Ashley Madison

Only Three Months Left For Planet Earth( and other false doomsday predictions)


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
On December 13 & 14, 2009, professor, prophet, and soothsayer Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap could be completely ice free within the next five to seven years.

Gore made his prediction at COP15 Copenhagen which ran from Dec 7 – Dec 18, 2009, where he repeatedly referenced “state-of-the-art” computer modeling to suggest that the north polar ice cap may lose all of its ice by 2014.

“Some of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” Gore claimed.

“Join me in asking president Obama and the US Senate to set a deadline of 22 April for final action in the US Senate,” he said. “I do not believe we can wait till next November or December.”

The Guardian wrote on Dec 16, 2009 in an article entitled “Al Gore rallies the troops in Copenhagen“:

[Gore] kept up the pace by calling for the international community to sign up to a fully fledged climate change treaty by July 2010 – and then announcing that Mexico was prepared to host a deal-making summit.

He scolded rich countries for demanding the developing world offer evidence of emissions cuts while at the same time trying to inflate the funds they were prepared to offer poor countries to deal with climate change. And he was just as tough on activists who have embraced him as a hero, demanding they set aside their pride and their principles and embrace a deal – no matter how imperfect. He said he recognized their frustration with the glacial pace of negotiations. He agreed that cap-and-trade schemes to cut carbon emissions were an imperfect solution – Gore confessed to favoring a carbon tax – but the current efforts for a deal were the best prospect of avoiding catastrophic climate change.

And there was no trace of sympathy for opponents of action on climate change. Gore began with a brief run-through of the latest science on melting of the Arctic ice cap, evidence he said “only reckless fools would ignore.”

Well who’s the fool now:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has determined that a drought in Africa is the worst in century, and they know this because a guy in his 30s who sells tourist handicrafts told them so.
Posting faked articles won't make your case, CM.
Answering questions and coming up with alternate theories to explain why the planet is warming so much will at least get you debate, instead of dismissal.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Posting faked articles won't make your case, CM.
Answering questions and coming up with alternate theories to explain why the planet is warming so much will at least get you debate, instead of dismissal.
provide evidence to the contrary instead of trolling and whining about fake news. i post the links to the original sources but like always you refuse to read them


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Victoria falls regularly dries up every year October to November. if frankfooter did his research he will notice that the region where the falls is located have a wet and dry season

“Every single year the Eastern Cataract of the Victoria Falls exposes a dry rock face, normally between the months of October to December,” explains Wilma Griffith, a marketing executive at the Wild Horizons Lookout Café, a restaurant overlooking the Batoka Gorge. “Historical figures show that on or around 14 November the river is at its lowest and then gradually starts to rise again around 14 December, once the localised rains start having an impact on the Zambezi.”

November and December are the end of spring and the beginning of summer in the southern hemisphere, but it can take time for the post-winter rainfall in the DRC and Angola to travel downstream to Victoria Falls, and eventually to in the Indian Ocean. Those familiar with the Zambezi say the annual dry season is already coming to an end. “The water levels are changing,” says Warren Ncube of the Zambezi Helicopter Company, “and with the rains we will soon have a full flood.”

According to the Zambezi River Authority, the flow at Victoria Falls can be as much as 10,000 cubic metres per second (recorded during an especially wet March in 1958), or as low as 390 cubic mps (recorded during the drought of 1995), while the long term annual mean is about 1100 cubic mps. Most recently, the flow has been 252 cubic mps – low, but still higher than this time last year, when Zimbabwe was experiencing a drought.

While photos of the western side might be more impressive in, say, April when flow is at its peak, the local tourism industry actually relies on the Zambezi’s seasonal fluctuations to offer a broader range of adventure activities and viewing opportunities. The dry months are when white water raft guides can safely take visitors on longer routes through more rapids than when waters are high. The dry season also opens up the Devil’s Pool – an area of rock pools right on the lip of the Zambian side of the falls – when the current and water volume are light enough that swimmers won’t be carried over the edge.

“We chose to go in December so we could experience the Devil’s Pool,” said travel writer and Lonely Planet contributor Angela Ballard of the trip to Victoria Falls she and her husband Michael took in 2018. “You can’t get in the water at the top of the falls during the height of the wet season, because it’s too dangerous. A December canoe safari on the Zambezi also offered plenty of up-close wildlife sightings without another boat in sight.”

While drought-exacerbated dry seasons like the one the Ballards experienced still produce an impressive show at Victoria Falls, they do spell hardship for other regions of Zimbabwe. When the wetlands where the Zambezi River originates are parched by drought and when rainfall slows in the Angolan highlands, or when it comes all at once in major monsoons and floods, that can stress delicate ecosystems. That's not to mention the impact on farmers’ livelihoods, other nature-based tourism like safaris, and even power grids depending on hydroelectric dam output.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
provide evidence to the contrary instead of trolling and whining about fake news. i post the links to the original sources but like always you refuse to read them
Articles about old droughts weather ignore the massive changes that are actually happening right now.
And I challenge you to find one denier whose predictions have been more accurate than James Hansen or the IPCC.

Newly Identified Jet-Stream Pattern Could Imperil Global Food Supplies
A new study finds a 20-fold increase in the risk of simultaneous heat waves in major crop-producing regions when the pattern is in place

And for an updated on the 'weather' you should start with this series of charts on the climate.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
ignoring frankfooter's trolling and his refusal to stop using fossil fuels

Arctic Fraud Approaches A Tipping Point

Meanwhile, actual Arctic sea ice extent is the highest for the date in five years.

host pictures online

The ice edge is very close to the 1981-2010 median.

host pictures online

Ice growth since November 1 has been the third highest on record.

host pictures online

For the third year out of the past four, the Greenland surface mass balance has been average or above average.

host pictures online

Temperatures in the center of the Greenland Ice Sheet have been averaging around -40 degrees over the past month.

host pictures online

Climate alarmists believe the Arctic is hot and melting, and they also believe Arctic air is extremely cold. Classic Orwellian doublethink.

host pictures online


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
ignoring frankfooter's trolling and his refusal to stop using fossil fuels
Ignoring CM's trolling and posting of dodgy, unsourced bullshit from sources like

Newly Identified Jet-Stream Pattern Could Imperil Global Food Supplies
A new study finds a 20-fold increase in the risk of simultaneous heat waves in major crop-producing regions when the pattern is in place

And for an updated on the 'weather' you should start with this series of charts on the climate.
This comes from a letter signed by 11,000 scientists and includes current data and no bullshit.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
BOM Hiding The Heat In Australia

Experts predict 50C temperatures in Australia, due to increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

host pictures online

Australia reached 51C in 1906.

host pictures online

Not surprisingly, BOM hides all of the hot weather before 1910.

One of the hottest days on record in Australia was January 7, 1906.

this was at the end of a 15 Year Drought in Australia

Drought of 1891 to 1903 reconstructed shows today’s conditions likely to have more devastating effects – ABC Rural – ABC News


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
BOM Hiding The Heat In Australia
Stop ignoring reality.

Australia heatwave: Next week could see hottest day on record

Australia's bushfires have emitted 250m tonnes of CO2, almost half of country's annual emissions

Ignoring CM's trolling and posting of dodgy, unsourced bullshit from sources like

Newly Identified Jet-Stream Pattern Could Imperil Global Food Supplies
A new study finds a 20-fold increase in the risk of simultaneous heat waves in major crop-producing regions when the pattern is in place

And for an updated on the 'weather' you should start with this series of charts on the climate.
This comes from a letter signed by 11,000 scientists and includes current data and no bullshit.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
'Climate alarmists don't want to look at history'

Sky News host Chris Kenny says “the trouble with climate alarmists and green activists is they don't want to look at history”.

“Yes the smoke is bad, the bushfires are terrible, but for perspective it is always good to look at history, to look at facts,” he said.

"We could go to the Goulburn Evening Post of November 12, 1951 for a story about how bushfires had created smoke haze affecting air services.

"Or even earlier in October 1936, the Adelaide News tells us of bushfire smoke creating havoc on the Sydney harbour."

Mr Kenny said green activists "want to catastrophise everything, have the memories of millennials but don't bother to use Google to check their claims".


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
'Climate alarmists don't want to look at history'

Sky News host Chris Kenny says “the trouble with climate alarmists and green activists is they don't want to look at history”.


Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago
A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation

And now?



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
IN a piece written by Cult Leaders Greta and Company, in Project Syndicate, the authors reaffirm that the “climate crisis” has little to do with the environment and identify precisely their intentions to “dismantle…colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression” …

“the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all.”

Why We Strike Again by Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer and Angela Valenzuela – Project Syndicate


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
IN a piece written by Cult Leaders Greta and Company, in Project Syndicate, the authors reaffirm that the “climate crisis” has little to do with the environment and identify precisely their intentions to “dismantle…colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression” …

“the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all.”

Why We Strike Again by Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer and Angela Valenzuela – Project Syndicate
Terence Corcoran had an excellent piece about this the other day in the National Post.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hopefully its not part of one of those new jet stream, 5 or 7 cycle patterns that are threatening the world with extreme weather stalls.

Newly Identified Jet-Stream Pattern Could Imperil Global Food Supplies
A new study finds a 20-fold increase in the risk of simultaneous heat waves in major crop-producing regions when the pattern is in place

And for an updated on the 'weather' you should start with this series of charts on the climate.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
green energy leads to environmental damage and higher prices(ontario green energy act raise hydro rates)

South Korea: 2 million trees cut down to make way for solar panels in 3 years: lawmaker

More than 2 million trees have been cut down in South Korea over the last three years to make space for solar panels, according to opposition lawmakers who argue that the government’s renewable push should not be a replacement of nuclear energy.

Since the government strongly pushed for solar power business in 2017, 4,407 hectares of forest have been damaged, 15 times the space of the Yeouido area of Seoul, according to Rep. Yoon Sang-jin of the main opposition Liberty Korea Party on Thursday.

The removal of trees, which stood at around 310,000 in 2016, jumped to about 670,000 in 2017 and over 1.3 million in 2018.

By region, the most deforested area is North Gyeongsang Province, where over 600,000 trees have been cut down. It was followed by South Jeolla Province that saw the removal of 460,000 trees.

“Although it is good for the government to push for renewable energy as complementary energy sources, it cannot replace the nation’s mainstay energy sources,” said Rep. Yoon.

He added the government should abolish its anti-nuclear policy that runs counter to fine dust measures, and recover the mountains damaged by solar power business

China scientists warn of global cooling trick up nature’s sleeve

Research sheds light on 500-year Chinese weather cycle and suggests a cool change could be on the way

A new study has found winters in northern China have been warming since 4,000BC – regardless of human activity – but the mainland scientists behind the research warn there is no room for complacency or inaction on climate change, with the prospect of a sudden global cooling also posing a danger.

The study found that winds from Arctic Siberia have been growing weaker, the conifer tree line has been retreating north, and there has been a steady rise in biodiversity in a general warming trend that continues today. It appears to have little to do with the increase in greenhouse gases which began with the industrial revolution, according to the researchers.

Lead scientist Dr Wu Jing, from the Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the study had found no evidence of human influence on northern China’s warming winters.

“Driving forces include the sun, the atmosphere, and its interaction with the ocean,” Wu said. “We have detected no evidence of human influence. But that doesn't mean we can just relax and do nothing.”

Wu and her colleagues are concerned that, as societies grow more used to the concept of global warming, people will develop a misplaced confidence in our ability to control climate change. Nature, they warned, may trick us and might catch us totally unprepared – causing chaos, panic, famine and even wars as the global climate system is disrupted.

There are already alarming signs, according to their paper, which has been accepted for publication by the online Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Wu and her colleagues spent more than a dozen years studying sediments under Moon Lake, a small volcanic lake hidden in the deep forests of the Greater Khingan Mountain Range in China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region. They found that winter warming over the past 6,000 years had not been a smooth ride, with ups and downs occurring about every 500 years.

Their findings confirmed an earlier study by a separate team of Chinese scientists, published by online journal Scientific Reports in 2014, which first detected the 500-year cyclical pattern of China’s summer monsoons and linked it to solar activity.

The 2014 research, which drew on 5,000 years’ worth of data, suggested the current warm phase of the cycle could terminate over the next several decades, ushering in a 250-year cool phase, potentially leading to a partial slowdown in man-made global warming.

Wu said the latest study, with 10,000 years’ worth of new data, not only helped to draw a more complete picture of the 500-year cycle, but also revealed a previously unknown mechanism behind the phenomenon, which suggested the impact of the sun on the Earth’s climate may be greater than previously thought.

According to Wu, the variation in solar activity alone was usually not strong enough to induce the rapid changes in vegetation the research team recorded in the sediment cores of Moon Lake. Instead, the scientists found the warming impact was amplified by a massive, random interaction between surface seawater and the atmosphere in the Pacific Ocean known as the El Nino-Southern Oscillation.

As a result of the research findings, Wu said she was now more worried about cooling than warming.

“A sharp drop of temperature will benefit nobody. The biggest problem is, we know it will come, but we don’t know exactly when.”


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Shrinkage of East Asia Winter Monsoon Associated With Increased ENSO Events Since the Mid‐Holocene

nstrumental records indicate a close relationship between the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation and the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) on interannual to decadal time scales. However, few studies have examined possible links between them on centennial/millennial time scales. In Northeast China, modern observations show that the immigration of temperate forest trees such as Pinus (pine) and Quercus (oak) into cold temperate boreal forest is sensitive to changes in winter temperature. Here we present a continuous high‐resolution pollen record from Lake Moon in the central part of the Great Khingan Mountain Range, Northeast China. The record reveals increasing contents of Pinus and Quercus pollen after ~6.0 ka cal. BP, which may indicate a gradual weakening of the EAWM. It is broadly coupled with an increasing El Niño frequency since the middle Holocene, and we observe a statistically significant correlation between the percentages of Pinus and Quercus and a time series of El Niño events. On the centennial to millennial time scale, the results of wavelet analysis and band‐pass filtering show that the occurrence and development of El Niño have also promoted a weaker EAWM after ~6.0 ka cal. BP, which is inversely correlated with the variation of the ca. 500‐year cycle originated from changes in solar output. These results imply that the climate transition in the mid‐Holocene is caused by the change of variations in solar activity and amplified by ocean circulation El Niño‐Southern Oscillation to influence the East Asian Monsoon system, especially the EAWM, and finally change the vegetation in Great Khingan Mountain Range.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Shrinkage of East Asia Winter Monsoon Associated With Increased ENSO Events Since the Mid‐Holocene

nstrumental records indicate a close relationship between the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation and the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) on interannual to decadal time scales. However, few studies have examined possible links between them on centennial/millennial time scales. In Northeast China, modern observations show that the immigration of temperate forest trees such as Pinus (pine) and Quercus (oak) into cold temperate boreal forest is sensitive to changes in winter temperature. Here we present a continuous high‐resolution pollen record from Lake Moon in the central part of the Great Khingan Mountain Range, Northeast China. The record reveals increasing contents of Pinus and Quercus pollen after ~6.0 ka cal. BP, which may indicate a gradual weakening of the EAWM. It is broadly coupled with an increasing El Niño frequency since the middle Holocene, and we observe a statistically significant correlation between the percentages of Pinus and Quercus and a time series of El Niño events. On the centennial to millennial time scale, the results of wavelet analysis and band‐pass filtering show that the occurrence and development of El Niño have also promoted a weaker EAWM after ~6.0 ka cal. BP, which is inversely correlated with the variation of the ca. 500‐year cycle originated from changes in solar output. These results imply that the climate transition in the mid‐Holocene is caused by the change of variations in solar activity and amplified by ocean circulation El Niño‐Southern Oscillation to influence the East Asian Monsoon system, especially the EAWM, and finally change the vegetation in Great Khingan Mountain Range.
You realize that you posted a paper that shows more extreme weather caused by climate change, don't you?
Or did you not read it or not understand it?
Toronto Escorts