproduction and development in rats. I. Subacute exposures.
Your test was on rats, not humans.
How accurate do you think tests on cognition are with rats?

Do you even read the shit you post?

And how does that relate to tests on humans that do show cognitive issues with elevated CO2?
Should we get out the plastic bag and duct tape and test it out on you?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Your test was on rats, not humans.
How accurate do you think tests on cognition are with rats?

Do you even read the shit you post?

And how does that relate to tests on humans that do show cognitive issues with elevated CO2?
Should we get out the plastic bag and duct tape and test it out on you?
dude why are you constantly ignoring my submarine links this is why people put you on ignore lists you spout your crap and refusing to read others

Acute Exposure to Low-to-Moderate Carbon Dioxide
Levels and Submariner Decision Making

BACKGROUND: Submarines routinely operate with higher levels of ambient carbon dioxide (CO2) (i.e., 2000 – 5000 ppm) than what is typically considered normal (i.e., 400 – 600 ppm). Although significant cognitive impairments are rarely reported at these elevated CO2 levels, recent studies using the Strategic Management Simulation (SMS) test have found impairments in decision-making performance during acute CO2 exposure at levels as low as 1000 ppm. This is a potential concern for submarine operations, as personnel regularly make mission-critical decisions that affect the safety and efficiency of the vessel and its crew while exposed to similar levels of CO2. The objective of this study was to determine if submariner decision-making performance is impacted by acute exposure to levels of CO2 routinely present in the submarine atmosphere during sea patrols.

METHODS: Using a subject-blinded balanced design, 36 submarine-qualified sailors were randomly assigned to receive 1 of 3 CO2 exposure conditions (600, 2500, or 15,000 ppm). After a 45-min atmospheric acclimation period, participants completed an 80-min computer-administered SMS test as a measure of decision making.

RESULTS: There were no significant differences for any of the nine SMS measures of decision making between the CO2 exposure conditions.

DISCUSSION: In contrast to recent research demonstrating cognitive deficits on the SMS test in students and professional-grade office workers, we were unable to replicate this effect in a submariner population—even with acute CO2 exposures more than an order of magnitude greater than those used in previous studies that demonstrated such effects.

franky have NO rebuttal only post more climate cult propaganda


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
FYI, you exhale air with CO2 around 40,000 PPM. You don’t die from holding your breath for a minute or 2.

Raising CO2 in the lungs is beneficial to asthma sufferers.

Breathing patterns that do this are used in methods such as the Buteyko method.

CO2 is a natural bronchial dilator.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Your test was on rats, not humans.
How accurate do you think tests on cognition are with rats?

Do you even read the shit you post?

And how does that relate to tests on humans that do show cognitive issues with elevated CO2?
Should we get out the plastic bag and duct tape and test it out on you?
What a load of crap! Guess now we know where billion dollars of grants money from climate change research goes to. So they can Employed research scientists. Canada-man link debunks your garbage climate research!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
dude why are you constantly ignoring my submarine links this is why people put you on ignore lists you spout your crap and refusing to read others

Acute Exposure to Low-to-Moderate Carbon Dioxide
Levels and Submariner Decision Making
Here's another study from the your source site:
Is CO2 an indoor pollutant? Direct effects of low-to-moderate CO2 concentrations on human decision-making performance.
Satish U1, Mendell MJ, Shekhar K, Hotchi T, Sullivan D, Streufert S, Fisk WJ.
Author information
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Upstate Medical University, State University of New York, Syracuse, New York, USA.
Associations of higher indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations with impaired work performance, increased health symptoms, and poorer perceived air quality have been attributed to correlation of indoor CO2 with concentrations of other indoor air pollutants that are also influenced by rates of outdoor-air ventilation.

We assessed direct effects of increased CO2, within the range of indoor concentrations, on decision making.

Twenty-two participants were exposed to CO2 at 600, 1,000, and 2,500 ppm in an office-like chamber, in six groups. Each group was exposed to these conditions in three 2.5-hr sessions, all on 1 day, with exposure order balanced across groups. At 600 ppm, CO2 came from outdoor air and participants' respiration. Higher concentrations were achieved by injecting ultrapure CO2. Ventilation rate and temperature were constant. Under each condition, participants completed a computer-based test of decision-making performance as well as questionnaires on health symptoms and perceived air quality. Participants and the person administering the decision-making test were blinded to CO2 level. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance models.

Relative to 600 ppm, at 1,000 ppm CO2, moderate and statistically significant decrements occurred in six of nine scales of decision-making performance. At 2,500 ppm, large and statistically significant reductions occurred in seven scales of decision-making performance (raw score ratios, 0.06-0.56), but performance on the focused activity scale increased.

Direct adverse effects of CO2 on human performance may be economically important and may limit energy-saving redu

franky have NO rebuttal only post more climate cult propaganda
So which study is right?

Consider yourself rebutted.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
FYI, you exhale air with CO2 around 40,000 PPM. You don’t die from holding your breath for a minute or 2.

Raising CO2 in the lungs is beneficial to asthma sufferers.

Breathing patterns that do this are used in methods such as the Buteyko method.

CO2 is a natural bronchial dilator.
You really need better ventilation in your basement, your thinking is clearly compromised.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
You really need better ventilation in your basement, your thinking is clearly compromised.
Acute Exposure to Low-to-Moderate Carbon Dioxide
Levels and Submariner Decision Making

BACKGROUND: Submarines routinely operate with higher levels of ambient carbon dioxide (CO2) (i.e., 2000 – 5000 ppm) than what is typically considered normal (i.e., 400 – 600 ppm). Although significant cognitive impairments are rarely reported at these elevated CO2 levels, recent studies using the Strategic Management Simulation (SMS) test have found impairments in decision-making performance during acute CO2 exposure at levels as low as 1000 ppm. This is a potential concern for submarine operations, as personnel regularly make mission-critical decisions that affect the safety and efficiency of the vessel and its crew while exposed to similar levels of CO2. The objective of this study was to determine if submariner decision-making performance is impacted by acute exposure to levels of CO2 routinely present in the submarine atmosphere during sea patrols.

METHODS: Using a subject-blinded balanced design, 36 submarine-qualified sailors were randomly assigned to receive 1 of 3 CO2 exposure conditions (600, 2500, or 15,000 ppm). After a 45-min atmospheric acclimation period, participants completed an 80-min computer-administered SMS test as a measure of decision making.

RESULTS: There were no significant differences for any of the nine SMS measures of decision making between the CO2 exposure conditions.

DISCUSSION: In contrast to recent research demonstrating cognitive deficits on the SMS test in students and professional-grade office workers, we were unable to replicate this effect in a submariner population—even with acute CO2 exposures more than an order of magnitude greater than those used in previous studies that demonstrated such effects.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Why Climate Alarmism Hurts Us All

In July of this year, one of Lauren Jeffrey’s science teachers made an off-hand comment about how climate change could be apocalyptic. Jeffrey is 17 years old and attends high school in Milton Keynes, a city of 230,000 people about 50 miles northwest of London.

“I did research on it and spent two months feeling quite anxious,” she told me. “I would hear young people around me talk about it and they were convinced that the world was going to end and they were going to die.”

In September, British psychologists warned of the impact on children of apocalyptic discussions of climate change. “There is no doubt in my mind that they are being emotionally impacted,” one expert said.

“I found a lot of blogs and videos talking about how we’re going extinct at various dates, 2030, 2035, from societal collapse,” said Jeffrey. “That’s when I started to get quite nervous and worried. I tried to forget it at first but it kept popping up in my mind.”

In October, British television aired repeated claims by spokespersons for Extinction Rebellion that “billions would die” from climate change.

“In October I was hearing people my age saying things I found quite disturbing,” says Jeffrey. “‘It’s too late to do anything. ‘There is no future anymore.’ ‘We’re basically doomed.’ ‘We should give up.’”

Leading celebrities including Benedict Cumberbatch, Stephen Fry, Emma Thompson, Olivia Colman, Ellie Goulding, Tom Yorke, and Bob Geldof have all promoted Extinction Rebellion in recent weeks.

“I did research and found there was a lot of misinformation on the denial side of things and also on the doomsayer side of things,” said Jeffrey.

Since early October, Jeffrey has posted seven videos to YouTube, and joined Twitter. I discovered her videos after googling “extinction rebellion millions will die.”

“As important as your cause is,” said Jeffrey in one of the videos, an open letter to Extinction Rebellion, “your persistent exaggeration of the facts has the potential to do more harm than good to the scientific credibility of your cause as well as to the psychological well-being of my generation.”

Why There’s No Apocalypse in Science

In my last column, I pointed out that there is no scientific basis for claims that climate change will be apocalyptic, and argued that environmental journalists and climate activists alike have an obligation to separate fact from fiction.

If you haven’t read that column yet, I hope you do so before continuing.

Part of what inspired me to write that column is that I am concerned by the rising eco-anxiety among young people. My daughter is 14 years old. While she herself is not scared, in part because I have explained the science to her, she told me many of her peers are.

In 2017, the American Psychological Association diagnosed rising eco-anxiety and called it “a chronic fear of environmental doom.” Studies from around the world document growing anxiety and depression, particularly among children, about climate change.

“One of my friends was convinced there would be a collapse of society in 2030 and ‘near term human extinction’ in 2050,” said Jeffrey. “She concluded that we’ve got ten years left to live.”

For the last two years, British and international news media have published and broadcast claims by Extinction Rebellion founders and spokespersons that “billions will die” and “life on Earth is dying” from climate change, often without saying explicitly in the stories that such claims are not scientific.

I wanted to know what Extinction Rebellion was basing its apocalyptic claims upon, and so I interviewed its main spokesperson, Sarah Lunnon.

“It’s not Sarah Lunnon saying billions of people are going to die,” Lunnon told me. ”The science is saying we’re headed to 4 degrees warming and people like Kevin Anderson of the Tyndall Center and Johan Rockström from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research are saying that such a temperature rise is incompatible with civilized life. Johan said he could not see how an Earth at 4 degrees (Celsius) warming could support a billion or even half-billion people.”

Lunnon is referring to an article published in The Guardian last May, which quoted Rockström saying, “It’s difficult to see how we could accommodate a billion people or even half of that” at a 4-degree temperature rise.

I pointed out that there is nothing in any of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that has ever suggested anything like what she is attributing to Anderson and Rockström. Why should we rely on the speculations of two scientists over the IPCC?

“It’s not about choosing science,” said Lunnon, “it’s about looking at the risk we’re facing. And the IPCC report lays out the different trajectories from where we are and some of them are very very bleak.”

To get to the bottom of the “billions will die” claim, I interviewed Rockström by phone.

He told me that the Guardian reporter had misunderstood him and that he had said, “It’s difficult to see how we could accommodate eight billion people or even half of that,” not “a billion people.”

Rockström said he had not seen the misquote until I emailed him, and that he had requested a correction, which the Guardian made last Thursday. Even so, Rockström stood by his prediction of four billion deaths.

“I don’t see scientific evidence that a four-degree celsius planet can host eight billion people,” he said. “This is, in my assessment, a scientifically justified statement, as we don’t have evidence that we can provide freshwater or feed or shelter today’s world population of eight billion in a four-degree world. My expert judgment, furthermore, is that it may even be doubtful if we can host half of that, meaning four billion.”

Rockström said half of Earth’s surface would be uninhabitable, people would be forced to migrate to the poles, and other shocks and stressors would result from heatwaves and rising sea levels.

But is there IPCC science showing that food production would actually decline? “As far as I know they don’t say anything about the potential population that can be fed at different degrees of warming,” he said.

Has anyone, I asked, done a study of what happens to food production at 4 degrees warming? “That’s a good question,” said Rockström, who is an agronomist. “I must admit I have not seen a study. It seems like such an interesting and important question.”

In fact, scientists, including two of Rockström’s colleagues at the Potsdam Institute, recently modeled food production.

Their main finding was that climate change policies are more likely to hurt food production and worsen rural poverty than climate change itself, even at 4 to 5 degrees warming.

The “climate policies” the authors refer to are ones that would make energy more expensive and result in more bioenergy (the burning of biofuels and biomass), which would increase land scarcity and drive up food costs.

“Although it is projected that the negative effects of climate change will increase over time, our conclusions that the effect on agriculture of mitigation is stronger would probably hold even if moving the time horizon to 2080 and considering the strong climate change scenario RCP8.5,” the scenario that IPCC says would lead to a 3 to 5 degree warming.

Similarly, UN Food and Agriculture concludes in its report, “The Future of Food and Agriculture” that food production will rise 30% by 2050 unless “sustainable practices” are adopted in which case it would rise just 10% to 20% (pp. 76 - 77).

And technological change significantly outweighs climate change in every single one of FAOs scenarios.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Acute Exposure to Low-to-Moderate Carbon Dioxide
Levels and Submariner Decision Making
CM - I already posted another study from your same source that contradicts this finding.
Why do you believe one study and not the other?
Confirmation bias?

This is exactly why you look for organizations that summarize all the studies out and synthesize their findings.
Like this place:

Consider yourself once again rebutted, and stop spamming the board with fully rebutted claims.

Is CO2 an indoor pollutant? Direct effects of low-to-moderate CO2 concentrations on human decision-making performance.
Satish U1, Mendell MJ, Shekhar K, Hotchi T, Sullivan D, Streufert S, Fisk WJ.
Author information
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Upstate Medical University, State University of New York, Syracuse, New York, USA.
Associations of higher indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations with impaired work performance, increased health symptoms, and poorer perceived air quality have been attributed to correlation of indoor CO2 with concentrations of other indoor air pollutants that are also influenced by rates of outdoor-air ventilation.

We assessed direct effects of increased CO2, within the range of indoor concentrations, on decision making.

Twenty-two participants were exposed to CO2 at 600, 1,000, and 2,500 ppm in an office-like chamber, in six groups. Each group was exposed to these conditions in three 2.5-hr sessions, all on 1 day, with exposure order balanced across groups. At 600 ppm, CO2 came from outdoor air and participants' respiration. Higher concentrations were achieved by injecting ultrapure CO2. Ventilation rate and temperature were constant. Under each condition, participants completed a computer-based test of decision-making performance as well as questionnaires on health symptoms and perceived air quality. Participants and the person administering the decision-making test were blinded to CO2 level. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance models.

Relative to 600 ppm, at 1,000 ppm CO2, moderate and statistically significant decrements occurred in six of nine scales of decision-making performance. At 2,500 ppm, large and statistically significant reductions occurred in seven scales of decision-making performance (raw score ratios, 0.06-0.56), but performance on the focused activity scale increased.

Direct adverse effects of CO2 on human performance may be economically important and may limit energy-saving redu

franky have NO rebuttal only post more climate cult propaganda
So which study is right?

Consider yourself rebutted.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
CM - I already posted another study from your same source that contradicts this finding.
Why do you believe one study and not the other?
Confirmation bias?

pot meets kettle you constantly post climate cult propaganda here and refuse to look at anything you don't like

This is exactly why you look for organizations that summarize all the studies out and synthesize their findings.
Like this place:

Consider yourself once again rebutted, and stop spamming the board with fully rebutted claims.

nope not interested in reading climate alarmist propaganda after making failed climate doomsday predictions for over 40 years

So which study is right?

Consider yourself rebutted.
the study that research on C02 levels on submarines by the U.S navy and others that work with them

and you have not rebutted anything posting climate cult nonsense is not rebutting


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
pot meets kettle you constantly post climate cult propaganda here and refuse to look at anything you don't like
Bullshit, I checked your sources twice in the last few days and read them.
1) you posted a chart that came from some crystal worshipping bullshit site,
2) you posted this latest study from a legit source but then refuse to accept the validity of another study from the exact same source that contradicts your study.

nope not interested in reading climate alarmist propaganda after making failed climate doomsday predictions for over 40 years
Hansen and the IPCC have been very accurate in their projections.
You cannot find any denier source that has done better.

the study that research on C02 levels on submarines by the U.S navy and others that work with them

and you have not rebutted anything posting climate cult nonsense is not rebutting
One study, contradicted by the study I posted from your same source.
That rebuts your claim and you refuse to address it.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Bullshit, I checked your sources twice in the last few days and read them.
1) you posted a chart that came from some crystal worshipping bullshit site,
2) you posted this latest study from a legit source but then refuse to accept the validity of another study from the exact same source that contradicts your study.

Hansen and the IPCC have been very accurate in their projections.
You cannot find any denier source that has done better.

One study, contradicted by the study I posted from your same source.
That rebuts your claim and you refuse to address it.
give up your fossil fuel uses before i take you seriously don't be a climate hypocrite


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Tweets from Russian state news?
More bullshit sources, CM.
this from somebody who likes to read sources that are linked to terrorists, the alt right, and promote holocaust denialism and white supremacy


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
this from somebody who likes to read sources that are linked to terrorists, the alt right, and promote holocaust denialism and white supremacy
Your criticisms of sources is as legit as your understanding of science, CM.
I post against racism while you post in defence of white supremacists and apartheid, as well as your posts against science. is not science.
RT is not journalism


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Your criticisms of sources is as legit as your understanding of science, CM.
I post against racism while you post in defence of white supremacists and apartheid, as well as your posts against science. is not science.
RT is not journalism
if you are so against racism why do you refuse to Condemn Pace Society's Amanda Jabour racist attack against an Asian woman calling her a mail order bride?
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