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Online vs. Offline personna..........


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
When hiding behind a keyboard, it is always easy to assume a different personality; a 'fantasy' person, as opposed to the 'real' person. The same goes with Sp's. Some are great actresses, providing you with the fantasy you desire, while others with less acting ability, have trouble and show their true colours, in spite of themselves.

This is an interesting point as I've attended a number of industry parties in TO in the past, only to find out that the gents and ladies I met up with were quite different from their 'online' personalities.

Behind the keyboard, one has a certain amount of 'anonymity,' but when face to face with fellow posters, it' s quite a different story and it can be quite an 'eye opener.' Egos no longer come into play and one finds a certain amount of 'comraderie,' with those you felt you had the very little 'connect' with online.'

Anyone else ever experience this? Just curious.....

I welcome your comments.


Aug 27, 2005
Considering the internet does have a certain level of anonymity, I have always found that it is best to be polite and respectful online. You never know who you may be dealing with. In person, you do have a feel for who you are dealing with, and many can judge or read a person just by looking at them. I have been told I am not as friendly when I am away from the keyboard. It is certainly an interesting point Musketeer...


Aug 27, 2005
I know exactly what you mean. I have always welcomed anyone that has a problem with me to confront me at a TERB event, or even address me directly on the board for a private or public discussion. The truth is many do in fact hide behind their handles, some for valid privacy reasons, and some because they are not themselves when posting.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
PHNINE said:
I know exactly what you mean. I have always welcomed anyone that has a problem with me to confront me at a TERB event, or even address me directly on the board for a private or public discussion. The truth is many do in fact hide behind their handles, some for valid privacy reasons, and some because they are not themselves when posting.
Thank you so much PHNINE! You' re right on with your comments! I think that you have nailed the issue right on the head.

NOW, that's exactly what I meant, especially with your latter remark. You're the best! Thanks again.
The "cyber-personality" is not restriced to Review Boards. I participate in a couple of forums for my other "hobbys". Most are international so there is no chance of ever meeting the other particiants. Sometimes the flaming that goes on is beyond belief. I think it unlikely that the offenders would be nearly the a$$holes they appear to be online...


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
I'm actually 18 years of age and Indiana's little sister. I recently had a "MrO was here" tattoo put on my ass and my big brother is very upset with me. In fact he was so mad at MrO a few weeks ago that he retired from this board and went after MrO. I don't know what happened... but I noticed MrO is also gone. Does anyone know what happened? I was thinking of getting a "Magic was here" tattoo... should I wait?


Gone to the future.
calloway said:
I'm actually 18 years of age and Indiana's little sister. I recently had a "MrO was here" tattoo put on my ass and my big brother is very upset with me. In fact he was so mad at MrO a few weeks ago that he retired from this board and went after MrO. I don't know what happened... but I noticed MrO is also gone. Does anyone know what happened? I was thinking of getting a "Magic was here" tattoo... should I wait?
Please don't wait sweetie, Magic will always be here for you. He doesn't hide behind his keyboard, but states the facts with honesty and integrity. I'm glad you've come out and stated things clearly for all of us to understand, instead of trying to come off as being a sweet innocent. It's always best to just say it like it is, instead of hiding your feelings in all sorts of mumbo jumbo and being as subtle as a 10 pound sledge hammer. MrO and I have been in contact, he's OK and he told me the truth about statements made on this board. Please don't remove his tatoo, because we all still think very highly of him! ;)

ps. Just be careful of people trying to blow smoke up your cute little A**!


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Geez Magic... are you hitting on me? My big brother Indiana will kick your ass.

Musketeer... getting back to your question. People can hide all they want in the short term... but at the end of the day... very few people can hide their real personality over the long run. What you see from most Terbites is exactly what we think they are... and that's a scary thought considering some of them.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
Stoo said:
The "cyber-personality" is not restriced to Review Boards. I participate in a couple of forums for my other "hobbys". Most are international so there is no chance of ever meeting the other particiants. Sometimes the flaming that goes on is beyond belief. I think it unlikely that the offenders would be nearly the a$$holes they appear to be online...
I also participate in other international forums dealing with my real other "hobbys" and I agree with your above comments Stoo.

True, the "cyber-personality" is definitely not restricted to Review Boards, and yes, I would agree with the last comment you made.

It's funny also how some people take themselves so seriously on these boards. It's all about 'ego' and 'anonymity' I suppose. Earlier this year, I was at an industry party hosted by another review board, where two fellows who had been 'flaming' each other earlier over a particular issue were coiffing an ale and sharing stories amicably with each other about the ladies they had seen.

They were joking together and not taking each other so seriously anymore. This is a true story that illustrates my point that fantasy and reality are often diametrically opposed.

A well-known Sp I once met 'socially' for a casual drink was also quite different from the 'bedroom' personna she projected. She admitted to being a very good actress and was great at role-playing the different roles her clients envisaged for her. Also, that she tried to match the profile of each of her clients with the background and personna they projected. She could be a soft 'demure' GFE with some and a dirty-talking 'whore' with others, depending on the client she was seeing. She kept notes in her 'little' black book,' for each client.... what they liked, didn't like, their type (e.g. tradesman, doctor, lawyer, salesman etc.) and acted the part accordingly. She told me that she often practised her expressions in front of a mirror to give herself a certain image, and told clients what they liked to hear, (bs or otherwise) in order to please them.That she said, was the secret to her success. That's also one of the reasons she still has a strong fan following.

Meanwhile at the bar, she was laughing and just letting it all hang loose. In other words, just being herself. This lady is a true courtesan and a mature professional.

That being said, it was a real 'eye-opener,' as to 'fantasy' versus 'reality' in this industry, whether in 'cyber space' or in the bedroom.
Last edited:


Gone to the future.
calloway said:
Musketeer... getting back to your question. People can hide all they want in the short term... but at the end of the day... very few people can hide their real personality over the long run. what you see from most Terbites is exactly what we think they are... and that's a scary thought considering some of them.

Thank you! I do appreciate your insight Calloway, as a well-respected member of the KW board, whose tone is similar to our beloved Sheik, in terms of tone and temperament...and I do respect your comments.

Yes, I as well have always tried to be polite 'online', in spite of my 'detractors,' although it hasn't always been easy at times.

Damn, I thought I quit smoking 6 years ago!!! ;)


Gone to the future.
I haven't had this much fun since I rolled my 18 wheeler over just the other side of Banff!

Now that's a sig pic I should put up. It took them 6 hrs to cut me out of it!

All kidding aside, even though I love having fun, after an experience like that there are some things in life I do take seriously.

OK, let get back to the fun. I just may start smoking again, LMAO!
Soo Soo True

Hey Musketeer,

We have had this conversation before on another board and I totally agree with you. On-line persona's and in real life person is totally different. Now you will find some people that are so true between their persona's and they you call "real" people and the others you call a fake.

I've had the pleasure of going to lunch and dinner with a few ladies from the industry, and I too noticed the difference in them also. When it comes down to it is is business they are running. No matter what, they have to do whatever in their power to make their customers happy. If it is faking a moan here and putting on a show there it is all business. I've seen some ladies as clients and it throws me off because I like a 100% real person not a "actress", I'm sure most of them don't like to put on a "show" all the time, and they like to be themselves and not an "actress". Ok I know I may get flamed from some guys about this, You're paying for a "fantasy" session with an SP and I understand that.. Sorry guys have I had to put my 2 cents in.

I've also I've meet up with a couple of guys at a SC for some beer and personal private viewings :) of some the dancers and I got to see what they are like also. Now I'm usually a quiet person when on the off time, I'm totally different, and I will admit that, but it is me all the time. I'm a laid back type of person, and go with the flow type of guy. I sit back and observe other people's and see what they are like. Behind a desk with my business, my employees and some clients even say that I'm a different. I guess on my off time I just like to relax and take it easy, I absolutely hate to talk about business and what I do for a living on my off time.

Sometimes I don't understand why ladies and Gents go by different "handles" on different board's. Why? is it to hide who they are. I'm sure there are ladies that pose as guys and guys who pose ad ladies on the boards, to find out what is going on. Eventually you can see who they really are because of their typing habits. When it comes down to it all it is just DRAMA. People have it in their lives 24/7 no matter what they are doing.

Why can't people be "Real" all the time, It is just so much better for everyone and you don't have to fake what you're true feelings are.

Just my 2 cents worth of words for a Sunday afternoon.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
There is no way that a long time poster could hide their real feelings and complete personality all the time... it has to come out eventually in some of the discussions we had... especially in the KW section. If they could... their name would be Sybill and they'd need serious professional help. :p


New member
Jan 26, 2005
calloway said:
I'm actually 18 years of age and Indiana's little sister. I recently had a "MrO was here" tattoo put on my ass and my big brother is very upset with me. In fact he was so mad at MrO a few weeks ago that he retired from this board and went after MrO. I don't know what happened... but I noticed MrO is also gone. Does anyone know what happened? I was thinking of getting a "Magic was here" tattoo... should I wait?
Geezzz...the good doc was told that Mr. Orange and Indiana Jones were selling oranges in the Farmers' Market in KW area upon their retirement. Did the Magicman make them mysterious disappear because of Calloway the cute chick??? :p LOL!!!


Nov 28, 2004
coiffing an ale
Oh my......................!
You mean there was hair on the beer?
Was it maybe just the hops?

I think you meant "Quaffing".

Interesting topic.
You guys think I am a jerk but I am not really in real life.
I just like to yank your chains.
I know it's not polite to correct others' grammar and spelling, but you guys are so bad, as in hilarious, it's hard to resist.
You see, I used to be a HS teacher.............
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